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China picked up more than 60 casualties during Galwan clash says head of Northern command

Sorry no it is not common sense and does not make any logical sense what so ever.

The Chinese killed the Commanding Officer a LT Col, captured the second in Command a LT Col as well, captured 2 Majors and 3 Captains. That is literally the entire command of the Brigade and you want us to believe that a leaderless Brigade managed to kill 60 PLA soldiers.

This is not a Bollywood movie. If the Indians had managed to kill 60+ Chinese soldiers, where are the pictures? Where are the captured Chinese soldiers?

The 60+ Chinese PLA casualties is just to save face, reminds me of the PAF F16 that was allegedly shot down by a MIG21.

:omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:

And so reported Chinese let many many many Indian jawans go not bothering to capture them.
As then Chinese be obliged to feed them hot wholesome food before releasing them.

And Chinese see no reason in doing that so better to let them go and crawl away without their entire command from CO down to captains in the hands of Chinese.

So India did not call for reinforcement? Your high IQ makes you believe that Indian soldiers just waited for PLA re-infoment to arrive. being killed or captured.
All I know your high IQ is base on your imagination. Indian reinforcement = "More Indians just like more running pigs" .
Full interview:
Lt Gen YK Joshi Speaks On The Pangong Tso Pullback

Go to @15min where he discusses Galwan Valley clash

If you classify emotional traumatization incurred by beating Indian soldiers to death with spiked rods and seeing them fall off cliffs into icy rivers as casualties, then indeed the casualty number is greater than 60 for the Chinese.
Oh shit..... Only took few weeks for Indians to increasing the number of PLA casualties from 4 to 40 to more than 60 in the Galwan clash. In few years from now the number will be in 1000s from wikipedia editing. I'm so sad..........:(
That's literally what happened with the 1967 Nathu La Clashes wikipedia page. It originally started out as 2 Chinese soldiers killed and morphed to 400 in a couple years without any credible sources lol.
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I think IA and Indian government are very smart not to officially dispute Chinese numbers, as they know Chinese may release more videos to further embarrass India if they do.

In the other hand, India dose need some talkingheads to fool Indian public. This general is functioning as PR tool, nothing more.
So India did not call for reinforcement? Your high IQ makes you believe that Indian soldiers just waited for PLA re-infoment to arrive. being killed or captured.
Indian reinforcements were wiped out
Sorry no it is not common sense and does not make any logical sense what so ever.
This is not a Bollywood movie. If the Indians had managed to kill 60+ Chinese soldiers, where are the pictures? Where are the captured Chinese soldiers?
Dude, 60 casualties of PLA is official comment of chief of Northan command.
It's as official as it gets.

The Chinese killed the Commanding Officer a LT Col, captured the second in Command a LT Col as well, captured 2 Majors and 3 Captains. That is literally the entire command of the Brigade and you want us to believe that a leaderless Brigade managed to kill 60 PLA soldiers.

First tell me how do u know these thing?

Did Chinese media or their official ever open their mouths on Chinese or Indian casualties or even claim capturing some IA troops and then handing then back?
All these things came out in the Indian media ?? The answer is NO.

It is the India media which gave the above information you Pakistanis and Chinese use to taunt India.

You easily accept this as it sound favorable to u but u'll ignore all other things the Indian media talks about Galwan incident.

Read this to know India too had Chinese in it's captivity and much more.


It is testament to the shock of the incident still sinking in that it would take a further three days for the troops on both sides to be sent back to their respective sides.
"It was not a captivity situation. We were providing medical treatment to their men. And they were treating our men," a top Army official tells India Today TV. ":

Dude, 60 casualties of PLA is official comment of chief of Northan command.
It's as official as it gets.
Right and therefore we should believe his statement? The official Chinese statement was 4 dead and a couple more wounded. That is also official.
Right and therefore we should believe his statement? The official Chinese statement was 4 dead and a couple more wounded. That is also official.
I said official statement and not universal truth for u to accept.
Indian reinforcements were wiped out
View attachment 724131
This picture isn't of Galwan clash but a minor clash at Pangsang sho lake site that happened on May Ist week before the Galwan clash.

Even Global times faked it saying it was an avalanche accident. But Chinese
troll now taken this picture to pursue fake propaganda.

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I said official statement and not universal truth for u to accept.

This picture isn't of Galwan clash but a minor clash at Pangsang sho lake site that happened on May Ist week before the Galwan clash.

Even Global times faked it saying it was an avalanche accident. But Chinese
troll now taken this picture to pursue fake propaganda.

View attachment 724133
The avalanche story was made up as in the link
This was the result of Indian soldiers surrendering. Look at how the Indian pows are restrained
You are banned from the thread but I can reply your basic level Qs which are mere excuses. I have explained it before also in older related threads.

What kind of counter-ambush techniques would you imagine when there was an agreement in place that the Chinese originally requested, that both militaries patrols be unarmed, and in a situation where not a SINGLE BULLET WAS FIRED in some 40 something years?
You are trying to blame Chinese for incompetency of Indian troops. If Indian troops cant defend themselves then why are they disgracing Indian uniforms by wearing it. If a patrol is sent out for patrolling, its not going to a birthday party, its venturing into a conflicted zone. The excuses that Chinese did this or did that are meaningless, incompetent Indian Army was caught unprepared and thats it.

...Then the Chinese reigned in their agreement and ambushed an unarmed patrol of 20 something.
Patrols are susceptible to ambushes, that is the first lesson taught in patrolling apart from observation and reporting.

Again, what do you imagine would be the counter technique for an unarmed Indian patrol to an armed Chinese attack in close quarters?
Self defense techniques to start with. Chinese seems to be many steps ahead in this regard because self defense technique is not just about fighting but anticipating threat and nullifying threat through dialogue, negotiation or force, whichever works. Maybe you dont know but self defense is taught against knife attack, stick attack, gun attack, terrorist attack, and many other different types of attacks. Also, the use of surroundings and flora/fauna/rocks etc out in open while furniture/cutlery/objects inside rooms are taught to be used against enemy brandishing a weapon. I think there were plenty of pebbles or small rocks laying around. Volley after volley would have helped. Indians play cricket right ? cant aim a rock at enemy's eye or forehead ? Shame. What indian troops should have done is rally around, formulate a plan, defend themselves but there was no leadership. There was disarray and retreat. No discipline while defending or retreating.

Just admit it and move on - Indian troops are not trained properly.
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India had about 600 solders China had about 70,how can India lose the fight?
Common sense will tell China is telling lies.
I agree it is hard to believe.
The Chinese were lucky, they were facing SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS.
70% Indians Poor in Muscle Mass

This Indian tells us why SISSY INDIANS have LOW MUSCLE MASS
Indians Have Low Muscle Mass B2.jpg

Another study made in Singapore from Nature.com.
The paradox of low body mass index and high body fat percentage among Chinese, Malays and Indians in Singapore
"Indians having the highest BF% and Chinese the lowest"

Common sense would deduce it is MUCH EASIER fighting an opponent who have A LOT OF BODY FAT and LITTLE MUSCLE MASS, i.e the SISSY INDIAN SOLDIERS.

Indians should avoid unarmed combat and just stick to SISSY PUSH PUSH, MOB LYNCHING, or GANG RAPE WOMEN.
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