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China Threatens India, Says Responsibility for the Border Provocations ‘Lies Entirely with India’


All these years they had free hand at lac and the reason you are frequent clashes is due to India catching up interns of border infra .

For rest of your post I leave you with a simple question,can you get me one incident in last 40 years when China has escalated when the opposition stood it's ground ,let it be even a small country.

China of today is much more powerful than the China of a few decades ago. Even then, you saw the Chinese fight the US in the Korean war despite the power of the US. The fought the Indians well enough and took Aksai Chin. So it's not like the Chinese are not willing to fight.

The last few decades seem like they focused on keeping their head low and focusing on development. They've done quite well, I think you'll agree as well.

There is only one country that believes your theory - it's your's
Not even CCP makes up these claims.
No other country believes such.

So, exactly how will you prove your points when no one is backing them up?

What points did I make that you think no one but my country believes in?
This is the last warning before action, much like the Korean War. To be honest the rise of China unfortunately now requires the humiliation of India just as the rise of the United States required the humiliation of the Spanish Empire.

India and China could've been friendly nations and focus on win-win cooperation. However, India is an aggressive imperialist power that takes negotiation as weakness. Since win-win is impossible, then it's going to be winner takes all.
Well, we stick by our figures of 200+ PLA dead and 500+ injured,
We were being generous in not humiliating CCP..

regarding 'culture' & 'village idiots' - we feel the same way about you and your boss.

you don’t even know Pashtuns culture you silly man. Or western provinces cultures in Pakistan where we live it’s clean nothing like your typical Asian dirty over run villages of animals & poverty.

your chinese figures are just mental like your culture of lies and deceit It lives on
how can you even talk such nonsense mocking after losing indians by Chinese hands. A month ago the mature chinese posters here were generous in playing down your humiliation and by China state too

look at you it’s a world of difference from a cultured chinese to village idiots like yourself. China is telling you it’s going to respond like Pakistan did told you in February of retaliatory actions.

Ok both China and Pakistan won skirmish..... still ladakh and Kashmir is in India..... now what can you do :partay::partay::lol::lol:

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