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China ready to cede land for part of Arunachal Pradesh?

China prepared to make concessions in Aksai Chin if India gives up Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh

China's long-time negotiator on the border talks, who retired in 2003, has said that Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh is an "alienable" part of Tibet and that a boundary settlement would not be possible unless India agreed to make concessions in the eastern sector.

But if India did so, China would also make concessions in Aksai Chin, suggested Dai Bingguo, spelling out in detail for the first time his thoughts on a solution.

Dai, who was the Special Representative on the boundary issue for 15 rounds of talks until his retirement in 2013, said that India "held the key" to the settlement and that if it took into account China's concerns in the eastern sector, Beijing would similarly do so in other areas.

India sees China as occupying 38,000 sq km of its territory in Aksai Chin, while China claims 90,000 sq km in Arunachal Pradesh.

Dai, who recently penned his memoirs, told the Beijing-based China-India Dialogue magazine, published by the official China International Publishing Group, in an interview: "The disputed territory in the eastern sector of the China-India boundary, including Tawang, is alienable from China's Tibet in terms of cultural background and administrative jurisdiction."

He said it was not until February 1951 that "the local government of Tibet [was] forced to stop its actual administration of Tawang". "Even the British colonialists who drew the illegal 'McMahon Line' respected China's jurisdiction over Tawang," he said.

Dai added: "The major reason the boundary question persists is that China's reasonable requests [in the east] have not been met".

"If the Indian side takes care of China's concerns in the eastern sector of their border," he said, "the Chinese side will respond accordingly and address India's concerns elsewhere."

Despite his emphasis on Tawang, Dai suggested that the 15 rounds of talks he participated in had moved both sides close to "a political settlement". His comments suggest this would involve mutual adjustments or concessions, most likely in Tawang and Aksai Chin.

"China and India are now standing in front of the gate towards a final settlement," he said. "The gate is a framework solution based on meaningful and mutually accepted adjustments. Now, the Indian side holds the key to the gate."

The 19th round of talks was held between National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and State Councillor Yang Jiechi, Dai's successor as SR, in Beijing last April.

1912–1951,This period of history. It is a historical fact that India was raped by britain. Tibet, China is also under British conspiracy, the British want to split Tibet from China, creating a variety of historical events. India is now not only reflect on their own, hoping to keep the British rape pleasure (McMahon line etc.). Also want other countries to rape the history as an honor?

I have no idea what you are trying to say, maybe try a different translator?
China wants to take US's place as a global leader and with that intention China needs her neighbors on her side. We are in a position of strength to negotiate here not China.
There are only 6 million Tibetians, out of which 3 million are in exile.How come there are insane amount of tibetans in china's armed forces ?

Where did you get this figure of 3 million in exile?


According to "CTA" itself, 150,000 are in "exile."

I have never heard India saying "One China Policy". India is only a few countries where Taiwan has an embassy. Go check on google.

Taiwan doesn't have an "embassy" in India.

And that is a FACT.

Please try to recognize FACTS!
Well replace India by china and british empire by japan and the mongols! Have a good day
Like I said, this is the population density map

Take a long hard good look and tell us again who is better placed to make a robust move to get Tibet and Uyghur. :whistle:


How far is Beijing and Shanghai from thse places ? How far is Delhi and Assam ?

Are you sure you want to compete with us ? This is not the olympics where you can feed steroids to get medals, this is a game called chess which was invented in India. A game that Indians have been playing for centuries.
So why have the Falkland Islands? So far? National territory is not the case. China's opposition to the remnants of imperialism is a division of justice. Why not think about India, the British people throw out the border is the root cause of evil, resulting in much hatred and destruction. Are you stupid? No, you are not stupid, but your reputation for greed is endless.

An exchange of land, with the politically and strategically sensitive Tawang tract in Arunachal Pradesh being ceded by India, could pave the way for a settlement of the India-China boundary dispute, China’s former pointsman for India Dai Bingguo has said.

The suggestion came in an interview given by the former Chinese diplomat and high-ranking communist cadre to a Beijing-based publication. Dai Bingguo headed the special representative dialogue with India for over a decade until his retirement in 2013.

Though the exchange of Tawang is far from being a simple affair given the presence of the Tawang monastery, which commands a special place in Tibetan Buddhism and is highly regarded by Buddhists in India as well, Dai’s remarks are significant as they may not be completely without official sanction.

Dai is still regarded close to Chinese rulers, and his voice is taken seriously in the diplomatic community. He is unlikely to make sensitive comments in an interview unless it has been cleared by top leaders of the Communist Party, sources said.

“The major reason the boundary question persists is that China’s reasonable requests have not been met,” Dai said in the interview, adding, “If the Indian side takes care of China’s concerns on the eastern section of the border, the Chinese side will respond accordingly and address India’s concerns elsewhere.”

Dai Bingguo has written on similar lines in his book which came out last year. China analyst Shrikant Kondapalli said the Chinese interest in the eastern sector had been elevated since 2005, when both countries signed the Political Parameters and Guiding Principles. China has eyed the Tawang tract, describing it as Southern Tibet, because the 15th century Dalai Lama was born there. Interestingly, China withdrew from that area after the 1962 war with India. Control of Tawang will consolidate China’s hold over the centres of Tibetan Buddhism.
Subcontinent Indians in history never ruled northeast area, those are conquered by the British. If there is no future war to settle this, viable solution I see is to split the disputed land half and half and demarcate the border, no more troops/military spending needed.

Agreed, British colonists conquered those land, subcontinent Indians in history never ruled northeast area, heck, the people there look like Chinese and are subject to abhorrent discrimination in Indian society.
If this is the case then handover the whole Pakistan to us bcz subcontinent Indians ruled it throughout the history. :enjoy:;)
What is China willing to exchange for Tawang? Aksai Chin and Sakshgam Valley? These two places were uninhabited but Tawang is a place where Indian citizens live. I dont think its possible.
Since when, :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
rss fanboy now speaking for Indian government now? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Even after we repeatedly block your nsg bid, vetoed masood request, your government and modi have no guts to do that, and a keyboard rss warrior is living his wildest dream now
vetoing masood was dumb and dissapointing to me. surely a game China played there..no doubt.
it sound stupid for Indian but If China decide to clear a single tiny of the Himalaya and let Monsoon cross the Tibet like 50 million years ago then India will be over: Not only we will recover our Taklimakan desert with water from monsoon but India a waterless country.


In essence, India is not only friend of thief but conspirator.
go ahead..who is stopping you....tomorrow you will say you can dry whole of ocean as well and make whole world a dry place...height of stupidity.
monsoons happen because of ranges on the Indian, burmese and nepal side of the himalayas ranges. It does not even reaches to the ranges which are on the tibetan plateau.

But you can start with your pixel today and report back the daily progress. BTW where will you put all the earth moved from this exercise? Bejing?
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