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Stop whining, in history most countries got looted check Africa and Asian history, plus Indians are big looters tats why they got booted in Uganda . Currently India is looting the minority ethnic states like oil/gas rich Assam, Manipur , Tamilnadu and prosperous Punjab both economically and sexually

Can you prove that their is oil and gas reserve in Manipur, Tamil Nadu and Punjab. :cuckoo: Also can you tell me about gas reserves in Assam. :omghaha: Everytime you come up with some fabricated story to badmouth India. :cuckoo:

Why you have Singapore flags but location as Malaysia. :cheesy: I am still waiting for your reply about the origin of the name "Hindia" you once claimed. :omghaha:
Can you prove that their is oil and gas reserve in Manipur, Tamil Nadu and Punjab. :cuckoo: Also can you tell me about gas reserves in Assam. :omghaha: Everytime you come up with some fabricated story to badmouth India.

If you can't take the heat then stop playing with fire . on Assam

Assam produces about 55 percent of India's total annual tea production of 825 million kg, while the state is equally rich in oil and gas, besides timber and other natural resources.


Why you have Singapore flags but location as Malaysia. :cheesy: I am still waiting for your reply about the origin of the name "Hindia" you once claimed. :omghaha:

Mr Sherlocks MYOB , I don't need to answer every ******** petty questions
why don't you answer my question, oh you caught lying.:rofl: Assam is mainly known for oil and you made stupid fabricated claims. :laughcry: What's your real nationality or are you ashamed of it :cheesy:

I never claimed that Manipur or Tamilnadu are rich in oil or gas , I only mentioned Assam. If you fell for my trap that's not my problem. In fact I did not even mention Odisha and elite Odishians hate Hindia for imposing Hindi upon them.

Recap - this is what I wrote

Currently India is looting the minority ethnic states like oil/gas rich Assam, Manipur , Tamilnadu and prosperous Punjab both economically and sexually

Instead on picking on petty issues, why dont you refutethe fact - India is not economically, politically and sexually exploiting the NE Indian states ?

What's your real nationality or are you ashamed of it

Not a (H)Indian and only ******** will be shamed of their nationality that all they think off how to get a green card to the west Indian talking about shame is a joke

I never claimed that Manipur or Tamilnadu are rich in oil or gas , I only mentioned Assam. If you fell for my trap that's not my problem. In fact I did not even mention Odisha and elite Odishians hate Hindia for imposing Hindi upon them.

Recap - this is what I wrote

Instead on picking on petty issues, why dont you refutethe fact - India is not economically, politically and sexually exploiting the NE Indian states ?

Not a (H)Indian and only ******** will be shamed of their nationality that all they think off how to get a green card to the west Indian talking about shame is a joke


Yes, you are coming up with bullshit everytime. Even Martians hate India. :rofl::omghaha:
Indians invented zeros? They believe that everything is derived from a big zero.

Yes we did and lot of mathematics drives from there.

I pity your ignorance.

Can you account for the time lapse - 5000 BC to writing it in 8th /9th BC Any documentary evidence to proof its written date ?

as for China, its derived from the Qin Dynasty, it became Cin to foreigner (mlecchas, hindoos included) and later China to the English. The Qin dyansty 200 BC is older than the Mahabharat (MB) written record 8th BC, so we can assume that China /Cin/ Qin was in existence long long before before the Hindoos knew how to write.

Hindoos make a pre-assumptious claim that the Bharata country is the present India but this is nullified by the MB which mentions separate tribes/Kingdoms e.g the Kirata, mongolid inhabitants of the North East Indian states of Nagaland , Manipur etc, Kerala , Andhra and Dravida kingdom etc

Heard of the Aryan / Dravidian controversy ?

The Aryan-Dravidian Controversy

The Mahabharat reference to Dravida tribe reinforces the - Aryan / Dravidian divide, which Hindoo nationalists deny

Dravida is a linguistic classification,there is nothing called arya classification.
Dravida is a linguistic classification,there is nothing called arya classification.

refer the link and clear the Aryan ignorance or BS, whether Dravida in the MB refers to linguistic classification or a tribe

Other tribes that were mentioned along with the Dravidas in this incident were Sakas, Yavanas, Savaras, Kanchis, Savaras, Paundras and Kiratas, Yavanas and Sinhalas, and the barbarous tribes of Khasas, Chivukas, Pulindas, Chinas and Hunas with Keralas, and numerous other Mlechchhas.

Dravida - AncientVoice
refer the link and clear the Aryan ignorance or BS, whether Dravida in the MB refers to linguistic classification or a tribe

Dravida - AncientVoice

yet again dude,

one can call a tribe anything,based on their language too.

Today all people of the south indian states are not one tribe,even within the same state the people are not all same/similar.
What is the proof, Dravida referred to South Indians. I also see names of other South Indian names in the list.

Contradicting yourself ? You should ask the hallucinating moron who wrote the Mahabharat why there were so many kingdoms and names check out the list out kingdoms in Mahabharat, when you are surfing the net during your working hours.

According to your own sources the term Dravida in Mahabarat refers to the 3 south Indian Tamil Kingdoms of Chera, Chola and Pandya. BTW you dont have to take a myth most likely written in 5 AD as a serious source of History unless you a a Hindoo fundie who believes monkeys can talk and pigs can fly

Dravida is mentioned as one of the kingdoms in the southern part of present-day mainland India during the time of the Mahabharata. Its territories were supposed to have included the southernmost parts of the modern-day states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Sometimes the name Dravida was used to denote all the southern kingdoms (like the Chera, Pandya and Chola kingdoms) collectively and sometimes as a separate kingdom.


