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China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

Vietnam acknowledged that the Spratlys and Paracels were Chinese during the Vietnam war, and started their backstabing after America left.

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Britain first found Chinese fishermen from Hainan on the Spratly islands, then they launched the first modern legal claims to the islands.

Security and International Politics in the South China Sea: Towards a co ... - Google Books

War Or Peace in the South China Sea? - Google Books

Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Military History - Larry M. Wortzel, Robin D. S. Higham - Google Books

The Republic of China (Taiwan) garrisoned, claimed and occupied the Spratly islands before Vietnam was even independent from France in the 1930s. It was the first asian country to claim and garrison the islands and Chinese fishermen were there before Vietnam. Philippines did not claim the islands until the 1970s under Marcos. Vietnam and the Philippines claims are illegitimate, Vietnam was a French protectorate.

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: A Challenge for Cooperation - HÅi-gwŏn Pak - Google Books

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
Vietnam has historic records showing the Nguyen controlled and administered the South China Sea. The occupation by foreign invaders and the wars do not change sovereignty of Vietnam.

Neither North nor South Vietnam ceded anything to China. that is the fact. Don´t lie.

We are we buying weapons from Italy, Israel, Korea and America and more on the way
you should consider imposing economic sanction on China, and convince the US to stop trading with the Chinese.
let them feel the pain.
pls show me evidence for your statement (bold part). and

why did you wait for nearly 2,000 years until the famous 9 line was drawn?
the Viet live further South next to the South China Sea while the Han further North next to the East China Sea. why did the Han lived only in this area, and no other ethnics?


Comparing the coordinates, sharp and location of the islands, Vietnam's 東沙 and 萬里長沙 are obviously not China's 西沙 and 南沙.

I suppose Vietnam also has a "D line" right? Moreover, the concept of territorial waters wasn't that clear before westerners has come to East Asia.

Vietnam has historic records showing the Nguyen controlled and administered the South China Sea. The occupation by foreign invaders and the wars do not change sovereignty of Vietnam.

Neither North nor South Vietnam ceded anything to China. that is the fact. Don´t lie.

Have you ever read your historic records?



“廣義平山縣安永社大海門外有山名劬勞哩,廣可三十余裏。舊有四政坊居民豆田,出海四更可到。其外大長沙島,舊多海物船貨,立黃沙隊以採之,行三 日夜始到,位乃近於北海之處”

黃沙島在哩島之東,自沙圻海岸放洋,順風三、四日夜可至。島上群山羅列,凡 一百三十余峰,相隔或一日程,或數更許。島之中有黃沙洲,延袤不知幾千里,俗名萬里長沙。洲上有井,甘泉出焉。海鳥群集,不知紀極,多產海參、玳瑁、文螺黿鱉等物,諸風難船 貨物匯集於此”


“廣義平山縣安永社海外有沙洲一百三十余所,相去或一日程或數更許,延袤不知其幾 千里,俗稱萬里,洲上有井,甘泉出焉。所產有海參、玳瑁、文螺、黿鱉等物”
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your country must step up with military modernization and cooperate closer with America and Japan.
the Chinese come closer and closer to your shore.

LMAO.....His country only got some fishing boats, military modernization? Their soldiers are corrupted and addicted to drugs, totally a piece of crap.
Not true, China did claim the sea/ islands in the last 2000 years.
Vietnam also claim those islands based on their history book, but according to the ancient map of Vietnam, those islands are not even related to those which were claimed by Vietnam in the past. Vietnam mistook China's islands are theirs.

Vietnam was a vassal state for millenium so they had no justification to make these claims. Plus their geography skills are terrible.
The ironic thing is that if the SEA monkeys weren't jumping up and down screeching about territory that doesn't belong to them. China would have no need to build these bases. SEA monkeys should really think carefully, reflect on, and then repent for how their incendiary rhetoric and provocations are contributing to an atmosphere of tension in Asia and catalyzing its re-militarization.
What a moronic statement! You seem to imply the whole world belongs to China because it says so
What a moronic statement! You seem to imply the whole world belongs to China because it says so

No we imply it belong to us because our navy is powerful, just like the US seem to think it belongs in Asia and is coming between the nationalists and Communist's civil war because it can.

We got more claim to the seas, than the US does of being in Asia. But US is powerful.

Don't bring your allies wants you to this discussion, everyone knows what why the US won't leave Asia, and why it's in there in the first place. Your news and elected government officials said as much in interviews.
LMAO.....His country only got some fishing boats, military modernization? Their soldiers are corrupted and addicted to drugs, totally a piece of crap.
You seem to have knowledge about Filipino soldiers for a Chinese. I'm struggling to find Filipino soldier druggies on the internet. Can you prove what you said above?
I think the best thing for the world is going to be for China to meet the same fate that Soviet Union (SU) met 20+ years ago. I hope my government is secretly working on such a plan. Tibet is NOT yours, neither is the western province of Xinjiang. Once those two break away, the others will party to become their own countries. SU met this fate as it was expansionist like Chinaand we do not appreciate that trait.

USSR suffered a huge economic stagnation before the breakup and spending crazy in military.

