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China ramps up pressure over Kashmir

P.S. Have you found any nation yet, that supports India's claims on Aksai Chin, in the way that China and Pakistan support each other? :azn:

high iq..!! which other country supports you on ur claim or Taiwan or Akshai..??
you can beat ur own dums with Pak but no one from outside supports you. hope it gets through very high iq people the chinese..:azn:

Two out of three countries who share a land border with the so-called disputed region are against India. :azn:
so what ..??

it means we have disputes with ONLY two countries... count your disputes and the whole world is having dispute with China.. yes yes count Pak out of it.:) US, Japan, Russia, India etc etc....now u can count the rest. care for urself. these are real powers and u are messed up with a lot of them.

The next Indo-Pak war will also include China, considering China's now vital interests to Pakistan's "Northern areas", such as land access to Gwadar port.

India couldn't even beat China one-on-one, back when our economies were of a similar size. Now China's economy is FOUR times bigger than India's.

China+Pakistan combined, would destroy any Indian attempts to steal Pakistan's Northern areas and Chinese land.

when there will be a war enter into the war . last time i think Pak was even split into two and u were sleeping. Empty words like always...

Who might enter into war is anybody's guess. It could be 2(most likely going by Chinese record of past...:rofl: )3 of us or even more... :)
That's a good article. :tup:

If China doesn't see itself as a future superpower, how on EARTH can India claim to be one, when they are SO far behind...

Just read the international media, and what is their picture of India? The last notable article I read on the international media about India, was the mess of the CWGs. No record-breaking construction works, nothing to say on any matter that involves the P5+1 or any such major world issues...

yes China is so ahead that it is not even living on Earth.:hitwall: poor iq cant even see that India is the second most developing country in the world and is soon going to overtake China in this decade itself in rate of growth. When u cant see the obvious it means u have ur head in the sand. What world says about India is far far better then what it says about China. World likes India and dislikes China. Every major country in the world feels China is not transparent in its intentions while welcomes the development of India as India has true and good intentions. ok time to sleep. good night. Think for a moment why all major countries(US, India, Japan, Russia, Australia etc etc) have issues with China and all neighbours also have issues with China...!!
relax guys we dont have to do anything to all the Pakistani's who think they are Chinese.....we just sit back and relax and see the fruits of Pakistan's own seeds taking a toll of its own country.....
The land pakistan was always there but with different names, just because before 1947 there was no word as pakistan doesn't mean you can hijack our history and claim ranjith who was born in gujranwala pakistani as bharti, We still have gujrawala this makes ranjith pakistani, his Samadhi is also in pakistan.

Western historians call shivaji a criminal, After being defeated by Afzal Khan in battle, and he asked for a negotiated settlement. Afzal Khan embraced him before negotiations, During the embrace Shivaji attacked AfzalKhan with the dagger and killed him, This is why we muslim call you as Bagal mein churi moon mein ram ram
If shivaji is not a terrorist then Qassab is also not a terrorist

Killing pillaging and looting Afghan invaders to save the motherland ,by any means, is very much acceptable and indeed it is an obligation to do so.

All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved. - Sun Tzu

All war is based on deception - Sun Tzu

Shivaji was indeed a great military strategist who brought the Mughals to their knees.
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Good job China keep up the pressure... as the world needs to wake up & see what the indian gov is doing there and needs to bring india to the table once and for all enough is enough ... india stop trying to be like israel and follwing there foot steps these people of kashmir have every right to live in peace and every right to decide if they want there own nation or want to part of someone else meanwhile China has every right to look up in to issue of what belongs to them the time has come india stop playing childesh games.
To beat the history drum is the sign of loosers.
So please leave the history for those PURE scholars who see it with an angle most suited to them.
Lets us focus on present to make future.
ci think china got it's own problems and shouldn't bother much about Kashmir. besides india china are great business partners.
high iq..!! which other country supports you on ur claim or Taiwan or Akshai..??
you can beat ur own dums with Pak but no one from outside supports you. hope it gets through very high iq people the chinese..:azn:

so what ..??

it means we have disputes with ONLY two countries... count your disputes and the whole world is having dispute with China.. yes yes count Pak out of it.:) US, Japan, Russia, India etc etc....now u can count the rest. care for urself. these are real powers and u are messed up with a lot of them.

when there will be a war enter into the war . last time i think Pak was even split into two and u were sleeping. Empty words like always...

