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China Radio's Tamil station to launch FM channel in India


Jan 10, 2013
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China Radio's Tamil station to launch FM channel in India | NDTV.com
Beijing : China Radio International's Tamil service is all set to launch its FM station in India as part of
its 50th anniversary this year. CRI Tamil, which broadcasts on shortwave in Tamil
Nadu, is in talks with some FM stations in Chennai,
Cai Jun aka Vani, deputy director of the Tamil
department of CRI, told PTI in Beijing. "We have already been broadcasting on
shortwave in Tamil Nadu. We are in talks with
local FM stations in Tamil Nadu for distribution. This
will establish our footing in the FM area there," she
says. The Tamil service of CRI was started in August
1963. Headed by Zhao Jiang, the department comprises
18 members, including two Indians Maria Michael
and Pushpa Ramani. Besides Tamil, CRI broadcasts in three other Indian
languages - Hindi, Bengali and Urdu. Talking to a group of visiting foreign journalists in
Beijing, CRI's South Asia Centre Director Lou
Hongbing said he was looking towards mobile
radio to facilitate communication with India. "We are trying to introduce new means. We are
interested in establishing a mechanism to share
our resources- radio programmes and news," he
said. CRI Mobile was officially launched in 2009. It is
China's first multimedia English-language website
optimised for mobile devices. Lou also expressed interest in introducing daily
lives of Chinese to India audience by translating
Chinese programmes. "We could explore further in terms of exchange of
news. Links could be exchanged, we could hold
collective activities. We could also provide content
to media in India," he said. Founded on December 3, 1941, the state-run radio
station now offers its services in 63 languages that
include some Chinese dialects. According to Lou, as mainstream media, we have
to be more objective while looking at things. "Though there shouldn't be any obstacle in terms
of news, there will be no room for positive things
if only the negative aspect is reported. Objectivity
and fairness are what we perceive in our reports." "Both in India and China, there is information
explosion. So there is every possibility of false,
fake or negative news in the light of fierce
competition. To promote friendship, we need to do
something. There should not be any confusion
among readers, listeners and viewers," he said.
great to see the re-budding of Tamil/Sino relationship . which dates back to 3000 yrs .. Chinese and Tamils are bhai bhai

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Like her way of speaking tamil - so cute. :smitten: - Good to know she has written a travel journal about Chinese places in Tamil.
China’s first Tamil author looks to build bridges

Zhao Jiang’s first Tamil book makes debut at on-going Chennai Book Fair

For Zhao Jiang, who prefers to go by her Tamil name Kalaimakal, writing a book in Tamil would have seemed unthinkable when she first began learning what appeared to be an undecipherable script in a Chinese university classroom some 15 years ago.

Today, as a fluent Tamil-speaker and the director of the government-run China Radio International’s (CRI) Tamil station, which commands an impressive audience of more than 25,000 dedicated listeners in Tamil Nadu alone, Ms. Zhao has taken it upon herself to foster closer ties between China and southern India, a usually overlooked destination for Chinese travellers.

This week, Ms. Zhao’s first book in Tamil — which, as far as she knows, might even be the first ever Tamil book authored by a Chinese — will debut at the ongoing Chennai Book Fair, which runs until January 23 at the YMCA College Ground in Nandanam. The book will be available at the stall of publishers Gowtham Pathippagam.

Titled China’s Travel Attractions, the book provides an introduction of the history and culture of Beijing, Shanghai and Tibet. “The idea I had was to introduce the special features of China for a Tamil audience,” Ms. Zhao told The Hindu in an interview.

Her inspiration, she said, came from the listeners of CRI, who sent in thousands of letters wanting to know more about travelling in China.

CRI’s Tamil station receives as many as five lakh letters every year — more than any other of the station’s 60 international channels — from listeners in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and Europe.

The book, Ms. Zhao says, introduces the changes the Chinese capital has seen in its recent history, from its thriving new 798 art district to its modern subway system. It also provides an introduction to China’s most famous historical sites. The book includes sections on Shanghai’s architecture and a guide to travelling in Tibet, written with an Indian audience in mind.

Ms. Zhao has been a broadcaster with CRI for 13 years, joining the channel after completing her undergraduate degree in Tamil at the Communications University of China. The university is the only school in Beijing that teaches Tamil; it caters largely to the hiring needs of CRI and the official Xinhua news agency.

Ms. Zhao, who has travelled extensively in Tamil Nadu in 2003 and 2004 on trips aimed at engaging with CRI’s more than 500 listeners’ clubs, now plans to spend a year studying in Tamil Nadu. She is also considering writing a book, based on her upcoming travels in India, to introduce south India to Chinese travellers, who usually only head to New Delhi or Buddhist pilgrimage sites in the north.

