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China Threatens India, Says Responsibility for the Border Provocations ‘Lies Entirely with India’

Have you ever heard of Hitler or Stalin lol
Mate, the average Chinese have a higher approval rating for Xi than your incompetent chaiwalla, look at the HSR fck up. I told you guys it won't ever be built. You guys always fck things up, it's cultural
Can you post the picture in my DP .the answer will tell you why he has higher approval rating.
Mate, the average Chinese have a higher approval rating for Xi than your incompetent chaiwalla, look at the HSR fck up. I told you guys it won't ever be built. You guys always fck things up, it's cultural

Spot on,

Support Xitler or you will be sent to "education camps"

I think you are intelligent enough to know well this isn't some street fight to prove one's street cred. This is an international affair between two large countries with nukes and massive armies happening in a very complicated international political situation.

There is a reason why the Chinese keep saying the Indians are the aggressors despite having started the military operations in the first place.

It's like that famous bit where these two hunters who go to hunt animals illegally and claim 'they're coming right at us' before shooting the unaware animals.

The Chinese already have ingressed into your territory and has been holding it for some time now in multiple areas. So they already have chipped away your territory without much fighting. It's for India to take it back. Rest is just words for domestic Nd international audiences.

There is only one country that believes your theory - it's your's
Not even CCP makes up these claims.
No other country believes such.

So, exactly how will you prove your points when no one is backing them up?
Spot on,

Support Xitler or you will be sent to "education camps"
I am Han, you know the 92% majority ethnic group in China. We only re-educate separatist, we don't tie them on jeeps as human shields. Lol
Can you post the picture in my DP .the answer will tell you why he has higher approval rating.
Modi is a motivation speaker appealing to Hindus, that's all. He is incompetent and divisive and instigated alot of instability on India and around. He tries to emulate Trump but he fck up big time economically and diplomatically
Mate, the average Chinese have a higher approval rating for Xi than your incompetent chaiwalla, look at the HSR fck up. I told you guys it won't ever be built. You guys always fck things up, it's cultural
You guys have any choice :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
China's Xi allowed to remain 'president for life' as term limits removed
Xi owns chinese a** for his lifetime.
You guys have any choice :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
China's Xi allowed to remain 'president for life' as term limits removed
Xi owns chinese a** for his lifetime.
In China, if you don't perform, there will be a revolution like in 1949. They did their mistakes 60 years ago and mended their ways 40 years ago and created the second most powerful nation on earth. You ask any Chinese if they will support him? It's a no brianer. Unlike meek Indians who are inherently caste based and take shit like a hero, we don't. You think starving and drinking shit water is your karma, I can't stop you. Lol
CCP bots here talking about approval ratings while living in a dictatorship
Tell that to your dalits who are forced to clean dung pits with their bare hands because of caste for generations . Lol
You guys have any choice :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
China's Xi allowed to remain 'president for life' as term limits removed
Xi owns chinese a** for his lifetime.
We all know you guys wish Modi could remain for life too :rofl:
CCP bots here talking about approval ratings while living in a dictatorship
Living in a dictatorship is light years better than living in a polluted/dirty/hot/humid/rape-infested slum ... I would choose sub-Saharan Africa over India tbh.
We all know you guys wish Modi could remain for life too :rofl:

Living in a dictatorship is light years better than living in a polluted/dirty/hot/humid/rape-infested slum ... I would choose sub-Saharan Africa over India tbh.

No I don't, for your info. BJP got only 36% of votes. Modi is PM because no strong opposition right now.
Odd Day - China threatens
Even Day - China begs

Is China, Kejriwal of the world?
Lol China is just taking a page out of the Indian playbook and playing victim ... that way they can continue pushing the LAC westward without looking like the aggressor. Notice how there is a lot of buzz about India taking some unoccupied heights and literally no mention of China taking black top and helmet hills? If this is equivalent to begging, then begging is an excellent strategy to use against the Indians!
Living in a dictatorship is light years better than living in a polluted/dirty/hot/humid/rape-infested slum ... I would choose sub-Saharan Africa over India tbh.
CCP bots are triggered . And now they are talking about things like "Choosing" , a fantasy for the majority of people living in that dictatorship .

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