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China/Pakistan/India - Was Nehru smarter than Modi?

For starters Indian Society and Indian Muslims... Is that big enough for you..?

Rest of your post is cr@p as usual. So no response.

Sounds like someone running away from an argument, by making personal attacks. Good one. :enjoy:

Or here's an idea, instead of personal attacks, how about trying to explain your position?
what r u talking about,,its been long n boring thread with u repeating same thing again n again...
since u have ignored all sane posts,,,so let me add :devil:

so,,,it means we r very serious about border issues n our territorial integrity...
as u see,,,we dont take kindly of ppl messing with us,,,if they fire we fire back,,,,,thats the govt. stance,,,,,
afterall we may not be as pragmatic as Chinese.u have successfully avoided armed conflict wid neighbors for so long,,,so it is rational to assume that u will continue to do so....................by not messing wid us.

if that is so,,why this fuss,,,,then u have nothing to worry about...:D

Hehehe... Good... Now wait for another troll post devoid of any logic from his side.
Hehehe... Good... Now wait for another troll post devoid of any logic from his side.

I am instructed by the first rule of the TTA rule thread, to give negative ratings for personal attacks, so please continue. :P

Or you could, you know, try debating instead of personal attacks maybe? But that seems to be beyond your ability.
Sounds like someone running away from an argument, by making personal attacks. Good one. :enjoy:

Or here's an idea, instead of personal attacks, how about trying to explain your position?

First line was explanation. As expected you chose to ignore it . :lol:

BTW I have been here long enough to know your victim-hood card. Play this "personal attack" drama with someone else.
First line was explanation. As expected you chose to ignore it . :lol:

BTW I have been here long enough to know your victim-hood card. Play this "personal attack" drama with someone else.

I'm glad you're running from the debate again, though I should have figured that out from your use of personal attacks instead of rational arguments. :rofl:

Maybe someone who is actually capable of having a debate might visit this thread.
You can't make an argument, and you can't win in a war against us, so personal attacks on the internet. Very painful, but at least it is not rocket artillery. :rofl:

Tell me, how many out of the 200 million Indian Muslims will be happy that the Indian public chose their mass murderer to be their President?

India now has the 2nd largest Muslim population in the world, within a decade or so India will be the number 1 largest Muslim country in the world.

Tell me what percentage of the population do they have to make up before Partition v2.0.

Right then! I wasn't far off in my observation when I said you come here for daily boost of your ego -- only that would explain why you bring the fact that "India can't in a war against you"!

You yourself admitted in this very thread that you will be biased against Indian government in any case. So what's wrong in calling you a bigot?

If you think all Muslims are troublemakers, then you have made a strategic alliance with a Muslim country, genius!!! And your own state is accusing the "elements" based in that strategic partner's territory for trouble in Xinjiang! So the "JOKE" is on you!

Secondly, if Indian Muslims were all extremists, you would have seen a lot of that in India and outside as well. You don't see that, do you? Do you know the reason why not?
I am instructed by the first rule of the TTA rule thread, to give negative ratings for personal attacks, so please continue. :P

Or you could, you know, try debating instead of personal attacks maybe? But that seems to be beyond your ability.

You have returned back to old mode, trolling and picking fight with Indians. :girl_wacko:
Right then! I wasn't far off in my observation when I said you come here for daily boost of your ego -- only that would explain why you bring the fact that "India can't in a war against you"!

You yourself admitted in this very thread that you will be biased against Indian government in any case. So what's wrong in calling you a bigot?

If you think all Muslims are troublemakers, then you have made a strategic alliance with a Muslim country, genius!!! And your own state is accusing the "elements" based in that strategic partner's territory for trouble in Xinjiang! So the "JOKE" is on you!

Secondly, if Indian Muslims were all extremists, you would have seen a lot of that in India and outside as well. You don't see that, do you? Do you know the reason why not?

India is ranked 3rd worst in the world, on the Global Terrorism Index.

Bomb blasts: India 3rd most dangerous country in the world! - News Oneindia

Whereas China is not even in the top 20.

How many terrorists across the world originated from the subcontinent, the worst terrorist in South Asia (Dawood) is an Indian from Mumbai.
I am instructed by the first rule of the TTA rule thread, to give negative ratings for personal attacks, so please continue. :P

Or you could, you know, try debating instead of personal attacks maybe? But that seems to be beyond your ability.

What seems to be beyond your ability is to understand Indian Society even after trying so hard for so long. I dont think I have seen any non-Indian spending so much time in Indian Section. So much labor gone waste.. tch.. tch.. :lol:

As for the negative ratings: I seriously am very very very worried. :D

I'm glad you're running from the debate again, though I should have figured that out from your use of personal attacks instead of rational arguments. :rofl:

Maybe someone who is actually capable of having a debate might visit this thread.

Not at all. I am all for debates. But am not willing to spoon feed you.. Try to learn something about the first line of that post of mine and then come back ( may be in next 10 years going by your ability to grasp the reality of Indian Society :D ). But I know you wont do that and keep crying about "Personal attacks" . :enjoy:
It seems Mao was smarter than Chinese dictators these years including the current roman eleven ...Mao might have reacted correctly to so called forward policy of India but these days china is taking forward policy against almost all its neighboring countries!
What seems to be beyond your ability is to understand Indian Society even after trying so hard for so long. I dont think I have seen any non-Indian spending so much time in Indian Section. So much labor gone waste.. tch.. tch.. :lol:

As for the negative ratings: I seriously am very very very worried. :D

I don't need to understand Indian society. :rofl: I need to understand India's "new assertive posture" on the Sino-Indian border, because that sounds like it could lead to another Forward Policy.

Except this time we are not starving to death from a famine, you're not going to attack us while we are starving again. Now we have the largest manufacturing base on Earth (which we can use to produce essentially infinite numbers of our weapons platforms) and larger currency reserves than the rest of the world combined.

India is going to bite off more than they can chew this time, try fighting a China that is not starving. :lol:
But obviously we can't control whether or not India starts another Forward Policy, or acts assertively/aggressively enough that we perceive another Forward Policy.

That is out of our hands. We can only respond, and that is something we can do very well.

I am surprised there are no Pakistanis commenting in this thread. I think it would be a mistake if they turned down China's offer again like Ayub Khan did in 1962, luckily I believe they would not turn down such an opportunity again.

You mean if China attacks India, yeah sure Pakistan would not turn it down but if a Pakistan and India war erupted would China reciprocate? I think that is the million dollar question. :D
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