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I have given you the Mahabharata reference , its for you to follow up with hard copy for the sanskrit text and not keep bugging me for evidence when you have none to support your lies i.e existence of Bharat from 5000 BC

My point is in Mahabharat there were separate kingdoms and tribes and the whole land mass was not united under 1 ruler. My assertions is still valid , i.e there was no country called India, when the Cholas had cultural and political links with China and Dravidistan was never under Indian rule until the Brits colonialisation of Hindoostan

Dravida, Chola , Pandyas are being mentioned more than 40 times in the Mahabharat and I gave you 1 link Karna Parva book 8 for verification.

Online Mahabharat (English version) If you have any issues take it up with Ganguli the translator and not with me , good luck

The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva (refer PDF file page 12)

source Mahabharata - by Ganguli in MS Word

Still you couldn't prove the comments you wrote, please provide me the reference for Hindya or Dravidistan :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Foreigners (especially those ashamed of using their real flags) gonna tell us about our Indianess. :rofl::rofl: When you are not even an Indian how your opinion gonna matter for us. :hitwall::rofl::lol:
If you refuse to acknowledge outside source then refer to your own Buddshit myth Mahavamsa which speaks of Chola invasion, destruction and rule of Lanka. BTW you were only able to take on the Cholas due to Pandya alliance through marriage.

If Mahavamsa is a 'myth' why bring it out as a source? :) and it is not a buddhist text but a historical text which is used to find abt the history of ur country it self.
Yes Chola did invadem destroy and ruled certian parts of SL (which is a war crime). I didn t reject it. I said SL was never conquered in full. Cholas couldnt touch the southern borders. (I hope u get this at least nw.)
Always there were rebellions and many invading cholas were massacred in South.

Sinhalas had pandya alliance much before the emergence of Cholas. After all cholas were massacred in south not because of Pandya marriages. If u really think so u dont fit for a defence forum at all. Pandyas were important in the sense they made the cholas weak and started rebellions in india itself. That is my friend strategic partnership. :)
Also many Pandya princes took refuge in SL during Chola rule. Also sinhala forces had gone to india in support of Pandyas.
It seems, for many Indians, at least in this forum, they always rely on others' praise to satisfy their ego. Is that because they don't have pride for things from their own country? It is sad for an old civilization.

But India is somewhat different from others. Their language, country and name were actually all given by others. BTW the food - rice - was given by China.

Wel , just like China , our ancient name was `Bharata`.. not India. so that refutes ur claim of our name was given by outsiders.. hey can call us anything , but we are Bharat-wasi (inhabitants of Bharat) and did our language came from outside? Seriously Einstein? So were we not surviving before the rice was introduced to us?

Additionally, Buddha was from Nepal. Anyway, IMO, Buddhism is a backwards religion. It needs modernization to survive.

We all know Siddharata was from Nepal , we dont claim otherwise!! But he became Buddha in India.

And we have Taoism. IMO, the best religion for social development. Many Taoism theories are actually very close to modern sciences. Most importantly, in Taoism, you can NOT simply believe in your gods to gain immortal life, instead you must work hard to exercise your body and spirit. This is the reason it is not that popular. After all, most people are just lazy losers.[/QUOTE]

Aaaa... so U called Buddhism backward coz U wanted to propogate your religion?
Just like taoism , Buddhism is based on Modern Science , (part of Hinduism) , if U dont know about it kindly do some research on it rather than propagating ur taoism (might is right , eh??) to gain Nirvana or Salvation in Buddhism or Hinduism of course U have to do the physical or spiritual `work`.. in Buddhism its called the `Pillars of Buddism `and in Hinduism its called as follows:-

Jnana Yoga: Jnana Yoga is the path of knowledge, wisdom, introspection and contemplation. It involves deep exploration of the nature our being by systematically exploring and setting aside false identities.

Bhakti Yoga: Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion, emotion, love, compassion, and service to God and others. All actions are done in the context of remembering the Divine.

Karma Yoga: Karma Yoga is the path of action, service to others, mindfulness, and remembering the levels of our being while fulfilling our actions or karma in the world.

Raja Yoga: Raja Yoga is a comprehensive method that emphasizes meditation, while encompassing the whole of Yoga. It directly deals with the encountering and transcending thoughts of the mind.

So , just like Taoism , our Religions are Also based on hard work of Body and Spirit and all that U mentioned!!!
If Mahavamsa is a 'myth' why bring it out as a source? :) and it is not a buddhist text but a historical text which is used to find abt the history of ur country it self.

Thats a interesting proposition - myth vs history, so are you admitting that the Sinhala race was fathered by a Lion ? Please answer and don't shy off

As for your rantings, it needs to be taken with heaps of salt just like the Vanga princess romantic tryst with a horny lion. Sinhalese are known fabricators and manipulators of history, now they are in the process of re-writing history.
Thats a interesting proposition - myth vs history, so are you admitting that the Sinhala race was fathered by a Lion ? Please answer and don't shy off

As for your rantings, it needs to be taken with heaps of salt just like the Vanga princess romantic tryst with a horny lion. Sinhalese are known fabricators and manipulators of history, now they are in the process of re-writing history.

All the history books written in old times (im talking abt early ADs) contain some form of myths. But still u cant forget the historical value in them. Even historians accept Mahavamsa to be amazing correct on many of the historical accounts.

Historians believe the section after Asoka introduced buddhism to SL to be true and having a historical value though the beginning does have myths and legends.

It is because of its historical value that it is important even in digging out Indian history.
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