Who might enter into war is anybody's guess. It could be 2(most likely going by Chinese record of past...:rofl: )3 of us or even more... :)

every country in the world recognizes taiwan as part of china except 20 tiny banana republics. none recognize taiwan as a disputed territory.

every country in the world recognizes kashmir as a disputed territory.

we don't have a problem with russia. the problem with japan and US is easily managed, and neither can realistically destroy China without being wiped off the map in the way that China and US can both wipe India off the map with no negative consequences. The total tonnage of the Indian nuclear arsenal is smaller than 1 chinese nuke. It would be a miracle if India could even launch a nuclear weapon without it being shot down. It is solely at the mercy of China, US, Britain and Russia that India still exists. We can turn India into vapor with no negative consequenes within seconds.
India shouldn't bother too much about Chinas border definition and visa drama. Let them do what they want, since it will not change anything on the ground.
Indias stand should be that it shares 'no border with China'. On the north and north-east India has 2000Kms border with 'Tibet' and 1500Kms. with 'East-Turkmenistan'. This will be consistent with India's stand of not endorsing the 'One China' policy.
Also, India should go ahead and build diplomatic relations with Taiwan.
we don't have a problem with russia. the problem with japan and US is easily managed, and neither can realistically destroy China without being wiped off the map in the way that China and US can both wipe India off the map with no negative consequences. The total tonnage of the Indian nuclear arsenal is smaller than 1 chinese nuke. It would be a miracle if India could even launch a nuclear weapon without it being shot down. It is solely at the mercy of China, US, Britain and Russia that India still exists. We can turn India into vapor with no negative consequenes within seconds.

A fine example of Hubris.

Is it a lack of self belief and insecurity which makes a person make such bold claims? I think so.
every country in the world recognizes taiwan as part of china except 20 tiny banana republics. none recognize taiwan as a disputed territory.

every country in the world recognizes kashmir as a disputed territory.

we don't have a problem with russia. the problem with japan and US is easily managed, and neither can realistically destroy China without being wiped off the map in the way that China and US can both wipe India off the map with no negative consequences. The total tonnage of the Indian nuclear arsenal is smaller than 1 chinese nuke. It would be a miracle if India could even launch a nuclear weapon without it being shot down. It is solely at the mercy of China, US, Britain and Russia that India still exists. We can turn India into vapor with no negative consequenes within seconds.

I am glad politicians do not think the way you do. Otherwise, human race would have been wiped out long ago.
every country in the world recognizes taiwan as part of china except 20 tiny banana republics. none recognize taiwan as a disputed territory.

every country in the world recognizes kashmir as a disputed territory.

we don't have a problem with russia. the problem with japan and US is easily managed, and neither can realistically destroy China without being wiped off the map in the way that China and US can both wipe India off the map with no negative consequences. The total tonnage of the Indian nuclear arsenal is smaller than 1 chinese nuke. It would be a miracle if India could even launch a nuclear weapon without it being shot down. It is solely at the mercy of China, US, Britain and Russia that India still exists. We can turn India into vapor with no negative consequenes within seconds.

This had been discussed to death in an another thread,we dont need those megaton nukes,anyway how did u reached the conclusion about the limited Indian stockpile,from the report of some NGO's?

AFAIK it is one of the highly classified program in the world,Indian nuclear size had never been made official.

Just like i said in the beginning we never need those single megaton nukes,just a little boy 2 is enough to wipe out any of ur city from the map,and even with that limited stockpile we can create hundreds of little boys and fat man's,enough to eat out each and every Chinese city.

Let as assume what u guys say,that we will be unable to achieve MAD,even then we will make it sure ur thrown back into stone age.

And by the way,we r not living on Chinese mercy,u r to small for that.
This had been discussed to death in an another thread,we dont need those megaton nukes,anyway how did u reached the conclusion about the limited Indian stockpile,from the report of some NGO's?

AFAIK it is one of the highly classified program in the world,Indian nuclear size had never been made official.

Just like i said in the beginning we never need those single megaton nukes,just a little boy 2 is enough to wipe out any of ur city from the map,and even with that limited stockpile we can create hundreds of little boys and fat man's,enough to eat out each and every Chinese city.

Let as assume what u guys say,that we will be unable to achieve MAD,even then we will make it sure ur thrown back into stone age.
And by the way,we r not living on Chinese mercy,u r to small for that.

Please have some self-respect, stop ranting like a mad man with nothing to back yourself up.
Learn something called "reality" from a honest professional military chief:

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

While India spends about $30 billion annually on defence, China spends at least thrice as much, although some estimates go up to $ 200 billion.

Its military is twice as large as India and its nuclear arsenal far well proven.
India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief - India News - IBNLive

Keywords= India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.:tup:

Sorry, so much for your "chest thumping":lol:
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