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China thwarted action against JuD: Clinton


It wasn't just this though, it was repeatedly being called a "chink" that finally got to me, and got me to see the underlying reality.

As for others you'll have to ask them, but I don't think there are any Chinese members left who are pro-China/India friendship.
Arrey this is old news actually, China tried to thwart action against JuD but failed. Now it's a banned terrorist organization

So all you got is China tried to block action against JuD, anything about China supporting them after designating them as terrorists? Technically speaking, they only became terrorists after being designated.
Nope not really. We hate China supporting Pakistan. You should remember that Pakistan is the focal point. As you are supporter of our enemy, you should be clever enough to deduce why some of us Indians have our doubts on China.

Which is just another reason why it's so great that China is supporting Pakistan.
great said:
Nope not really. We hate China supporting Pakistan. You should remember that Pakistan is the focal point. As you are supporter of our enemy, you should be clever enough to deduce why some of us Indians have our doubts on China.

Why is it so difficult? USA and Pak were best buddies (70s-90s) we hated the US then. Now Pak and China are best buddies....interpolate
You overestimate me. :tup:

This is how the world works, it's just realism.

Clever guy. :azn:

You seem all jumpy as of now. :)

I know like rest of us,you have limited patience threshold.(a bit higher,i"ll admit.)

But think about it after an hour you"ve logged out of PDF.
So all you got is China tried to block action against JuD, anything about China supporting them after designating them as terrorists? Technically speaking, they only became terrorists after being designated.

And what if we apply this very logic to the Dalai Lama and all the things you guys accuse him of?

He's not even been declared a terrorist.
a. You again missed the point as you again are implying that you are not at fault at all.

b. Upto 2009, nearly half of Indians did not perceive China to be threat. So what happened after that?

c. India does not recognise that 'govt. in exile' and India has time and again made it clear that we support Tibet being a part of China.

Unfortunately the perception in China of your actions regarding Tibet are quite different from what you perceive.
Argueing with indians ...... do u think they will accept the truth?? its just not worth it !!! so just ignore em.
Which is just another reason why it's so great that China is supporting Pakistan.

Again with your rhetoric. But by the way, what is the point you are trying to make, except for 'we support Pakistan' blindly albeit, which we all know by now.
You seem all jumpy as of now. :)

I know like rest of us,you have limited patience threshold.(a bit higher,i"ll admit.)

But think about it after an hour you"ve logged out of PDF.

You overestimate me again unfortunately. :tup:
Unfortunately the perception in China of your actions regarding Tibet are quite different from what you perceive.

That is irrelevant. We're not talking of India's perception in China. We're talking of China's perception in India.

Till 2009, nearly half of Indians did not regard China as a threat. My question to you is, ''What happened after that?''
But are they killing your people by blowing themselves up? Did they even kill someone. How are you comparing these two organizations? please do some research before posting these idiotic comments.

First, they are already designated as terrorists by UNSC, which means they are real terrorists. What else do you want?

Second, they did what you have mentioned in your posts, that is why they are designated as terrorists. If not, how would UNSC designate them as terrorists?

So why don't you do some research before making idiotic comments like "are they killing your people by blowing themselves up"?
BigTree.CN said:
So all you got is China tried to block action against JuD, anything about China supporting them after designating them as terrorists? Technically speaking, they only became terrorists after being designated.

Yes we can argue all day on semantics and technicalities but facts remain:

1. Their leader holds (public) rallies calling for the massacare of Hindus
2. They have rallies calling for a thousand "Mumbai"s in India

Isn't this reason enough to Ban them, please at-least go through the entire thread

Here is an article from DAWN, Pakistan's leading newspaper
Jamaat-ud-Dawa easily evades ban

LAHORE: Long-haired jihadis toting automatic weapons patrolled a mosque last week as the cleric who heads the militant network blamed for the Mumbai attacks preached inside. The group's supporters collected funds in the courtyard and later marched through this eastern Pakistani city, calling for the death of those who insult Islam.