“After the success of the film ‘Life of Pi’ in China [parts of which were shot in Puducherry], there is an increasing interest in south India among Chinese,” Ms. Zhao said.

Thank you but the sad story is most of us dont know about such historical linkages.

perhaps its true .. blame all the anti Tamil govts at the centre for not teaching you (truth) Tamil history. The Cholas had diplomatic /trade/ cultural links with China. even the Malay history mentions the Cholas aborted sea expedition to conquer China.
perhaps its true .. blame all the anti Tamil govts at the centre for not teaching you (truth) Tamil history. The Cholas had diplomatic /trade/ cultural links with China. even the Malay history mentions the Cholas aborted sea expedition to conquer China.

i dont think the cholas intended to conquer china. although they annexed the adjacent parts to secure their trade routes with their powerful navy.


Towards the end of the 9th century, southern India had developed extensive maritime and commercial activity, especially with the Chinese and Arabs. The Cholas, being in possession of parts of both the west and the east coasts of peninsular India, were at the forefront of these ventures. The Tang dynasty of China, the Srivijaya empire in the Malayan archipelago under the Sailendras, and the Abbasid Kalifat at Baghdad were the main trading partners.[21]

The trade with the Chinese was a very lucrative enterprise, and Trade guilds needed the king's approval and the license from the customs force/department to embark on overseas voyages for trade.[22] The normal trade voyage of those day involved three legs of journey, starting with the Indian goods (mainly spices, cotton and gems) being shipped to China and in the return leg the Chinese goods (silk, incense,iron) were brought back to Chola ports. After some materials were utilized for local consumption, the remaining cargo along with Indian cargo was shipped to the Arabs. Traditionally, this involved transfer of material/cargo to many ships before the ultimate destination was reached.

The close diplomatics tie between the Song dynasty of China and the Medieval Cholas facilitated many technological innovations to travel both ways. The more interesting ones to have reached Chinese shores are:
The famous Chola ship-designs employing independent water tight compartments in the hull of a ship.
The mariner's compass
The continuously shooting Flamethrowers for naval warfare.

Chola Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I always thought they would start bolch FM first followed by urdu and punjabi. But its quite evident that the business cant be done on higher deeper emotional hormones.

Its quite amazing to know that chinese have learned tamil. Heck i being an indian cant understand tamil.
perhaps its true .. blame all the anti Tamil govts at the centre for not teaching you (truth) Tamil history. The Cholas had diplomatic /trade/ cultural links with China. even the Malay history mentions the Cholas aborted sea expedition to conquer China.

Nobody suppresses the History in India, the history we were taught were from State boards and State govt. will select the history subjects.

Regarding China, There is no China back then and we do not have any contacts with Chinese, we might have contacts with Cantonese, Hans, Mancus etc..etc...

We do have good relations with Tibetans and on either side of the Indo Tibetan border lot of cultural exchanges took place. Which was mentioned in our history.
Nobody suppresses the History in India, the history we were taught were from State boards and State govt. will select the history subjects.

Regarding China, There is no China back then and we do not have any contacts with Chinese, we might have contacts with Cantonese, Hans, Mancus etc..etc...

We do have good relations with Tibetans and on either side of the Indo Tibetan border lot of cultural exchanges took place. Which was mentioned in our history.

I guess you are off track , my remark was on Tamils not Indians,

Revise your own recent history before you blabber , there was no country called India before the arrival and conquest by the Muslims and British. In fact the name Hindu is of Persian /Arab origin. India was a British creation and you guys need to thank the Brits for giving you an "identity".

If you make a claim - contacts with the Cantonese (race , dialect ??), Khans - Manchus please post the supporting evidence to substantiate, if not, its just your usual "Indian Propaganda" similar to your fabricated history taught by the state boards etc.

Map of the Mongol empire 1200-1300 AD


map of the Qing dyansty (1600- 1900 Ad)


You see, eon before the Muslims/British established their empire in India, China existed as a united country under the various dynasties namely Yuan and Hans etc..

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@manlion Yuan Mongol empire has nothing to do with Han Chinese or Current CCP.

Dreaming about rosy past and claiming those territories won't work and illogic.

Instead why not go back to the time when China was divided into small kingdoms and are fighting each other??
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@manlion Yuan Mongol empire has nothing to do with Han Chinese or Current CCP.

Dreaming about rosy past and claiming those territories won't work and illogic.

Instead why not go back to the time when China was divided into small kingdoms and are fighting each other??

China has been unified under one country for over 2000 years. It was done by ourselves. India was only unified by British forces. It took a white foreigner to unify you :lol:
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