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China picked up more than 60 casualties during Galwan clash says head of Northern command

They aren't my troops, but I get why you would want to make that dig. I'm happy to align with the indains every day and twice on Sunday over the Chinese.

BTW- What video are you speaking about - is it the one the Chinese cut, and selectively edited? I may have missed it, but did they show them taking the soldiers on the video, or you know at what point they captured soldiers among the multiple engagements we have now learned that took place?

There were multiple battles, as we know. 1. Ambush of over 20 unarmed soldiers 2. commanders with some troops went back to discuss (attacked again by Chinese) 3. a big pitch fight with Indian/Chinese soldiers with sticks used by Indians, while the Chinese had clubs with barbed wire around it.

Secondly, just because Indians did not capture their soldiers means nothing- why capture when can you kill 60. Why would the Chinese, who are the biggest propaganda drama queens, hide their deaths if they had only 5 who died versus killing 20 Indians? Those guys are infamous for never failing to brag wins and use it in their propaganda.

why are you ashame of your Indian heritage? Your posts already gavel out away a 2hile back.
Never mind, I can think of many reasons. I was just wondering if it’s a legitimate or a stupid reason. Why don’t you share with us in a poll and we’ll vote on whether if it’s stupid or not.
To be fair they are pretty good at tacking hits to their butts. Maybe that's where their skin is the thickest other than on their faces.


this pic defines the Indian relationship with its neighbors.
Conducting ambushes is already taught in military institutions. Counter-ambush techniques are also taught - armed & unarmed, on foot or on vehicle.

Were Indian soldiers trained in counter-ambush techniques ? Go ask Commandants of Indian Military training academies coz its evident that Indian soldiers were not trained well.

What kind of counter-ambush techniques would you imagine when there was an agreement in place that the Chinese originally requested, that both militaries patrols be unarmed, and in a situation where not a SINGLE BULLET WAS FIRED in some 40 something years?

...Then the Chinese reigned in their agreement and ambushed an unarmed patrol of 20 something.

Again, what do you imagine would be the counter technique for an unarmed Indian patrol to an armed Chinese attack in close quarters?
why are you ashame of your Indian heritage? Your posts already gavel out away a 2hile back.
Never mind, I can think of many reasons. I was just wondering if it’s a legitimate or a stupid reason. Why don’t you share with us in a poll and we’ll vote on whether if it’s stupid or not.

this pic defines the Indian relationship with its neighbors.

why are you ashame of your Indian heritage? Your posts already gavel out away a 2hile back.
Never mind, I can think of many reasons. I was just wondering if it’s a legitimate or a stupid reason. Why don’t you share with us in a poll and we’ll vote on whether if it’s stupid or not.

this pic defines the Indian relationship with its neighbors.

The irony of having a Chinese wu mao and a known anti-American here (while living off the American teet), pretending to be Taiwanese... asking me about my heritage. :no:

My heritage is not one where you are told what to say/believe/read/watch/act by the CCP from the cradle to the grave like it is with your ilk. :yes4:
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why are you ashame of your Indian heritage? Your posts already gavel out away a 2hile back.
Never mind, I can think of many reasons. I was just wondering if it’s a legitimate or a stupid reason. Why don’t you share with us in a poll and we’ll vote on whether if it’s stupid or not.

this pic defines the Indian relationship with its neighbors.

this pic defines Indian neighbors ...
Indian army were 100+ soldiers and armed at Galwan clash. 60+ casualty to PLA is not surprising and just a common sense.

Sorry no it is not common sense and does not make any logical sense what so ever.

The Chinese killed the Commanding Officer a LT Col, captured the second in Command a LT Col as well, captured 2 Majors and 3 Captains. That is literally the entire command of the Brigade and you want us to believe that a leaderless Brigade managed to kill 60 PLA soldiers.

This is not a Bollywood movie. If the Indians had managed to kill 60+ Chinese soldiers, where are the pictures? Where are the captured Chinese soldiers?

The 60+ Chinese PLA casualties is just to save face, reminds me of the PAF F16 that was allegedly shot down by a MIG21.
Sorry no it is not common sense and does not make any logical sense what so ever.

The Chinese killed the Commanding Officer a LT Col, captured the second in Command a LT Col as well, captured 2 Majors and 3 Captains. That is literally the entire command of the Brigade and you want us to believe that a leaderless Brigade managed to kill 60 PLA soldiers.

