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China ready to cede land for part of Arunachal Pradesh?

India already adheres to The one China policy. The article you posted was nothing but hot air warning by your external minister. So much for your article lol...

So we hosted a Taiwanese parliamentary delegation and that's not proof enough?

Our second highest minister has openly said India doesn't accept One China policy. China has openly said India has to follow One China policy.

And all that is only warning? Man, get your head checked.

India doesn't recognize One China. Get over it.
Defying China, India to host Dalai Lama in Arunachal Pradesh

Rijiju, who is from Arunachal and is PM Modi's point man on Tibetan issues, said he would meet the Dalai Lama, who is visiting the Buddhist Tawang monastery after an eight-year interval.

"He is going there as a religious leader, there is no reason to stop him. His devotees are demanding he should come, what harm can he do? He is a lama." :lol:


Now we know why this retired Chinese official gave these statements. No India will not cancel Dalai Lama's visit to Tawang. Deal with it. :azn:

I think this time , the Chinese are going to snatch a 2x2 sq mtr piece of rock in Arunachal Pradesh & declare an ADIZ just to show India who's boss.

Be afraid .Be very afraid .
We don't claim them and recognize them as separate country, Indian northeast was never historically subcontinent Indian, until the British colonists stole them from Tibet or us.

I merely mention the undeniable truth and well known facts that Indian society discriminates northeastern people, what racism did I bring? On the contrary, it's you and your society.

do I need post some links here?

do you need more?

Well Your point is waste, This is even Happening in US,

example - White man and Black man Issue Still There after they are very developed Country,

it happening in india Means not all indians are doing that,

Allow your Ali friend to work in china and ask them Who stayed in China, I am 100% sure They will also Complaint about your People, ( when i wend to Beijing every people call me as Terrorist or may be some other bad words)

So don't post such a waste News here,

we are different people and Culture so this is Normal only,

even north Korea people also face the same kind of problem in south Korea even they all are same Language and same face,
Well Your point is waste, This is even Happening in US,

example - White man and Black man Issue Still There after they are very developed Country,

it happening in india Means not all indians are doing that,

Allow your Ali friend to work in china and ask them Who stayed in China, I am 100% sure They will also Complaint about your People, ( when i wend to Beijing every people call me as Terrorist or may be some other bad words)

So don't post such a waste News here,

we are different people and Culture so this is Normal only,

even north Korea people also face the same kind of problem in south Korea even they all are same Language and same face,

so it's justified because there is discrimination elsewhere? so you can occupy northeastern people's land but discriminate against the locals?
so it's justified because there is discrimination elsewhere? so you can claim northeastern people's land but discriminate against the locals?

Allow Your all weather Friend and Tell me,

the day is not too long, waiting to here same Message to here from your people or Your all weather Friend

You should first ask if you want an hostile China in your back first, we have more options against India than the other around...and not only you will never get what you want but to comply to our demand.

Can you Brief.

If you can take it, why Negotiating and asking.

China know it can't that's why
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India said it publicly.

India on Monday took a tough line ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to India later this month. "For India to agree to a one-China policy, China should reaffirm a one-India policy," external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj said

Here's China asking India to follow One China policy. This is also public.


If you don't know this then your govt is hiding information from your public that India is openly challenging One China policy. Read the articles above.

Even when Sushma Swaraj went to Philippines she clearly said that we are supporting Philippines on Philippines west sea, She never Mentioned South china Sea, that is also was in News.

I have same dream as you to see independent of Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Hyderabad, parts of Himachal, Goa, Sikkim, Ladakh. Let see if it helps you :lol:...that should take care of many birds with one stone...LMAO

Day Dream Won't Come True, so Keep your dreaming:closed:

How about some support to promote independent: you think India is more robust to get Taiwain, Tibet and Uyghur independent from China or if China is more robust to support Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Hyderabad, parts of Himachal, Goa, Sikkim, Ladakh ..and Tamil Nadu independant?? :wave:, only a single group of Maoist and ULFA already gave India headache...we can surely have a fair competition to see who is more robust:whistle:

Internal Problems are we can solve by talk or our indian Army will take care if it,

we have problem internally, when come to india we are one.

keyboard warrior, we can so easily beat your *** one more time like 62, and this time we will stay and take back our land and cut the chicken neck and free all northeast locals from brutal Indian occupation.

Do it If you can,

You even can't launch single Missile against India.

