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China tells navy to prepare for combat

Every time a sailor steps foot on a Navy vesel to serve his/her country, he/she is at war. On a Navy Boat there is nothing like a peace day. its all out war to the men and women in white when they are on the Navy Vessel.
as far as Hu's comments is concerened he should be having the same idea what I have written above.
this is great news.

china should stop playing nice with the world.
we need to build a MASSIVE military force, both offensive and defensive.

we need to protect out interests.

finally our leaders are showing some spine.

we should do what we want, whenever the damn hell we want to do it.
we dont need to answer our military build up to no one.

another warmonger.
I thought that relation between vietnam and china is improving but surely not in PDDF
In china, most of people despise vietnam!! the good relationship is official, and superficial!!! Do you will like a b**ch, that get the help from you, after trouble, they help others contain you?
if only attacking Vietnam navy,that will be slaughter,not war,cause Vietnam doesnt even has something called 'Navy".
we don't use our Navy to fight against you, we will sink your cheap copy warship by Yakhont-Bramos dude :cool:
sweetgrape said:
and you veitnam kiss good bye to earth!!
Oh, so you think you're stronger than US during 70s ??show me if you have any better weapon than US during 70s .Do you have nuclear carrier like US in 70s yet ??
this is great news.

china should stop playing nice with the world.
we need to build a MASSIVE military force, both offensive and defensive.

we need to protect out interests.

finally our leaders are showing some spine.

we should do what we want, whenever the damn hell we want to do it.
we dont need to answer to no one.
what is the difference between a Human and Animal, I wish that God should have never given us the 6th sence to think, because most humans do not wish to think and just go by emotions to kill and eat others alive like hayenas.
I know not all Chinese are like you who wish to threat others like specs of dust beneath your finger nails.
we don't use our Navy to fight against you, we will sink your ship by Yakhont-Bramos dude :cool:
How many do you buy bramos? first what you should think is that how survive in china missile attack. If you can't survive, How do you attack china, You each solider swim in the sea with a gun, that's what you said "warship"??
we don't use our Navy to fight against you, we will sink your cheap copy warship by Yakhont-Bramos dude :cool:

Oh, so you think you're stronger than US during 70s ??show me if you have any better weapon than US during 70s .Do you have nuclear carrier like US in 70s yet ??

can you stop your ranting with the Chinese. I would suggest that you put your patriotism first and when I say Patriotism first i am not telling to put priority to your land but priority to the lifes of your countries soldiers.
you do not fight wars but they do and they die to protect the way of life you enjoy. A good leader never seeks war. and I hope your Countries leaders do not seek war and so is the leaders of China and the rest of the world.
can you stop your ranting with the Chinese. I would suggest that you put your patriotism first and when I say Patriotism first i am not telling to put priority to your land but priority to the lifes of your countries soldiers.
you do not fight wars but they do and they die to protect the way of life you enjoy. A good leader never seeks war. and I hope your Countries leaders do not seek war and so is the leaders of China and the rest of the world.

Pro talk........
do whatever u want ,india would drill oil in southchina sea
,no matter their is war or peace .????:devil:
we will do what we want, when we want to do it.

we dont answer to no one.

we should use military force and all other aspects of power such as economic and political to further pax sinica.

if others dont like it, TOUGH!

How many do you buy bramos? first what you should think is that how survive in china missile attack. If you can't survive, How do you attack china, You each solider swim in the sea with a gun, that's what you said "warship"??
We can manufacture Yakhont under Russia licese, dude , so we will have enough Yakhont to sink all of your cheap copy warship :cooL
ashokdeiva said:
can you stop your ranting with the Chinese. I would suggest that you put your patriotism first and when I say Patriotism first i am not telling to put priority to your land but priority to the lifes of your countries soldiers.
you do not fight wars but they do and they die to protect the way of life you enjoy. A good leader never seeks war. and I hope your Countries leaders do not seek war and so is the leaders of China and the rest of the world.
You know, some Chinese here disrespect you bcz you only think about negotiation when losing some land. I tell you again: we never have any deal with the robber , aggressor will have to face with war if they dare to rob our land, dude.

Our soliders have a very simple thought: 'they will fight if VN still have enemy'. That why, we won't in every wars from VN to Cambodia-Thailand-China , dude

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