This is not a Bollywood movie. If the Indians had managed to kill 60+ Chinese soldiers, where are the pictures? Where are the captured Chinese soldiers?

The 60+ Chinese PLA casualties is just to save face, reminds me of the PAF F16 that was allegedly shot down by a MIG21.

Well, what part makes no sense. For a moment, please take off your cheerleading cloths and think in common sense. The galwan clash happened hand to hand combat. If you take worst case senario, they were min 30+ Indian soldiers present at the clash. Do you think, 30+ trained army soldiers can't inflict a single injury or death to PLA soldiers?
Well, what part makes no sense. For a moment, please take off your cheerleading cloths and think in common sense. The galwan clash happened hand to hand combat. If you take worst case senario, they were min 30+ Indian soldiers present at the clash. Do you think, 30+ trained army soldiers can't inflict a single injury or death to PLA soldiers?
Perhaps the answer you seek may be found here.
Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone

How the Indian soldier fight when they have High Fat and LOW IN MUSCLE MASS, i.e SISSY.
"Indians having the highest BF%(Body Fat) and Chinese the lowest"
I noticed SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS also very good at TURN TAIL and RUN, into the river.

Why Indians Have Low Muscle Mass 33#.jpg
Perhaps the answer you seek may be found here.
Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone

How the Indian soldier fight when High in Fat and LOW IN MUSCLE MASS, i.e SISSY.
"Indians having the highest BF%(Body Fat) and Chinese the lowest"
I noticed SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS also very good at TURN TAIL and RUN, into the river.

View attachment 724055

Look at them run like rabbits.

i know what my fellow countrymen are talking about, you dont need to tell me that.

and first of all, who are you care about our propaganda? who are you to question us on our propaganda with chinese? chill...

if you are so sure on chinese then why dont you ask them to release the videos and pics?

whatever they released so far is so pathetic that it actually shows how coward they are.... and you can simply dream of Indians running away... have you not seen the video? read my post above for some information...

the chinese CO is bleeding to death and others simply running around, and no name of India in entire video?
why dont you do some homework and then come to forum?so all the mouth farts and keyboard heroism really suits you than me.... dont wanted to reply but dealing with proxies is way too boring than actual enemy.... this definitely will be the last reply.... proxies out.

This is a Pakistani Forum and we will talk about whatever we like.

No Indian is going to tell us what we should and should not talk about.

You dont like it than get the eff out of this forum and stay in your bharati Forums. Your not welcomed here anyway.

And the Chinese have atleast released videos and pics what have you bharatis released instead of loud mouth fake claims.

The chinese CO is bleeding where as your CO colonel Santosh Babu is beaten to death.

Next time when you spew BS, atleast consult your fellow bhakts about the BS you will be spewing so you guys can have some consistency.

The proxy and all the long wide nonsense you post is pathetic considering you have multiple ID's on PDF to post nonsense yet you claim you cant deal with proxies is actually the joke of century.

I hope you stop posting nonsense and start producing videos and pictures of your so called mouth farts and keyboard heroism.

We are bored of your Indian BS.
Well, what part makes no sense. For a moment, please take off your cheerleading cloths and think in common sense. The galwan clash happened hand to hand combat. If you take worst case senario, they were min 30+ Indian soldiers present at the clash. Do you think, 30+ trained army soldiers can't inflict a single injury or death to PLA soldiers?

Clearly you have no sense of military affairs or what even combat means.

Let me try to dumb it down for you. The Chinese took out the entire leadership of your Brigade. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and even 5th in Command were taken out. The Indian Soldiers were leaderless, they had no one to give them orders. 30+ Indian soldiers are useless if they have no leadership, have no idea what is happening. This is why the Indians were not even able to capture a single Chinese soldier while the Chinese on the other hand captured the entire Officer Core of the Indian Brigade deployed there. This is not a Bollywood movie.

That being said, this by no means is a measure of India's combat prowess in the region. The Indian Brigades deployed on the LAC are extremely well equipped, well trained and are by no means a joke. The PLA is aware of the Indian Army deployments and the capability they possess, this is why the situation has been de-escalated and rightly so. If a shooting war breaks out between the two sides, my money is on the Indian side to be able to defend their positions.
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