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China/Pakistan/India - Was Nehru smarter than Modi?

Good, since apparently you can't understand why I would choose the word of my own Chinese Government instead of the Indian Government. :lol:
Would it matter anyway? :D It won't. Let's leave it at that. I hope the Chinese Government is more mature, which it thankfully is.
What is happening in Xinjiang is not what I am talking about. I am talking about someone in TTP/ISIS/Taliban suddenly realizing that they have a neighbor where condition is ripe to export their ideology.
Whats happening currently in those areas of China is "peanuts" ( quoting Zia ). Some Uighyrs come to an agency and receive basic training and go back to do some knife attacks. What if professionals from TTP/ISIS/Taliban/AQ start training them..?

Do you know Uyghurs and Tibetans combined only make up less than 1% of China's population? And are geographically remote from the Chinese heartland.

Whereas India has the 2nd largest Muslim population in the world? That are now so deeply embedded in your society that people in the rest of the world assume that Indians are Muslims?
Reality is a facade until they release detailed information about the border incidents, otherwise I'll have to choose between the word of the PK government and the word of the Indian government, and frankly you can guess which one I choose. Hint: It's the same answer I choose when it comes to the so-called Sino-Indian border incursions, i.e. Not the Indian government.

You have made up your mind about most stuff. You don't want to check the facts. You would avoid looking at the past happenings. You would call Modi a mass murderer without even looking for a proof. You would deny that any assertion from your side is bullying, cause you are right, and your opponents should be meek and accept it. You would deny that your friend cum ally can be doing something wrong. You would make up scenarios and consider them facts, be impressed by made up scenarios which makes India look bad no matter how distant from reality they are.

Why open a questioning thread which invites for a discussion than? You don't want to discuss, you have made up your mind that any conflicting notion must be a lie!
Would it matter anyway? :D It won't. Let's leave it at that. I hope the Chinese Government is more mature, which it thankfully is.

You're right, the Chinese government is mature, they only respond to attacks and Forward Policies.

We don't fire first. But it looks like India might make the first move... again.
Do you know Uyghurs and Tibetans combined only make up less than 1% of China's population? And are geographically remote from the Chinese heartland.

Whereas India has the 2nd largest Muslim population in the world? That are now so deeply embedded in your society that people in the rest of the world assume that Indians are Muslims?

And how many those 1% are..? in numbers please..

BTW Muslims in India are not "embedded" in Indian Society. They are a part of Indian Society. This however shows that your knowledge of South Asia has still not improved in these many years.
You have made up your mind about most stuff. You don't want to check the facts. You would avoid looking at the past happenings. You would call Modi a mass murderer without even looking for a proof. You would deny that any assertion from your side is bullying, cause you are right, and your opponents should be meek and accept it. You would deny that your friend cum ally can be doing something wrong. You would make up scenarios and consider them facts, be impressed by made up scenarios which makes India look bad no matter how distant from reality they are.

Why open a questioning thread which invites for a discussion than? You don't want to discuss, you have made up your mind that any conflicting notion must be a lie!

If by "discussion" you mean "me blindly accepting that you are right", then sorry you've come to the wrong thread. :toast_sign:

Anyone who expects me to take the word of the Indian government over the word of my own Chinese government is frankly delusional, unless there was some 100% evidence and proof.
You have made up your mind about most stuff. You don't want to check the facts. You would avoid looking at the past happenings. You would call Modi a mass murderer without even looking for a proof. You would deny that any assertion from your side is bullying, cause you are right, and your opponents should be meek and accept it. You would deny that your friend cum ally can be doing something wrong. You would make up scenarios and consider them facts, be impressed by made up scenarios which makes India look bad no matter how distant from reality they are.

Why open a questioning thread which invites for a discussion than? You don't want to discuss, you have made up your mind that any conflicting notion must be a lie!

Thats his modus operandi... Dont be disappointed.
If by "discussion" you mean "me blindly accepting that you are right", then sorry you've come to the wrong thread. :toast_sign:

Anyone who expects me to take the word of the Indian government over the word of my own Chinese government is frankly delusional, unless there was some 100% evidence and proof.

