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China Says US 'Pacific Pivot' Destabilizes Region

But i don't think it also work for CHINA, coz today not WWII the HOT Conflicts between powerful countries must lead to future Nuclear War, how 6 carrier battle groups survive in nuclear attacks ?
Wars between U.S and China, or U.S and Russia must not like the Iraq War and Wars in Afghanistan, it will change human history so pls lets avoid it.

And i admit 6 carrier battle groups would scare other nations except several powerful countries,specially rest Four Permanent Members of U.N

Naval power is different thing and four permanent members of U.N is different... simply if china had USN 7th fleet, PLAAN might become blue water navy.....

6 CBG will be nightmare for any country... Be mature..... Soviet Union is more power in terms of military)than now china is) and it had more nukes than china.... still it surrender to US.... USA military hardware become more and more advanced than decades ago... yeah china is catching up... building more goodies but still not upto the mark as Soviets.... let alone USA.... we had no idea about USA secret project....
I have a slightly different view on the Asia Pivot than most other Chinese members here. I actually welcome the Asia Pivot of the Americans. The chances of a war breaking out between China and America is very slim to none. And the more the US overreach abroad the sooner their decrepit economy and society back home in the US would collapse. And then we will finally see the back of the Americans not only in Asia but throughout the world. And good riddance to them.

Remember friends the clock is ticking for the Americans.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
When china starts to really challenge the us, greater Asia will be the starting ground. The yanks are just trying to cling on to it. It's annoying to the Chinese, but does nothing to deter their own development since china is very capable of defending herself.
The us although puppeteered by special interests still have to listen to their masses. If china and us were to fight, the us would lose support back home within weeks, because china doesn't believe in small skirmishes when fighting she is attacked. It's one thing to lose a few soldiers per week in the middle east against Ied and small arms fire, but getting whole bases blown up by cruise missiles is very different to america is used to. It's the same reason us is still scared shitless of Russia.
When china starts to really challenge the us, greater Asia will be the starting ground. The yanks are just trying to cling on to it. It's annoying to the Chinese, but does nothing to deter their own development since china is very capable of defending herself.
The us although puppeteered by special interests still have to listen to their masses. If china and us were to fight, the us would lose support back home within weeks, because china doesn't believe in small skirmishes when fighting she is attacked. It's one thing to lose a few soldiers per week in the middle east against Ied and small arms fire, but getting whole bases blown up by cruise missiles is very different to america is used to. It's the same reason us is still scared shitless of Russia.

You do know that is the same logic the imperial Japanese used right?

You are falling into a trap of hubris believing the Americans will turn tail and run at the first sign of casualties, when you will simply wake a sleeping Giant, as the Imperial Japanese did.

You see walle, Democracies tend to look more weakly connected than they really are, because internal dissent is always allowed, and always on display.
You do know that is the same logic the imperial Japanese used right?

You are falling into a trap of hubris believing the Americans will turn tail and run at the first sign of casualties, when you will simply wake a sleeping Giant, as the Imperial Japanese did.

You see walle, Democracies tend to look more weakly connected than they really are, because internal dissent is always allowed, and always on display.

you comparison is completely WRONG!
what imperial japanese did was invasion.
We are protecting our sovereignty. We are defensive. japanese was offensive.
usa was astounded by the japanese attack
usa is fully aware of their strategy in the Pacific now.
They have deployed their best weapons here in the Pacific due to the Peninsula crisis
If the US leaves the region, China will try to exert its force to claim the entire region.
If the US stays in that region, they'll try to exert their dominance on the region as well.

So its a lose-lose situation for ASEAN no matter who controls it.
Naval power is different thing and four permanent members of U.N is different... simply if china had USN 7th fleet, PLAAN might become blue water navy.....

6 CBG will be nightmare for any country... Be mature..... Soviet Union is more power in terms of military)than now china is) and it had more nukes than china.... still it surrender to US.... USA military hardware become more and more advanced than decades ago... yeah china is catching up... building more goodies but still not upto the mark as Soviets.... let alone USA.... we had no idea about USA secret project....