Pakistan announced a ban on Jamaat-ud-Dawa - sealing the group's offices, freezing assets and rounding up leaders - amid international outrage after the 2008 siege of the Indian financial capital
. But the group has scored a few wins in court against the government and is up and running again, exposing Islamabad's unwillingness to fully crack down on militants.

The resurgence of the group could chill the first round of peace talks between Pakistan and India since the attacks.

India is insisting the negotiations Thursday focus on Pakistan's efforts to rein in groups such as Jamaat-ud-Dawa; Pakistan wants all issues, including the disputed territory of Kashmir, to be on the table.

The United States has urged the two nuclear-armed nations to resume dialogue despite Indian concerns about the Pakistan's crackdown on militants.

India, the United States and the United Nations allege Jamaat is the front group for Lashkar-e-Taiba, which they charge carried out the attacks in December 2008 that killed 166 people in Mumbai. Seven militants identified as members of Lashkar by prosecutors are currently on trial in Pakistan charged with planning and carrying out the attacks.
The sole surviving alleged gunman in the attacks, Ajmal Kasab, a Pakistani with links to Lashkar, is on trial in India.

Lashkar was founded in the 1980s by Hafiz Saeed with the assistance of Pakistan's security agencies to wage war against India in the hopes of wresting the Indian portion of Kashmir away from New Delhi. The group claimed responsibility for numerous attacks there, but the government banned it in 2002 following pressure from the United States after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Saeed is now the leader of Jamaat, which claims to be focused only on charity work. It runs a large network of Islamic schools and clinics, and participates in disaster relief.

Members of Jamaat say there is no link between it and Lashkar. But even Rana Sanaullah Khan, who is the law minister in Punjab, said the two are simply different wings of the same group.

After the Mumbai siege, Saeed, a 60-year-old former Islamic studies lecturer, was placed under house arrest but was freed in June last year by the Lahore High Court, which said there was no evidence he was involved in any wrongdoing. In October, a court ruled there was no case against Saeed and found that the government had never formally prohibited Jamaat. The government has appealed to the Supreme Court.

Even before the court ruling, however, critics said Pakistan was not aggressively enforcing the ban.

Saeed has exploited the legal limbo and openly challenges the government's attempts to tamp down his group.

On the government's Kashmir Solidarity Day earlier this month, Saeed addressed supporters in Lahore who waved Lashkar flags and shouted ''Here comes Lashkar to kill the Hindus.''

''If America with the help of Nato and all its weapons could not maintain its occupation in Afghanistan, India too will not be able to hold on to Kashmir anymore,'' Saeed told the crowd.

Frustration at the impunity groups like Jamaat seem to enjoy angers some lawmakers.

''It is shocking to see how banned terrorist organisations are allowed to challenge the writ of the state,'' Sherry Rehman, a lawmaker with the ruling party, told parliament on Tuesday.

''What is the point of our innocent civilians and soldiers dying in a borderless war against such terrorists, when armed, banned outfits can hold the whole nation hostage in the heart of Punjab's provincial capital?''

Security and government officials in Lahore offered several reasons for the lack of action against Saeed and his group. They said India had presented no evidence of his involvement in the Mumbai attacks; stressed he was not involved in any of the attacks by militants that have struck Pakistan over the last year, several of them in Lahore; and they said that closing the group's schools would deprive thousands of an education and health care.

But analysts said Pakistan had strategic reasons for not acting against Jamaat.

''Pakistan is keeping these groups as a gray area of its policy, and it will continue doing so long as there are no guaranteed steps from India,'' defense analyst Hasan Askari Rizvi said, referring to moves to resolve the Kashmir dispute. ''Pakistan does not see these groups as completely undesirable if there is no progress on its issues.''
That is irrelevant. We're not talking of India's perception in China. We're talking of China's perception in India.

Till 2009, nearly half of Indians did not regard China as a threat. My question to you is, ''What happened after that?''

OK what happened is they decided to show their true faces, I suppose you'll be happy with this slightly illogical answer.

Although no doubt you will give me YOUR answer soon. :rolleyes:
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