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China’s Bizarre Claims On The South China Sea.

I must say thanks to PDF that gives me the best of Chinese "Highest IQ" for entertain. I love you PDF :D :D :D :D

seriously, whatever Chinese I have met online makes me wonder that either this whole high IQ think is a scam... or actually the High IQ ones are working somewhere , while all these rejected pieces are trolling here on PDF!!!!:rofl:
seriously, whatever Chinese I have met online makes me wonder that either this whole high IQ think is a scam... or actually the High IQ ones are working somewhere , while all these rejected pieces are trolling here on PDF!!!!:rofl:

Sour grapes :rofl:
Sour grapes :rofl:

once again, u are giving live report of ur IQ!!! btw whats ur age??? with ur level of understanding, i feel that u must still be in high school... coz a grown up person will make some sensible posts atleast!!!!
once again, u are giving live report of ur IQ!!! btw whats ur age??? with ur level of understanding, i feel that u must still be in high school... coz a grown up person will make some sensible posts atleast!!!!

have you heard of "pachase paise fauj". Don't ask question, enjoy their "Higher IQ".
once again, u are giving live report of ur IQ!!! btw whats ur age??? with ur level of understanding, i feel that u must still be in high school... coz a grown up person will make some sensible posts atleast!!!!

The iq test may be fake according to you ,but LOL 4 x your GDP 10x your foreign reserves 25 years ahead of your infrastructures 20 years ahead of your millitary and the rest is 30 years ahead, facts speak louder than words:rofl:
Unlike the Hindu kingdoms, China was never destroyed by invaders. Ancient South Asia was founded on waves and waves of invaders, each becoming a higher caste on top of the previous ones. Unlike present-day India, China was not reconstituted from ancient ashes by a Western power. Read Timur's own words:

Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWhen the Hindu kingdoms were destroyed and its people enslaved, ancient Hindu civilization was broken. Today's India is NOT continuous with ancient Hindu civilization.

Founded by "waves of invaders"? Aryan invasion bullshit? :lol: I thought you never really liked the western imperialist propaganda.

I find your way of redefining your understanding of authenticity each time you argue to justify what the Communist party has ingrained in your head. Amusing. The finality in your statement betrays the false notion of firmness you pretend to put forward in your false and ignorant information.

The best part is the conviction with which you say as if it is cast in stone. :rofl:

China never went through destruction and enslavement like India. China became a unified empire in 300 BC under Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

You had a string of emperors just like ANY other country did. You grew big and small from time to time as well. Accepting it won't destroy your Red Utopia.

The Mongols conquered China in 12th century, but they were overthrown in 80 years. By comparison, South Asia was dominated by Islam for 800 years. In the 18th century, Mongols were killed off by China and Inner Mongolia became part of China. Manchu conquered China in 17th century, but lost power in 1911 and all intermarried with Chinese.

Yes and everybody went home happy and content. This is what I tell you all the time. Revised history. Ask independent Asian researchers about it. They will tell you otherwise. Funny you should talk about invaders when you've yourself been ravaged. Inner Mongolia became a part of your country through agreements with Russian Tsars and not because some super duper Hans "finished off" the mongols.

Japanese failed to conquer China after 8 years of trying. After Japan's defeat, Japan surrendered Manchuria, Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands to China per Potsdam Declaration. This made us even bigger than the Japanese Empire! :)

Thank the same US that you're hating now that Japanese lost. Had they not dropped the nukes, you'd be under the Sun flag even now. What exactly are you trying to prove? Almost all colonial kingdoms got thrashed out.

LOL...... you have no idea how ignorant you are. Land of minority groups in China like Xinjiang, Tibet and Manchuria were once not a part of China. But Han Chinese land has been the same since 300 BC.

Well so have we been since ages genius. Since you're willing to justify a stupid invasion theory proven false by the same stupid Europeans themselves, I rest my case to argue with brainwashed political soldiers like you.

Yes, we want a huge war that spreads all across Asia! The bigger the better! Then we can make sure India and Vietnam will never rise again in 500 years. We hate you much more than USA.

