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China ready to cede land for part of Arunachal Pradesh?

HaHa ok....
But you should know all Islamic & CPI communists are shown middle finger by regional people & rather they have elected a Hindu nationalistic govt by their will.Those are also the most hated in India.:)

That's what you think but we do thing differently :lol:
1. We provide "moral support" to the Balochs to do us a few favors :azn:.

2. Modi visited Taiwan when he was 50 year old ....... is that what you call a "student" ? :lol:

Another chinese "high iq" bouncer.

1- I think Pakistan can return you the same favor:D
2- I lol'ed, it said nothing maybe at that time he's just an un-employed labor with no special status.

I can see.You are being butt red coz of a 60 yrs old diabetics lama...:lol:

what are u talking about? :cuckoo:

I too agree man some peaceful Chinese angel's occupied Tibet then and South china sea now :cool:

That's not occupation that's Chinese angel's paradise :dirol:
1- I think Pakistan can return you the same favor:D
2- I lol'ed, it said nothing maybe at that time he's just an un-employed labor with no special status.

1.What can pakistan do any more than what it is already doing with chinese support ? NOTHING.

2. Modi was the General Secretary of the BJP when he visited Taiwan. Soon after which he became the CM of Gujarat. LOL at your contention that he was an "unemployed nobody" :lol:
1.What can pakistan do any more than what it is already doing with chinese support ? NOTHING.

2. Modi was the General Secretary of the BJP when he visited Taiwan. Soon after which he became the CM of Gujarat. LOL at your contention that he was an "unemployed nobody" :lol:

1- Pakistan can do a lot of thing, you can bet
2- and ?? what different from Taiwanese delegation that visite India, he was not represent India? ask him to go as prime minster if he dare.:pdf:
1- Pakistan can do a lot of thing, you can bet
2- and ?? what different from Taiwanese delegation that visite India, he was not represent India? ask him to go as prime minster if he dare.:pdf:

1. pakistan can do squat and you know it. Which is why they are hanging to your coat tails.

2. What extra advantage will India get if he now AGAIN visit Taiwan as the PM ? :coffee: .... we already get all that we want. He has better things to do that waste his time for irrelevant photo ops.

Why don't you demand his apology if you protest him going to Taiwan on a Taiwanese Visa ?
1. pakistan can do squat and you know it. Which is why they are hanging to your coat tails.

2. What extra advantage will India get if he now AGAIN visit Taiwan as the PM ? :coffee: .... we already get all that we want. He has better things to do that waste his time for irrelevant photo ops.

Why don't you demand his apology if you protest him going to Taiwan on a Taiwanese Visa ?

1-I will let our Pakistanis brother to answer this

2-dont go to Taiwan as low class, he should go now as PM with prestige that equal the status of India, or all your neighbors will look down on India...if we ever discover that Modi went to Taiwan clandestinely than India is just worhtless.
So you can do to other with water diversion such as water interlink and we can't? :lol:

And sorry to say this, the scroll is keeping secret that I didn't have access but you can be sure that your equation will never fly.
I can be responsible for what I am writing, not what you understand out of it. Didnot i say, call Bangladesh as well into the talks? Or you didnt understand it?

Or may be that secret scroll is just an empty vessel. There is nothing concrete in chinese minds and you enjoying this palaver
Yeh go to educate yourself properly regarding Tibet, the name Zorawar Singh ring a bell? or Sino-Sikh war if you learn your history book, we were protector of Tibet way before 1950, this pretty retard to say that we invade Tibet only in 1950s.

this is why people see you as nothing but a troll, that was a 18th century Sikh kingdom ruled by sheer Singh, not any central/east indian kingdoms who had deep roots with tibet.

more than 70% of their territory is from your "all round friend" Pakistan


And Buddhism is from Nepal, don't try to steal Nepalese culture heritage.

what a idiotic thing to say, i didn't even say Buddha was born in India, i said Buddhism has its ansistoral roots from India, when Buddhism spread it was via the Indian kingdoms, which also ruled over present day Nepal.

that aside, have you ever picked up the map of nepal? lumbini is literally at the border of Nepal ,his fathers kingdom was predominantly in India, the capital is literally at the edge, that's the reason why there more Buddhists in north- east India than north Nepal. hell his his father kosala kingdom is literally ancient bihar , the kingdom barely reached nepal.



tldr; Buddhism spread from north east Indian kingdom then reached northern nepali tclans and Tibetan kingdom.

After the 1947 independent, India claimed to sit on the throne in Asia and be big brother, Nehru gave asylum to these slave owners and Dalai just to show the world that India is the leader of none alignment and not only that it has shown the disrespect to China, and his arrogance had made him pay for India's humiliation in 1962.

lol calling the da lilama a slave owner, man you hans sure have a way with nonsentical propaganda :rofl:, he is internationally known for peace and harmony, that aside we returned the humiliation 1967. Sikkim is way more impotent than COK can ever be
It's not about greed. China is not asking for land from Burma. Why? Because Burma is not occupying Chinese lands. You are - so they want it back.

If anyone is greedy, it's you for not letting it go after British Empire collapsed!

Poor knowledge.China has territorial dispute with Myanmar/Burma .One reason for their lineage towards India
Poor knowledge.China has territorial dispute with Myanmar/Burma .One reason for their lineage towards India

For your information, China has settled its territorial dispute with Myanmar in 1960. India and Bhutan are the only remaining countries that China has land dispute with, among its 14 bordering neighbors.
Human by nature is very greedy.
Today you give them 1sq.km ,tomorrow they will ask for more.

Peace with China is not a possibility...not in the next 1 century. So let's not hope that any exchange of land would dawn peace on NE.
Spoken like a true Indian.
Its a plot of your Britain master about mcmohan line that caused boundary dispute between china and india, U be fooled by history yourself and U master!:cheers:
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