1. soviet union did not have any military war against usa. it did not surrender to usa - never. It was a political collapse.
2. if usa moves their 6 CBGs I can guarantee you Russia WILL NOT be sitting on the fence
3. WW3
4. dont be naive
1. soviet union did not have any military war against usa. it did not surrender to usa - never. It was a political collapse.
2. if usa moves their 6 CBGs I can guarantee you Russia WILL NOT be sitting on the fence
3. WW3
4. dont be naive
You are in no position to 'guarantee' anything. You have no experience, military and political, to speak from. You are spouting the same lines as when right before Desert Storm that many 'guaranteed' that Russia and China would militarily involved if Iraq was attacked. Did such involvement occurred?
You are in no position to 'guarantee' anything. You have no experience, military and political, to speak from. You are spouting the same lines as when right before Desert Storm that many 'guaranteed' that Russia and China would militarily involved if Iraq was attacked. Did such involvement occurred?

you have no understanding of geopolitics and experience doesnt worth a penny in present day warfare
usa is the most belligerent army fighting wars one after the other non-stop. How are you faring in vietnam, n korea, afghanistan, iraq, somali, iran (skirmish)... ? your arses are kicked out of the regions you have had wars with - for good!

desert storm was a far away call. it has had no direct strategic impact on any military operation on our door steps
you have no understanding of geopolitics and experience doesnt worth a penny in present day warfare
usa is the most belligerent army fighting wars one after the other non-stop. How are you faring in vietnam, n korea, afghanistan, iraq, somali, iran (skirmish)... ? your arses are kicked out of the regions you have had wars with - for good!

desert storm was a far away call. it has had no direct strategic impact on any military operation on our door steps
Desert Storm was a wake up call for the PLA. And the leadership is far smarter than you to realize that Afghanistan does not conform to the standard doctrines of war.
Desert Storm was a wake up call for the PLA. And the leadership is far smarter than you to realize that Afghanistan does not conform to the standard doctrines of war.

it was for the pentagon too and i think the people serving in the pentagon will treat your opinion as trash
Hi, how do you lose some warships, when you go to war with China your closest Air/Naval Bases/Assets would also come under attack all your assets would be at stake and not to mention if someone gets mad and ICBMs to the continental N. America. Going against taliban/aq had bankrupt your country and you want to go to war against China that would economically take your country into economic stone age. It take weeks to destroy your economy you haven't gone against the largest Armed Force likes Chinese and Russians. Just by going to war into Chinese backyard doesn't keep your country and economy safe it is 4th year US economy is suffering remember that.

PS. China has equivalent of systems like tomahawks wouldn't they be heading somewhere or sleeping in barracks. Again poor strategy.

The important things is, we rage war in China and Chinese Sea, at most they can destroy is our proximity asset, and they CAN NEVER TOUCH THE US MAINLAND. However, the war, if they do happen, will be at Chinese soil, we can hit China with our cruise missile, even one cruise missile landed in populated area in China Eastern Seaboard will be more catastrophic than Chinese sinking one of our ship. At most we lose money and life, but on the other hand, China would lose their industrial capability, hence the mean to make money. Ship can rebuild fast, but how long it take to reboot one country's economic, especially that economic is not yet saturated.

Also, do bear in mind, our Bases closest to China does not belong to the US. It's Japan and South Korea, when you are talking about all out war. We would most definitely drag along our allied. The Key to US war is "WE DO NOT FIGHT ALONE", when we are going to war, we muster all our allied together. We have defence pact all over the world. Do bear in mind, in this topic, we assume China fire first, as there are no reason US fire first, and hence we can invoke the Defence pact.

How do you suggest China counter the combine force of US, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippine, Australia, New Zealand, NATO, when they are all striking back at China? US alone is at least 1 on 1 par with China, some even think 1 on 2 at China, when you also put the force in the aforementioned country, China have no move except eating missile after missile

Or do you really think Chinese Defence are really THAT capable to counter all the strength with us and the allied??

Therefore, Chinese will most definitely think Twice before letting US involve in this kind of situation. Otherwise China will be all but destroyed. As the east coast is what Chinese industrial and economic might will be, a destruction of Chinese east coast will negate all the growth China had in the past 10 years, and will also push Chinese Economic back 10-15 years before the rise.

A war with China inside the Chinese water is very bad to Chinese, especially when the opponent is the US.
I'm just saying they should reallydo something. This is the lamest cold war. The soviets at least put on a show.

Oh yeah, in term of Cold war, Chinese really did not even put up a fight eh.

Problem is, they need to have a strong economic based to build their own military. The fact to the matter is, they don't currently process a strong military, hence they can't even put up a good fight. Without a blue water navy, there are not much China can do.

I missed the time when Russia try to Challenge us, as least we are on our toe back then, with this, we may as well let go and get drunk.
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