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China Threatens India, Says Responsibility for the Border Provocations ‘Lies Entirely with India’

If indian army really has occupied some heights i have Zero hope that China will even try to get them back.
If it was pakistan army I would expect that but from China ... None.

All Indians thought so too prior to Oct. 1962. In the following 30 days, thousans of Indian soldiers would lose their life, and thousands would turn into POWs in the hand of Chinese. In the process, 43 Indian forword positions on the wrong side of LAC would be eliminated.
All Indians thought so too prior to Oct. 1962. In the following 30 days, thousans of Indian soldiers would lose their life, and thousands would turn into POWs in the hand of Chinese. In the process, 43 Indian forword positions on the wrong side of LAC would be eliminated.

After that 1967 happened,
This is all stupid arguments,

Let us take a bet.

How much times does mighty CCP & PLA need to defeat us?
Some were harping on a week.

Would a month be enough? Say end of September?
Or a year is needed?

Why not make a stand,
From the reaction of China, it looks like we have hurt them somewhere.
So take back what you think is yours...
Let the world see your might or is it a case of paper Dragon? or perhaps it's a Chicken and not a Dragon.
All these years China had free run at the lac .with time it's going to get only tougher for them.all the clashed you see are due to India catching up
After that 1967 happened,

Nothing worth mentioning about 1967 Nathu La incident from Indian side, not even from Bollywood. Indian government must have learnt to be humble after 1962.

Meanwhile, something from China side:

1967 indians carry bodies.jpg

This is all stupid arguments,

Let us take a bet.

How much times does mighty CCP & PLA need to defeat us?
Some were harping on a week.

Would a month be enough? Say end of September?
Or a year is needed?

Why not make a stand,
From the reaction of China, it looks like we have hurt them somewhere.
So take back what you think is yours...
Let the world see your might or is it a case of paper Dragon? or perhaps it's a Chicken and not a Dragon.

I think you are intelligent enough to know well this isn't some street fight to prove one's street cred. This is an international affair between two large countries with nukes and massive armies happening in a very complicated international political situation.

There is a reason why the Chinese keep saying the Indians are the aggressors despite having started the military operations in the first place.

It's like that famous bit where these two hunters who go to hunt animals illegally and claim 'they're coming right at us' before shooting the unaware animals.

The Chinese already have ingressed into your territory and has been holding it for some time now in multiple areas. So they already have chipped away your territory without much fighting. It's for India to take it back. Rest is just words for domestic Nd international audiences.
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Why not make a stand,
From the reaction of China, it looks like we have hurt them somewhere.
So take back what you think is yours...
Let the world see your might or is it a case of paper Dragon? or perhaps it's a Chicken and not a Dragon.

True, some Chinese fan boys were "hurt", but it is not what you think. It's more like in certain rural part of Asia, some villagers left their designated area and walked into the wrong side of villege, so others are "hurt".
What the two-bit geniuses on to our East do not realize is that Chinese provided themselves a pretext to remain and reinforce forward positions, by this move. The entire argument about returning to status quo ante is now gone. Just like that. =)

What you will now see is a pull out by the Chinese at Demchok, that position never made military sense. And reinforce their positions South of the Pangong Lake. Congratulations!

I think you are intelligent enough to know well this isn't some street fight to prove one's street cred. This is an international affair between two large countries with nukes and massive armies happening in a very complicated international political situation.

There is a reason why the Chinese keep saying the Indians are the aggressors despite having started the military operations in the first place.

It's like that famous bit where these two hunters who go to hunt animals illegally and claim 'they're coming right at us' before shooting the unaware animals.

The Chinese already have ingressed into your territory and has been holding it for some time now in multiple areas. So they already have chipped away your territory without much fighting. It's for India to take it back. Rest is just words for domestic Nd international audiences.
All these years they had free hand at lac and the reason you are frequent clashes is due to India catching up interns of border infra .

For rest of your post I leave you with a simple question,can you get me one incident in last 40 years when China has escalated when the opposition stood it's ground ,let it be even a small country.
Xi is on things stronger than Meth,
He will need it though, his days are literally numbered. :p:
So a leader who squandered peace and enabled us to occupy 1000sqkm is solid whereas another competent leader who controlled the virus and put back the momentum to the economy while occupying 1000sqkm is failed for damnation? What kinda logic is this? Only works in India mate. Your chaiwalla will keep on talking and put up a 56 inch chest while losing 1000sqkm and say not an inch lost. Lol.
So a leader who squandered peace and enabled us to occupy 1000sqkm is solid whereas another competent leader who controlled the virus and put back the momentum to the economy while occupying 1000sqkm is failed to damnatiom? What kinda logic is this? Only works in India mate. Your chaiwalla will keep on talking and put up a 56 inch chest while losing 1000sqkm and say not an inch lost. Lol.
A leader is one who should be liked by everyone and not feared.
A leader is one who should be liked by everyone and not feared.
Mate, the average Chinese have a higher approval rating for Xi than your incompetent chaiwalla, look at the HSR fck up. I told you guys it won't ever be built. You guys always fck things up, it's cultural

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