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China ready to cede land for part of Arunachal Pradesh?

Our game go is way more complicated than chess, which computer beat human 30 years ago, just last year ai managed to beat human go player.

But you see no Chinese gloating about that like Indians do even on questionable claims
The invention of chess is also claimed by East asians. :)
The origin of chess is debatable. It's been claimed by different countries. Don't get on your high horse so fast.

Yes I agree, just use your MOUTH. :D

Tell that to Modi.

It all starts with using the mouth. That is why the Chinese is so keen to shut mouths and ears within China. Especially in Tibet.

The CCP knows the reality of geography which is why they are mellow, unlike their stand in the SCS.
Like I said, this is the population density map

Take a long hard good look and tell us again who is better placed to make a robust move to get Tibet and Uyghur. :whistle:


How far is Beijing and Shanghai from thse places ? How far is Delhi and Assam ?

Are you sure you want to compete with us ? This is not the olympics where you can feed steroids to get medals, this is a game called chess which was invented in India. A game that Indians have been playing for centuries.

You think all your dense population can rush to support Tibet and Xinjiang? as you plan to send human wave to outnumber us in these regions:rofl:, but I can't said the same about India, New Delhi is only 300 km from our borders, all your airplane that lane in New Delhi will have to ask for Chinese permission if we decide to declare ADIZ (air defend identification zone)over New Delhi with Sam S-400:lol: and China can make India navy-less if we decide to declare SDIZ (Sea defend Identification zone) over Indian Ocean with DF-21D placing at Tibet, so if you think you will outnumber us is the key victory:rofl: you just make a big miscalculation.
It all starts with using the mouth. That is why the Chinese is so keen to shut mouths and ears within China. Especially in Tibet.

The CCP knows the reality of geography which is why they are mellow, unlike their stand in the SCS.
Says the one with a mouth Canon. :D

You think all your dense population can rush to support Tibet and Xinjiang? as you plan to send human wave to outnumber us in these regions:rofl:, but I can't said the same about India, New Delhi is only 300 km from our borders, all your airplane that lane in New Delhi will have to ask for Chinese permission if we decide to declare ADIZ (air defend identification zone)over New Delhi with Sam S-400:lol: and China can make India navy-less if we decide to declare SDIZ (Sea defend Identification zone) over Indian Ocean with DF-21D placing at Tibet, so if you think you will outnumber us is the key victory:rofl: you just make a big miscalculation.
Just big mouth, brother. Nothing credible in his/her/it post.
Genius, in your theory USA is beaten to shit because he is far away from Iraq than Saddam? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

LOL...seriously ?

Iraq was sandwiched between Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Syria. Not to mention being next to the Sea and ports.

Is Uyghur and Tibet next to the Sea ? :cheesy:

Nope, they are Next to India. In fact they are closer to India than to Mainland China.
Says the one with a mouth Canon. :D

Just big mouth, brother. Nothing credible in his/her/it post.

As I mentioned earlier, with Tibet India is condemned for ever to be at Inferiority, not only we control the water, we have a better strategic position vis-a vis India. A lot of Indians proudly claimed that they can set blockade to Chinese merchant ships over Indian Ocean in case of war but, If China decide to sink Indian civilian and navy from Tibet, we can make India Navy-less...LMAO

You think all your dense population can rush to support Tibet and Xinjiang? as you plan to send human wave to outnumber us in these regions:rofl:, but I can't said the same about India, New Delhi is only 300 km from our borders, all your airplane that lane in New Delhi will have to ask for Chinese permission if we decide to declare ADIZ (air defend identification zone)over New Delhi with Sam S-400:lol: and China can make India navy-less if we decide to declare SDIZ (Sea defend Identification zone) over Indian Ocean with DF-21D placing at Tibet, so if you think you will outnumber us is the key victory:rofl: you just make a big miscalculation.

Cool story :lol:

Is this what you tell your kids ?

Russia is selling us S-400 too, only these cannot look OVER the Himalayan ranges into Delhi :lol:

Even without the S-400 Chiense air force cannot use the base in Tibet at full capacity due to high altitude, thin air and hence low oxygen and lower lift.

Not to mention the effect of such high altitude on Pilots who come from the plains :lol:

LOL at your claims of making India Navy less. This does not even merit a response.
As I mentioned earlier, with Tibet India is condemned for ever to be at Inferiority, not only we control the water, we have a better strategic position vis-a vis India. A lot of Indians proudly claimed that they can set blockade to Chinese merchant ships over Indian Ocean in case of war but, If China decide to sink Indian civilian and navy from Tibet, we can make India Navy-less...LMAO


OMG .......... this is beyond Funny..... :lol: ........:lol: .......:lol:

Another "high iq" fantasy.
Lol Indians talk like they're not greedy :sick:, China has never recognized Mc Mahon's line and has never signed the unfair demarcation imposed by British but Indians toke that as for granted and as affaire classé...this is like a thief force you to leave your house, he then give your house to his friend so the thief's friend can come to tell you that your house belong to him now.

You should consider lucky that Chineses are not greedy as you claim, we could have selfishly divert all water in Tibet for ourself and let India NE in misery.

Ya right a thief forced Tibetans to leave their homeland in the greed of occupying it

Subcontinent Indians in history never ruled northeast area, those are conquered by the British. If there is no future war to settle this, viable solution I see is to split the disputed land half and half and demarcate the border, no more troops/military spending needed.

Agreed, British colonists conquered those land, subcontinent Indians in history never ruled northeast area, heck, the people there look like Chinese and are subject to abhorrent discrimination in Indian society.

considering the number of killings you guys have done in Tibet after illegally occupying it its far better to live with discrimination than being killed by the Chinese
Nice try idiot. Afghanistan accepts the Durand line.

Verbally abusing others and quoting wikipedia is of no use, I'm afraid. I can edit that wiki page in a few moments if it helps :rofl:

Official press release from Afghanistan on October 23, 2012 (not 1919)

Kabul rejects and considers irrelevant any statement by anyone about the legal status of this line. The status of the Durand Line, the statement added, was a matter of historic importance for the people of Afghanistan.

And of course, your own sitting KP Chief Minister says that KP belongs to Afghans.


They say half the solution by acknowledging the problem.

Maybe you feel "brave" with that fearsome photo of Zia as your avatar. :) :police:

I merely mention the undeniable truth

The "truth"...that China has a claim to any country with ethnic groups of mongoloid descent?

Why don't you make a claim to the Native American tribes - they are mongoloid ethnically as well.

But I'm guessing you won't :)
China can beg for whatever it feels like - it won't get squat. It hasn't been able to given Taiwan back. It is one thing to occupy and take-over a country of Buddhist monks - quite another to fight others. Thankfully, the Chinese Govt. is aware of its own limitations even if its people are downright daft.
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