You are Only Keyboard Warrior, You guys only giving Fake news like your Fake Product,

Everything is fake if it doesn't conform to your ideas. :lol:

They are very high in IQ Man,

so they can thing anything,

Then why not ask modi to say that publicly? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

already India told about one china Policy,


You think all your dense population can rush to support Tibet and Xinjiang? as you plan to send human wave to outnumber us in these regions:rofl:, but I can't said the same about India, New Delhi is only 300 km from our borders, all your airplane that lane in New Delhi will have to ask for Chinese permission if we decide to declare ADIZ (air defend identification zone)over New Delhi with Sam S-400:lol: and China can make India navy-less if we decide to declare SDIZ (Sea defend Identification zone) over Indian Ocean with DF-21D placing at Tibet, so if you think you will outnumber us is the key victory:rofl: you just make a big miscalculation.

You can't do with out India Permission, if you can do then we can do the same for Tibet and around the Place

Can you do it, Wait i am thinking.........................No, you can't do

You are stupid people with stupid idea,

also India also Buying S-400 from Russia



What problem does Indonesia have with China?

(Btw Taiwan is not a neighbor, just a province that considers itself the real government of China.)

What a Comedy Man,

Taiwan is independent country, Taiwan already Declared that,

OMG .......... this is beyond Funny..... :lol: ........:lol: .......:lol:

Another "high iq" fantasy.

Chinas things they can do what ever want and the rest of the world will sit and watch,

if it's Happening today to india that means tomorrow for them,

Very Funny Chinese People.

They are Imagination is very worst MAN,
Allow your Ali friend to work in china and ask them Who stayed in China, I am 100% sure They will also Complaint about your People

Allow Your close Ali Friend and Tell me, when you are going to use their land for your own Purpose

What is that ??? (red highlighted) Who is Ali friend and whom land to used for China's purpose?
Lol Indians talk like they're not greedy :sick:, China has never recognized Mc Mahon's line and has never signed the unfair demarcation imposed by British but Indians toke that as for granted and as affaire classé...this is like a thief force you to leave your house, he then give your house to his friend so the thief's friend can come to tell you that your house belong to him now.

You should consider lucky that Chineses are not greedy as you claim, we could have selfishly divert all water in Tibet for ourself and let India NE in misery.

My dear Chinese fren, I have nothing against you.
The Mc Mohan line was signed between British and Tibet. Since Tibet is now taken over by Chinese and British no longer exist in India, it is your right to reject the Shimla convention of 1914.
But I must tell you that assuming that ppl of Arunachal Pradesh will open heartedly accept Chinese is like waiting for rain in a desert.
BJP, the right wing nationalistic party, has now formed a government in Arunchalpradesh, which indicates the sway of India in the region.
Mere appearance isn't enough. Ppl of Arunachalpradesh are very Indian.

This is our central minister from ArunachalPradesh. Do visit his twitter ID when free :)

It's not about greed. China is not asking for land from Burma. Why? Because Burma is not occupying Chinese lands. You are - so they want it back.

If anyone is greedy, it's you for not letting it go after British Empire collapsed!

If what you said was true then India would have taken over Bangladesh long time go.
Sometimes it helps to study history.
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My dear Chinese fren, I have nothing against you.
The Mc Mohan line was signed between British and Tibet. Since Tibet is now taken over by a Chinese and British no longer exist in India, it is your right to reject the Shimla convention of 1914.
But I must tell you that assuming that ppl of Arunachal Pradesh will open heartedly accept Chinese is like waiting for rain in a desert.
BJP, the right wing nationalistic party, has now formed a government in Arunchalpradesh, which indicates the sway of India in the region.
Mere appearance isn't enough. Ppl of Arunachalpradesh are very Indian.

This is our central minister from ArunachalPradesh. Do visit his twitter ID when free :)


If what you said was true then India would have taken over Bangladesh long time go.
Sometimes it helps to study history.

Not Only Bangladesh, we can take back Pakistan also if we want when Bangladesh separated from Pakistan
Not Only Bangladesh, we can take back Pakistan also if we want when Bangladesh separated from Pakistan

My fren if we wanted Pakistan back then we didn't have to put ourselves through the pangs of partition in the first place.
Pakistan is a separate entity now.
Their ideologies are so diff from ours that I don't think India should ever risk an attempt to capture it.
Plus India always put its populace before everything else, war would mean splurging money on weapons. We don't have that luxury.
Though it doesn't mean we are weak.

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