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China/Pakistan/India - Was Nehru smarter than Modi?

Unfortunately most Pakistanis have a strange kind of obsession with Modi and it is impossible for them to look at him (or India) objectively.

They fear him for the same reason why they fear Netanyahu. Although Modi ji doesn't have the leverage that Bibi does, they still think of NaMo as the same as Bibi. A weak, corrupt, secularist and inept regime in Delhi is what they have been used to with Al Congress all these years. If you remember, they were uneasy even during Vajpayee's time despite the fact that he never wielded even one tenth the power that NaMo commands today.

They call him "mass murderer" for a riot! Their own Qaid led the almost complete ethnic cleansing of minorities from Pakistan, that was organized and executed by Muslims guards of the league!

That's a common mentality across their kind and not just limited to Pakistan. ISIS massacring their own is okay but someone who tried to stop a riot in time is a mass murderer because he's a kafir.

They have no qualms about the 1971 genocide of 3 millions and they talk about a riot that claimed 1000 odd lives!

Everything is okay as long as it is done by their kind.

Their current PM has ties to the Lashkar-E-Jhangvi that has killed tens of times more Shias than the Gujarat riots.

Their current PM is the same as MMS, whose remote control is in GHQ. Sharif is free to do his own politics with the public as long as he bows in front of the jurnails.

In China, the 1000 figure won't even register. They have their numbers in tens (or hundreds) of millions for genocides and mass murders.

And they wisely removed their threat perception instead of sticking to western nonsense of 'freedom for everything'. Today jihadi menace is nowhere a threat to them versus us who gave more freedom than needed and have IM, SIMI and other cr@p inside our country.

Learn from China, is what I can tell our authorities.
Indian Muslims have many political parties. MIM, PDI etc. Hell, we even have a Muslim League. The Indian Muslim population is divided all over the country. This prevents a national Muslim party. But in the state level there are many of such parties. Remember Owaisi? :D

Having clout in a few heavily Muslim states doesn't equate to having a national say.

The fact that Modi remains unrepentant and unapologetic about the Gujarat riots shows that Muslims have no power on the national scene.
No offense to any Muslim, I am sure our Muslim friends would agree if they have read my posts.
you mean to say pakistanis. You may be right because they try to justify separation from india but they will also disagree with you on muslims being separatist and they can't live with people of other religion.

The fact that Modi remains unrepentant and unapologetic about the Gujarat riots shows that Muslims have no power on the national scene.
he don't have to apologize for things he has nothing to do with and he himself said that if i am guilty punish me.
@Chinese-Dragon is turning into another clown Zaid Hamid.

Personal attacks are against forum rules my friend. :enjoy:

And if this "Zaid Hamid" says that India will break due to poorly drawn British borders (as it already did in 1947), then he must be a clever guy. Apparently he is, since you Indians are really not happy with him. :cheesy:
The fact that Modi remains unrepentant and unapologetic about the Gujarat riots shows that Muslims have no power on the national scene.
That's not true. We have had plenty of post independence leaders. Modi's innocense is proven in the court of law. It may not be what you want, but courts decide based on evidence and not on whims and wishes.

You may read Irfan Habib and other Aligarh University stalwarts(most of them Marxists) to get a view of the Indian Muslim scenario.

Thirdly, Modi has repented many times for the carnage, just that he was not personally responsible. Loss of lives on such scale is bound to evoke human sympathy.
You are right, that should have happened in 1962, India was already defeated at that point, so the door was open for a Sino-Pakistani joint program to fix the border issue (including Kashmir). Unfortunately Ayub Khan was a bit anti-China, but surely that will not be the last opportunity.

Ayub Khan was a US puppet. His economic bubble was also created by US Aid. USA was always Anti China. Unfortunately Pakistani leadership has never tried to make Pakistan independent. Bhutto was the only one who actually tried to make Pakistan strong in the world. Pakistan commanded a lot of respect from rest of the Muslim world too. He just messed it up with siding with religious fanatics.

Personally I would not like to see any war in the region at all. But Mr Modi's Right wing extremists wants war. Specially with Pakistan. Where China is at its strongest point in history we Pakistanis are going through a horrible and a dangerous time. Modi sees an opportunity in a quick war to humiliate Pakistan. One thing is for sure, if Pakistan goes down, the Generals in HQ wouldn't mind taking India down along with us. That will leave China as a the undisputed power of not only South East but also South Asia and Central Asia.
I sincerely hope I am still in world affairs section, not Bangladesh defence forum; some of the posts are of so much profound similiraty!!
I loved that part---

Coming soon - "Partition V2.0"(sic) :hitwall:

Even Togadia would have hung his head in shame. :sick:

It's not an analogy at all, it's an insult. Read it again.
Zaid Hamid is one of Pakistan's top security analysts, if not the most famous. The 'clown' word was inapt. Perhaps he got confused.
Ayub Khan was a US puppet. His economic bubble was also created by US Aid. USA was always Anti China. Unfortunately Pakistani leadership has never tried to make Pakistan independent. Bhutto was the only one who actually tried to make Pakistan strong in the world. Pakistan commanded a lot of respect from rest of the Muslim world too. He just messed it up with siding with religious fanatics.

Personally I would not like to see any war in the region at all. But Mr Modi's Right wing extremists wants war. Specially with Pakistan. Where China is at its strongest point in history we Pakistanis are going through a horrible and a dangerous time. Modi sees an opportunity in a quick war to humiliate Pakistan. One thing is for sure, if Pakistan goes down, the Generals in HQ wouldn't mind taking India down along with us. That will leave China as a the undisputed power of not only South East but also South Asia and Central Asia.

Pakistan won't go down. Modi may be a mass murderer, but he also very much values his own life, and his own ability to continue living in a non-irradiated environment.

Zaid Hamid is one of Pakistan's top security analysts, if not the most famous. The 'clown' word was inapt. Perhaps he got confused.

I've been here long enough to know what Indians mean when they say someone has become "a clown like Zaid Hamid".

That's like me saying that you are a Wang Jingwei. OK maybe not the same, but definitely not positive.
he don't have to apologize for things he has nothing to do with and he himself said that if i am guilty punish me.
That's not true. We have had plenty of post independence leaders. Modi's innocense is proven in the court of law. It may not be what you want, but courts decide based on evidence and not on whims and wishes.

You may read Irfan Habib and other Aligarh University stalwarts(most of them Marxists) to get a view of the Indian Muslim scenario.

Thirdly, Modi has repented many times for the carnage, just that he was not personally responsible. Loss of lives on such scale is bound to evoke human sympathy.

Anyway, we are deviating from the main question of whether his cult status will tempt Modi into recklessness on the foreign front.

That's a good question and I guess we will have to wait and see.
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