Oh the feeling is mutual; you can bet on it. Only laptop kids would talk like this who haven't seen even a mock war let alone a real one.

As long as India and Vietnam are reduced to utter debris, China can live with a strong USA for 500 years! We can even encourage USA to colonize you two countries again after China weakens you two. USA can pay China to help keep India and Vietnam subservient to US colonial exploitation.... we can do the dirty work so USA looks like a human rights champion.

I like your enthusiasm to serve the Americans. :lol:
Oh the feeling is mutual; you can bet on it. Only laptop kids would talk like this who haven't seen even a mock war let alone a real one.

I like your enthusiasm to serve the Americans. :lol:[/QUOTE]

The feeling of serving americans and doing their dirty work
It has come to them since they are friends of pakistanis........
You had a string of emperors just like ANY other country did. You grew big and small from time to time as well. Accepting it won't destroy your Red Utopia.
China grew big and small from time to time but ancient Hindu kingdoms were totally conquered, their people put to the sword or sold as slaves for 800 years! Today's Indians all can trace their paternal ancestry to the invaders because all males were killed or sold as slaves. China never suffered this kind of total extermination since our first dynasty in 300 BC.

The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter. The Bahmani sultans (1347-1480) in central India made it a rule to kill 100,000 captives in a single day, and many more on other occasions. The conquest of the Vijayanagar empire in 1564 left the capital plus large areas of Karnataka depopulated. And so on.

According to some calculations, the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate).
"Negation in India" Koenraad Elst

Did you know, while Hindus were being conquered by Islam, Ming Dynasty was busy building a blue water navy and exploring SE Asia and South Asia?

Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming government sponsored seven naval expeditions. The Yongle emperor designed them to establish a Chinese presence, impose imperial control over trade, impress foreign peoples in the Indian Ocean basin and extend the empire's tributary system. It has also been claimed, on the basis of later texts, that the voyages also presented an opportunity to seek out Zhu Yunwen (the previous emperor whom the Yongle emperor had usurped and who was rumored to have fled into exile) – possibly the "largest scale manhunt on water in the history of China".[10]

Zheng He was placed as the admiral in control of the huge fleet and armed forces that undertook these expeditions. Wang Jinghong was appointed his second in command. Zheng He's first voyage, which departed July 11, 1405, from Suzhou,[11]:203 consisted of a fleet of 317 ships[12][13][14] (other sources say 200 ships) holding almost 28,000 crewmen (each ship housing up to 500 men).[12]

Zheng He's fleets visited Arabia, Brunei, East Africa, India, Maritime Southeast Asia and Thailand, dispensing and receiving goods along the way.[14] Zheng He presented gifts of gold, silver, porcelain and silk; in return, China received such novelties as ostriches, zebras, camels, ivory and a giraffe.[11]:206[14][15]

While Zheng He's fleet was unprecedented (compared to previous voyages from China to the east Indian Ocean), the routes were not. Zheng He's fleet was following long-established, well-mapped routes. Sea-based trade links had existed between China and the Arabian peninsula since the Han Dynasty (there being trade with the Roman Empire at that time.) During the Three Kingdoms, the king of Wu sent a diplomatic mission along the coast of Asia, reaching as far as the Eastern Roman Empire. During the Song Dynasty, there was large scale maritime trade from China reaching as far as the Arabian peninsula and East Africa.[16]

Zheng He generally sought to attain his goals through diplomacy, and his large army awed most would-be enemies into submission. But a contemporary reported that Zheng He "walked like a tiger" and did not shrink from violence when he considered it necessary to impress foreign peoples with China's military might.[17] He ruthlessly suppressed pirates who had long plagued Chinese and southeast Asian waters. For example, he would defeat Chen Zuyi, one of the most feared and respected pirate captains, and return him back to China for execution.[18] He also waged a land war against the Kingdom of Kotte in Ceylon, and he made displays of military force when local officials threatened his fleet in Arabia and East Africa. From his fourth voyage, he brought envoys from thirty states who traveled to China and paid their respects at the Ming court.

