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China picked up more than 60 casualties during Galwan clash says head of Northern command

Because Indians can do anything they want. Who are you to stop them!!
They could kill 6000 Chinese soldiers in the "Galwan" conflict in a Bollywood drama on this incident.
Kill even those who were not there. :butcher:

On a serious note, the video shared earlier showed hundreds of Indian soldiers with clubs and all kind of "terrorising tools" were rushing across the river to attack hand full of Chinese.
There were not even 30 Chinese there, but India done a retreat despite them in hundreds.
How on earth they can kill more Chinese soldiers after Chinese reinforcement, when hundred of Indians could not stand up to 30 or so Chinese!!

Thats what doesnt make sense, I mean they claim they were outnumbered, ambushed, un armed, not ready, sneaked up, captured and killed and at same time killed 100/60/43 Chinese casualties
This claim is made by none other the chief of northern command and it can't get more official than this. Do get that or not?

You never fail to amuse us.
We know who he is. No need to shame the
And being official does not mean being TRUE, especially in the case of India!

Do you get that or not?
Perphaps you need to revisit this thread again and read how your fellow Bharati Bhakts are complaining and whinning about Indian soldiers being ambushed, captured and killed while being un armed.

when you guys start your propaganda atleast talk to your fellow bhakts so your lies actually match with eachother instead of contradicting eachother.

By the way, Chinese have pics, videos and proof of Indians attacking, running away and surrendering where as all you guys have are mouth farts and keyboard heroism.
i know what my fellow countrymen are talking about, you dont need to tell me that.

and first of all, who are you care about our propaganda? who are you to question us on our propaganda with chinese? chill...

if you are so sure on chinese then why dont you ask them to release the videos and pics?

whatever they released so far is so pathetic that it actually shows how coward they are.... and you can simply dream of Indians running away... have you not seen the video? read my post above for some information...

the chinese CO is bleeding to death and others simply running around, and no name of India in entire video?
why dont you do some homework and then come to forum?so all the mouth farts and keyboard heroism really suits you than me.... dont wanted to reply but dealing with proxies is way too boring than actual enemy.... this definitely will be the last reply.... proxies out.
Oh shit..... Only took few weeks for Indians to increasing the number of PLA casualties from 4 to 40 to more than 60 in the Galwan clash. In few years from now the number will be in 1000s from wikipedia editing. I'm so sad..........:(
Don't worry. in few years they will say they were talking in Millions so real figure is 40M or 41M
View attachment 723843

You never fail to amuse us.
We know who he is. No need to shame the
And being official does not mean being TRUE, especially in the case of India!

Do you get that or not?
why dot you guys get the facts right and then post? even proxies need to do some work...
why dot you guys get the facts right and then post? even proxies need to do some work...
View attachment 723866
Kid, you don`t have to take another screenshot when one already states the facts.
You just need to work on your comprehension skills.


Apart from that, if you are presenting your case here, better be ready to backup your claims with proof, otherwise propagandas get debunked and you become senti while questioning the crosschecking.
Kid, you don`t have to take another screenshot when one already states the facts.
You just need to work on your comprehension skills.

View attachment 723892

Apart from that, if you are presenting your case here, better be ready to backup your claims with proof, otherwise propagandas get debunked and you become senti while questioning the crosschecking.
why are you asking proofs from us? who are you to ask proofs? you need to work on your basic understanding of what to ask, whom to ask and where to ask....
Because Indians can do anything they want. Who are you to stop them!!
They could kill 6000 Chinese soldiers in the "Galwan" conflict in a Bollywood drama on this incident.
Kill even those who were not there. :butcher:

On a serious note, the video shared earlier showed hundreds of Indian soldiers with clubs and all kind of "terrorising tools" were rushing across the river to attack hand full of Chinese.
There were not even 30 Chinese there, but India done a retreat despite them in hundreds.
How on earth they can kill more Chinese soldiers after Chinese reinforcement, when hundred of Indians could not stand up to 30 or so Chinese!!

To be fair they are pretty good at tacking hits to their butts. Maybe that's where their skin is the thickest other than on their faces.

i know what my fellow countrymen are talking about, you dont need to tell me that.

and first of all, who are you care about our propaganda? who are you to question us on our propaganda with chinese? chill...

if you are so sure on chinese then why dont you ask them to release the videos and pics?

whatever they released so far is so pathetic that it actually shows how coward they are.... and you can simply dream of Indians running away... have you not seen the video? read my post above for some information...

the chinese CO is bleeding to death and others simply running around, and no name of India in entire video?
why dont you do some homework and then come to forum?so all the mouth farts and keyboard heroism really suits you than me.... dont wanted to reply but dealing with proxies is way too boring than actual enemy.... this definitely will be the last reply.... proxies out.
Why Indian soldiers run away?



why are you asking proofs from us? who are you to ask proofs? you need to work on your basic understanding of what to ask, whom to ask and where to ask....
Look dearie, this place is not an ordinary chat room. This is Pakistan Defence Forum. It is an international think tank. Every argument gets analyzed. If it does not make any sense and is only a hollow claim without any substance or proof, it gets criticism.

Whereas, if your claim has facts and sounds reasonable, people appreciate it and accept it.

Now if you don`t have any information or resources to speak on the current topic, you see it is not a good discussion and you are pissed off because your claim has been rejected due to lack of proof.
They were not ambushed but part of a pitched battle. They were also not unarmed, as is seen in the videos the Chinese released (melee weapons).
You guys lost the battle, and your troops surrendered.
Let’s say there was an ambush and these men were captured, which force leaves senior leadership in the hands of an opposing force, unless they have been beaten comprehensively.
Your account also states you killed double the number of Chinese troops, how is this possible when the Indian forces couldn’t capture one man?

They aren't my troops, but I get why you would want to make that dig. I'm happy to align with the indains every day and twice on Sunday over the Chinese.

BTW- What video are you speaking about - is it the one the Chinese cut, and selectively edited? I may have missed it, but did they show them taking the soldiers on the video, or you know at what point they captured soldiers among the multiple engagements we have now learned that took place?

There were multiple battles, as we know. 1. Ambush of over 20 unarmed soldiers 2. commanders with some troops went back to discuss (attacked again by Chinese) 3. a big pitch fight with Indian/Chinese soldiers with sticks used by Indians, while the Chinese had clubs with barbed wire around it.

Secondly, just because Indians did not capture their soldiers means nothing- why capture when you can kill 60. Why would the Chinese, who are the biggest propaganda drama queens, hide their deaths if they had only 5 who died versus killing 20 Indians? Those guys are infamous for never failing to brag wins and use it in their propaganda.
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