Not at all, it means that if you accuse someone of something, you have to come up with a proof. You accused Modi of being aggressive, but without proof. You accused him of being a mass murderer, but without proof. You accused him of trying to start a war, without proof. You won't admit, unlike rest of the world that your best friend is a troubled region. You claim your aggressiveness as your right. You pass of your allies aggressiveness as a lie, even if history shows otherwise.

By discussion I mean if your claim something, substantiate it. You can discuss the counter arguments brought up. You can prove us wrong. There are lot of ways to discuss, you are not doing any of that. You are simply parroting one thing from the beginning without any substance.

It doesn't feels right when a poster you respect falls to this level. You don't do drugs, do you?
Do you know Uyghurs and Tibetans combined only make up less than 1% of China's population? And are geographically remote from the Chinese heartland.

Whereas India has the 2nd largest Muslim population in the world? That are now so deeply embedded in your society that people in the rest of the world assume that Indians are Muslims?

You are comparing Uighurs+Tibetans with "total" muslim population of India? Great!

That's as good as comparing Oranges with "chickens"!

The really "troubled" region in India is Kashmir, the percentage of "total" Jammu and Kashmir population is less than 13 Million (and mind you, there are significant number of Hindus and Buddhists in Kashmir). Now that is also less than 1% of Indian Population!!!

Now, if you implied that all Muslims are trouble makers, then you have muslims outside Xinjiang too, that you are so conveniently ignoring!!!
In my opinion "Higher.. Deeper.. Sweeter.. " allies should respond to the aggression Modi is showing. United.. Hand in Hand..

I feel really sad when Modi is allowed to get away like this. Instead of responding, one ally goes to UN and the other goes back inside its border after investing so much in Tents and what not. :mad:
Why does India still classify the Henderson-Brooks report, and refuse to release it?

Anything to do with this?

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India
(Revelations from the Henderson-Brooks report.)

Why does India lie about us, and claim we started it, when their own internal military report said that India did?

Why don't you start with the background of forward policy? Why when Nehru asserted in early 50s that India's boundary is Mcmohan line did the Chinese govt remained passive? This could be and was taken as an agreement. Infact, it could not be taken otherwise. In this respect, any Chinese troops within Indian side of McMohan line would be trespassers, and give India legal and moral right to force them back.
You are comparing Uighurs+Tibetans with "total" muslim population of India? Great!

That's as good as comparing Oranges with "chickens"!

The really "troubled" region in India is Kashmir, the percentage of "total" Jammu and Kashmir population is less than 13 Million (and mind you, there are significant number of Hindus and Buddhists in Kashmir). Now that is also less than 1% of Indian Population!!!

Now, if you implied that all Muslims are trouble makers, then you have muslims outside Xinjiang too, that you are so conveniently ignoring!!!

His superficial knowledge of India is very much evident in almost all of his posts ( both +ve and -ve posts about India). When one tries to learn about India on this site and takes help of Pakistanis to understand Indian Society, such blunders will keep happening. One will keep compartmentalizing Muslims as a separate entity as his whole knowledge of India will be based on TNT.
As for border incidents, India always comes up with a story completely different to that of Pakistan. Reality is a facade until they release detailed information about the border incidents, otherwise I'll have to choose between the word of the PK government and the word of the Indian government, and frankly you can guess which one I choose. Hint: It's the same answer I choose when it comes to the so-called Sino-Indian border incursions, i.e. Not the Indian government.

So what? When did Modi or any Indian start caring for what side you choose?

When you resort to hypocrisy and don't even have the decency to check ground reality on the Pakistani border before spewing them as "facts" which are highly biased, you are just one of those bigots -- nothing else!

His superficial knowledge of India is very much evident in almost all of his posts ( both +ve and -ve posts about India). When one tries to learn about India on this site and takes help of Pakistanis to understand Indian Society, such blunders will keep happening. One will keep compartmentalizing Muslims as a separate entity as his whole knowledge of India will be based on TNT.

This guy is really losing it fast!!!

He is actually a bigger bigot than the dozens of his compatriots like "risingshiningsuperpower" because he masquerades himself as a sane member interested in intelligent debates. But in the end, his views are all highly biased, devoid of any proofs or logic!

How was naive was I to even think of him as worthy of having intelligent debate with!
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