BTW there was no such a language called Dravida the ancient people of Dravidistan including present day Kerala spoke Dramila or Tamil. So from Mahabarat source Dravidistan deserves to be an independent country
Contradicting yourself ? You should ask the hallucinating moron who wrote the Mahabharat why there were so many kingdoms and names check out the list out kingdoms in Mahabharat, when you are surfing the net during your working hours.

According to your own sources the term Dravida in Mahabarat refers to the 3 south Indian Tamil Kingdoms of Chera, Chola and Pandya. BTW you dont have to take a myth most likely written in 5 AD as a serious source of History unless you a a Hindoo fundie who believes monkeys can talk and pigs can fly


BTW there was no such a language called Dravida the ancient people of Dravidistan including present day Kerala spoke Dramila or Tamil. So from Mahabarat source Dravidistan deserves to be an independent country

Hey Pakistani, who told you Chola, Chera and Pandya and Dravidistan are mentioned in Mahabharat. :rofl::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You are giving me wikipedia as a proof. :lol: Don't portray yourself as fool. :lol:
Contradicting yourself ? You should ask the hallucinating moron who wrote the Mahabharat why there were so many kingdoms and names check out the list out kingdoms in Mahabharat, when you are surfing the net during your working hours.

According to your own sources the term Dravida in Mahabarat refers to the 3 south Indian Tamil Kingdoms of Chera, Chola and Pandya. BTW you dont have to take a myth most likely written in 5 AD as a serious source of History unless you a a Hindoo fundie who believes monkeys can talk and pigs can fly


BTW there was no such a language called Dravida the ancient people of Dravidistan including present day Kerala spoke Dramila or Tamil. So from Mahabarat source Dravidistan deserves to be an independent country

Read this before you post such Wikipedia links.Not a single valid link has been provided for this page.Its funny to see these dumb monkeys jumping on such silly things.

This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.


Wikipedia is notorious for having fake articles.Here is one example.

Hey Pakistani, who told you Chola, Chera and Pandya and Dravidistan are mentioned in Mahabharat. :rofl::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You are giving me wikipedia as a proof. :lol: Don't portray yourself as fool. :lol:

Read this before you post such Wikipedia links.Not a single valid link has been provided for this page.Its funny to see these dumb monkeys jumping on such silly things.

Wikipedia is notorious for having fake articles.Here is one example.


you who know nuts about Hindooism, trying to undermine the Hindoo epic Mahabharata, the "great history of Bharat aka India" by denying my wiki links , heres the valid link for fools

The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva: Section 12

. They consisted of Dhrishtadyumna and Shikhandi and the five sons of Draupadi and the Prabhadrakas, and Satyaki and Chekitana with the Dravida forces, the Pandyas, the Cholas, and the Keralas, surrounded by a mighty array, all possessed of broad chests, long arms, tall statures, and large eyes. Decked with ornaments, possessed of red teeth, endued with the prowess of infuriate elephants, attired in robes of diverse colours, smeared with powdered scents, armed with swords and nooses, capable of restraining mighty elephants, companions in death, and never deserting one another, equipped with quivers, bearing bows adorned with long locks, and agreeable in speech were the combatants of the infantry files led by Satyaki, belonging to the Andhra tribe, endued with fierce forms and great energy
you who know nuts about Hindooism, trying to undermine the Hindoo epic Mahabharata, the "great history of Bharat aka India" by denying my wiki links , heres the valid link for fools

The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva: Section 12

Its not history dumba$$:rofl:,Its mythology.Tell me when you come up with some real history.Besides this is the same book that talks about battle of demons and great serpents all fighting each other.
i dont think the cholas intended to conquer china. although they annexed the adjacent parts to secure their trade routes with their powerful navy.


Towards the end of the 9th century, southern India had developed extensive maritime and commercial activity, especially with the Chinese and Arabs. The Cholas, being in possession of parts of both the west and the east coasts of peninsular India, were at the forefront of these ventures. The Tang dynasty of China, the Srivijaya empire in the Malayan archipelago under the Sailendras, and the Abbasid Kalifat at Baghdad were the main trading partners.[21]

The trade with the Chinese was a very lucrative enterprise, and Trade guilds needed the king's approval and the license from the customs force/department to embark on overseas voyages for trade.[22] The normal trade voyage of those day involved three legs of journey, starting with the Indian goods (mainly spices, cotton and gems) being shipped to China and in the return leg the Chinese goods (silk, incense,iron) were brought back to Chola ports. After some materials were utilized for local consumption, the remaining cargo along with Indian cargo was shipped to the Arabs. Traditionally, this involved transfer of material/cargo to many ships before the ultimate destination was reached.

The close diplomatics tie between the Song dynasty of China and the Medieval Cholas facilitated many technological innovations to travel both ways. The more interesting ones to have reached Chinese shores are:
The famous Chola ship-designs employing independent water tight compartments in the hull of a ship.
The mariner's compass
The continuously shooting Flamethrowers for naval warfare.

Chola Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From where did u pick up this map? SL was never a part of chola empire, only section of SL did. The cholas couldnt even touch the southern side of SL
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