In 1424, the Yongle Emperor died. His successor, the Hongxi Emperor (reigned 1424–1425), decided to stop the voyages during his short reign. Zheng He made one more voyage during the reign of Hongxi's son Xuande Emperor (reigned 1426–1435), but after that the voyages of the Chinese treasure ship fleets were ended. Xuande believed his father's decision to halt the voyages meritorious, and thus "there would be no need to make a detailed description of his grandfather’s sending Zheng He to the Western Oceans."[19] This, and the fact that the voyages "were contrary to the rules stipulated in the Huangming zuxun, Ancestral Injunctions of the August Ming,"[19] the royal founding documents laid down by the Hongwu Emperor, account for the Ming "neglect" of Zheng He in official accounts and the scant records of the voyages available for later historians.[19]

Zheng He died during the treasure fleet's last voyage. Although he has a tomb in China, it is empty: he was, like many great admirals, buried at sea.[20]
Zheng He - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Put it bluntly, China is a great civilization because have our ups and downs but never were we destroyed. Even our worse 100 years came to an end when we defeated UN troops in Korea. We can claim lands based on our continuous history and pure ancestry.

Ancient Hindu kingdoms were totally destroyed and Islam ruled the subcontinent for 800 years before Anglos came and rule it for another 200. You are a conquered, mixed-blood people who gained freedom after colonialism came to an end post-WW2. You can claim nothing based on history.
We hate you much more than USA.
Ooops! That was pretty extreme, what? :undecided: So you guys hate:

The US of A

I believe they hate you too for trying to act like an overbearing ring leader! I wish China would stop blowing hot air and learn to live gracefully within the comity of nations. But I guess that's asking too much from a nation used to hostility, violent behavior, belligerence, and antagonism.

Ancient Hindu kingdoms were totally destroyed and Islam ruled the subcontinent for 800 years before Anglos came and rule it for another 200. You are a conquered, mixed-blood people who gained freedom after colonialism came to an end post-WW2. You can claim nothing based on history.
I think you need urgent medical help!
Do you have shrinks in China?
china should concentrate on the indian ocean once the south china sea is safely secured.
do the andaman islands fall under 200 nautical miles thing?? i dont think so, andamans are much closer to myanmar than india


Andamans are a different ball game altogether. It was part of the Madras Presidency under British India. Earlier, the Maratha admiral Kanhoji Angre used the Andamans as a base and fought the British off these islands. The Andaman islands were later occupied by Japan during World War II and were nominally put under the authority of the Arzi Hukumat-e-Azad Hind (Provisional Government of Free India) headed by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

On 7th October 1945, an Armada carrying 116 Indian infantry brigade of South East Asian allied Land force under the command of Brigadier A.J. Solomon surrounded Port Blair, compelling about 20,000 Japanese soldiers to surrender on 9th October 1945.

With the advent of Indian Independence from the British, on 15th August 1947, these islands were merged with the Indian Union.
Andamans are a different ball game altogether. It was part of the Madras Presidency under British India. Earlier, the Maratha admiral Kanhoji Angre used the Andamans as a base and fought the British off these islands. The Andaman islands were later occupied by Japan during World War II and were nominally put under the authority of the Arzi Hukumat-e-Azad Hind (Provisional Government of Free India) headed by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

On 7th October 1945, an Armada carrying 116 Indian infantry brigade of South East Asian allied Land force under the command of Brigadier A.J. Solomon surrounded Port Blair, compelling about 20,000 Japanese soldiers to surrender on 9th October 1945.

With the advent of Indian Independence from the British, on 15th August 1947, these islands were merged with the Indian Union.

Anyway Andaman and Nicobar Island is not a disputed territory and mainly Indian people live there. Myanmar, Indonesia or Thailand never expressed their claim on the Islands. :bunny:So, Chinese bullshit claims is useless.
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