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China Takes Aim at U.S. Naval Might

You are also looking at decades of institutional memory from retired personnel that can be transferred to the new generations. So how long will it take China to build up and catch up? Thirty years? Forty years?

Valid point, but it could also work to China's advantage in two ways:

- Overconfidence on the part of the US. Since WW2, they have not faced an adversary that was even remotely equal.

- The Chinese have studied modern American tactics over recent wars. The Chinese tactics are more of a mystery (nothing since the Korean war). I am not saying the Chinese will pull a rabbit out of the hat, but it does make for some uncertainty.
Valid point, but it could also work to China's advantage in two ways:

- Overconfidence on the part of the US. Since WW2, they have not faced an adversary that was even remotely equal.
Who has?

- The Chinese have studied modern American tactics over recent wars. The Chinese tactics are more of a mystery (nothing since the Korean war). I am not saying the Chinese will pull a rabbit out of the hat, but it does make for some uncertainty.
Unfortunately, this is what arguments for the Chinese have descended to: Magic. Or as I called it 'Chinese physics'.
I have not done time in Uniform, but then i have done time in the civilian world, in USA, and i can safely say that it is very much flawed. Maybe you were too blinded by your uniform jingoism that you failed to notice the cracks that are very much present in USA today, as they were present in, say, Soviet Union years ago.

My point was to say, that people like you who believe the American propaganda machine, will never realize the real developments taking place in the world.

In 2001 China forced an American P3 to land and did what ever it wanted with impunity while the USA had to write two letters of apology in return. That was a good 10 years ago when their economy and military was no where near today's level.

Ignorance won't take you far, my friend. Perhaps, that's why i packed my bags and left USA.

Well, gambit is right about the experience part. Simulations and actual warfare are two different things. And in actual warfare, anything is possible.

China has not been to war with another country for quite some time. And I am talking about modern warfare here. Not the 1962 Sino-Indo war (in which China was the victor).

I think the key word here is tacit knowledge, as opposed to explicit, written down knowledge. I believe the US military does implement Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) for that. And that tacit knowledge does matter.

His post regarding the experience part had nothing to do with jingoism or propaganda. It was actually pretty specific.
lol @ gambit.
once the fed raises the fed funds rate, which they will eventually have to do, that bond buying trade is over and thats when the banks start flipping those bonds and selling them in the secondary market. the demand falls dramatically. the bond prices collapses and yields skyrocket.
try 7% or 8% yields on that massive public debt and see how america fares then.

Amazing chinese logic I must say, similar to magic should be noted. This is usually what happens when you read up from wikipedia and your brain cant process what you just read.

Falling bond prices wont cause the US govt to pay out 7 or 8%%, its their yield which rises, not their interest rate or coupon as is usually referred to.

Don't tell me this is what you managed to gather from a school, because in that case you should seriously get your money back.
no sh*t dumbass.

ofcourse its the yield u retard.

its called economics 101.

bond prices and yields have an inverse relationship.
that is the interest rate u have to pay to ur lender.

no wonder the indian economy is collapsing with economic illiterates like u in india.

Lets prove right here who's the retard.

bond prices and yields have an inverse relationship.
that is the interest rate u have to pay to ur lender

You think yield is equal to interest rate, which is wrong.

Definition of 'Coupon'
The interest rate stated on a bond when it's issued. The coupon is typically paid semiannually.

This is also referred to as the "coupon rate" or "coupon percent rate".

Read more: Coupon Definition | Investopedia

And this is yield.

Definition of 'Yield'
The income return on an investment. This refers to the interest or dividends received from a security and is usually expressed annually as a percentage based on the investment's cost, its current market value or its face value.

Read more: Yield Definition | Investopedia

Now i fully expect you to come back blabbering about how both look the same. For you little Chinese mind they may look the same even they are calculated differently.

So after you have searched around some more in Baidu and found how much of a moron you have made yourself look, you will realize that interest rate on the bond wont change even if it yields continue changing.

Now that you have managed to convince everybody how foolish the name china hyperpower sounds, you may want to get a real education, i.e. the non-chinese copied version :lol:

let me make this very clear to this little indian mind.

when the price of a bond falls, the % that a government has to pay increases(interest rate).

why are indians such big retards?
its their education system.
the malnutrition doesnt help either.

if u dont understand that, then go back to econ class buddy.


Interest rate does not increase, just goes to show how ignorant you are even when provided with facts.

There are links up there that discuss the difference; but maybe I should have known you dont have the ability to comprehend logical statements.

Regarding the difference between Indian and Chinese education system, it is displayed right here in this thread for everybody to observe.
indian education system is dreadful. u have zero understanding of basics, u say wrong but fail to explain it.
u dont understand the difference between current yield, yield-to-maturity and coupon rate.
the terms used when ur talking finance is clear for anyone that understands these things.

u are beyond help, ur ego and the typical indian arrogance blinds u from reality.
when a price of a bond goes down, the yield goes up.
go learn the differences.

not my problem if u cannot comprehend it.
indians are retards by birth, the malnutrition makes it worse.

ur a waste of time.
infact most indians are a waste of oxygen.

Once again you have proved you are nothing but a little yellow man who can't argue logically and can't stand by his statements.

You made an assertion I proved it wrong right here. You stoop down to racist attacks and foul language and further show your inability to understand logical facts.

Furthermore you make a joke out of yourself comparing Indian and Chinese education systems, if you are what a product of Chinese education system looks like, then maybe those reports about almost all chinese cheating and plagiarising to get into US colleges are true.

Lastly, you would do better to throw technical terms around to some of your little chinese friends who may be impressed and maybe you'd get a couple of more thanks to soothe your tiny ego.

I am not even trying to argue with you here, you have proved yourself unworthy of decent replies, you are just a little frustrated man who gets his *** whooped publicly and starts a tantrum...
Its called "nipping the trouble in its bud". ;)
lol hahaha snipped all you want but dare to touch that bud? USA not even dare to touch IRAN, or Nkorean how can its dare to touch CHINA. USA not that stupid to call all out war, because they coward love to bullied small arm country. China showed off one missile, US got shock and said it a threat lolz. China DF21d kill carrier, US said china is a threat. Threat hahahahaha, so what China gonna build more special weapons. US just said china is a threat. When US bankrupted, china sent her $$$ to help USA. They will said china is a threat, because china used her $$$ to flattened US faces.
Who also read about a Chinese Song Class Submarine popping up in the middle of a US Naval exercise? How the hell can it be undetected with a whole battle group protecting the aircraft carrier? China is already looking at a new successor to the Song Class Submarines which will pose even greater threat. I for one am not a fan of US Navy submarines, with most countries turning to Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) there subs are going to be as quiet as ever. But the US still continue to operate Nuclear powered submarines which are in theory much noisier. With the US Defence budget, they should be leading in aspects like this, which leaves me one question? What are they doing with all of that $600 + billion?
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