Now who looks more like the 1980s USSR, USA or China?
There's no point in arguing with a Vietnamese, because Vietnam itself was ruled by China for 1000 years. In other words, there was NO sovereignty whatsoever for Vietnam, let alone claimed island. What's the point of all the arguing anyways? China gave Vietnam its culture, language, traditions and so on, Vietnam was a part of Chinese empire before the Europeans came. Vietnam has absolutely no standing and no advantage in front of China, so same yourselves some time. ;)

And to the Vietnamese, if you have so much time arguing with people, you might as well do something to make your country stronger.
Yeah i must agree with Genesis, the Chinese right now is the most cohesive ones ever. It's conditions is very different with the Soviet State 20 years ago.

you call our generals low iq, we didn't place any important military hardware on there, even if you do bomb it so what? All it would do is give us an excuse to retaliate.
Yeah, u have a very good excuse in 1990,11 Chinese troops were killed mercilessly, lets retaliate now , do ur gens have the guts to fight against VN when No US daddy back up like in 1988 ??
November 7, 1990, I found the Southern Command Nansha reefs lost radio contact.After the situation was reported to the South China Sea Fleet deployed immediately went to see the ship. Under the notification, the reef is a unit of Marines stationed in the preparation of 12 people, then should be 11 people (one reason temporarily off the reef). Inspectors found that the bodies of six soldiers on the reef, and another five people missing. Missing persons including reef Chang allegiance, vice reef long and correspondents. In addition to the personnel on the reef, the reef warrior Xu Huiping Yong Department reef due to the treatment of burns and survived. Inspectors found multiple bullet holes in the room, indicating where the fighting occurred. Then they picked up and from the underwater reef a few rifles, these guns are all our military garrison personnel standard rifle.

This event was caused no small vibration in the army, immediately set up by the South China Sea Fleet of the senior leadership responsible for the investigation team, in-depth and comprehensive investigation, and make rehabilitation work. Findings are confidential at the time, unable to understand the outside.

This strange incident, even if insiders are also controversial. Is encountered enemy special forces raid, fighting or other emergency occurs, the truth has not yet been fully understood.This incident, I analyzed are the following possibilities:

1, most likely by the army special forces is. Vietnamese troops in 1988, "3.14" Red Reef of Nansha sea battle at a disadvantage, must look for an opportunity to retaliate. But then I Nansha garrison high vigilance and patrolling troops, combat readiness, they are hard to find opportunities. I combined the naval prisoners of war captured in Zhanjiang Nansha trial, our government has not yet handed over to Vietnam. Since 1990, our military posture in Nansha is clear, I observe activity patterns reef and the ship's officers that they have already mastered their "revenge about" conditions ripe. According to common sense traces of science, this action does not leave any suspicious items, indicating that other means quite clever. Does not exclude the other is the master shooting, fighting, diving techniques, and even combat may wear body armor. If this action as a planned and premeditated military action, should be considered very successful. But not arbitrary conclusion is that after the successful implementation of this action the enemy, meritorious officers must reward, JiaGuanJinJue, will follow along with the media reports, trumpeted the so-called "heroic deeds", but did not. Things over the past 20 years, information and networks so advanced, Vietnam had not been seen in any public media reported. They do a job well done is confidential?
Who killed 11 Chinese troops in Gaven Reefs in 1990 ?
There's no point in arguing with a Vietnamese, because Vietnam itself was ruled by China for 1000 years. In other words, there was NO sovereignty whatsoever for Vietnam, let alone claimed island. What's the point of all the arguing anyways? China gave Vietnam its culture, language, traditions and so on, Vietnam was a part of Chinese empire before the Europeans came. Vietnam has absolutely no standing and no advantage in front of China, so same yourselves some time. ;)

And to the Vietnamese, if you have so much time arguing with people, you might as well do something to make your country stronger.
VN ruled by China for 1000 years is fake history to make cheap Chinese happy, u have no video clip or picture or evidence to prove it. In fact , we killed ur cheap PLA so easily in 1979 and pushed u back in few weeks just by basic trainning women militia forces.
You seem to have knowledge about Filipino soldiers for a Chinese. I'm struggling to find Filipino soldier druggies on the internet. Can you prove what you said above?

I heard it from a military journalist. Also just a little click on google search, you'll get it.

31 soldiers positive for drug use kicked out | ABS-CBN News

113 soldiers tested positive for drugs - Yahoo News Philippines

At least 113 soldiers tested positive for drugs in random tests conducted by Task Force Moses, the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) anti-drug body, among some 20,000 military personnel in 2013.
Yeah, u have a very good excuse in 1990,11 Chinese troops were killed mercilessly, lets retaliate now , do ur gens have the guts to fight against VN when No US daddy back up like in 1988 ??

1990 was a different time, does it sound like an excuse? It could, but it is what it is. One incident could reflect what would happen in another, provided the parameters are the same. Also I was too young to remember this incident, can't even walk yet.

For example, the nationalists, signed treaty after treaty with the Japanese, to appease them in order to concentrate on the Communists. The enviroment and conditions were the same during these treaties. But as soon as the Japanese pushed too far, the Chinese united front formed and Chinese fought furiously against the Japanese, that resulted in the stalemate that would last until the Chinese counter offensive in the last year of the war.

If Vietnam and China remained in the same condition as 1990 then I would say it's quite possible it could be repeated, if the exchange was minor.

Also includes the 1979 Sino Vietnam war, if conditions were the same as then, Vietnamese army, battle hardened, well equipped from the war, and a generation of proven military geniuses against China, just come off the cultural revolution, most of the battle hardened generals are either purged or dead, or too old, the military equipments all too old and useless, army hardly trained, objective not to occupy Vietnam, but to switch the troops in Beijing and other close military regions, morale unbelievable low due to the revolution, then yea the same thing would happen again.

Could the 1990 be repeated? Maybe, but looking at the stance our coast guards are taking TODAY, and Vietnam response, it is highly unlikely. Do you have any valid points that would prove otherwise in TODAY's conditions?

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