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China/Pakistan/India - Was Nehru smarter than Modi?

This guy is really losing it fast!!!

He is actually a bigger bigot than the dozens of his compatriots like "risingshiningsuperpower" because he masquerades himself as a sane member interested in intelligent debates. But in the end, his views are all highly biased, devoid of any proofs or logic!

How was naive was I to even think of him as worthy of having intelligent debate with!

He is not loosing it. One can act only so long of being an intellectual.I have avoided all his threads/posts for 3-4 years now as I know exactly what kind of posts he will peddle.
He is not loosing it. One can act only so long of being an intellectual.I have avoided all his threads/posts for 3-4 years now as I know exactly what kind of posts he will peddle.

It is clear he comes to PDF just to get a daily boost of ego bashing "poor and hapless" Indians!

He tried the same in the thread about the so called "Indian" Aggression on Pakistani border -- until somebody made him shut it completely!!!

You can only do it so long before getting called out!
You can make claims as much as you like, neither I nor my Government considers Pakistan to be a rogue state.

As for border incidents, India always comes up with a story completely different to that of Pakistan. Reality is a facade until they release detailed information about the border incidents, otherwise I'll have to choose between the word of the PK government and the word of the Indian government, and frankly you can guess which one I choose. Hint: It's the same answer I choose when it comes to the so-called Sino-Indian border incursions, i.e. Not the Indian government.

Terrorists "trained" in Pakistan, obviously those terrorists are also enemies of the Pakistani state.

Which further proves that the Pakistani state is on our side, since terrorists who attack them also hate us.
May this friendship keep prospering like this. If frequency and intensity of attacks is anything to go by then it already is. I suggest you leave water canon and start using real weapons. Man up.
May this friendship keep prospering like this. If frequency and intensity of attacks is anything to go by then it already is. I suggest you leave water canon and start using real weapons. Man up.

Funny, the Chinese spent hard-earned money to build the KKR Highway despite repeated Indian protests -- only enabling the "trouble makers" to travel easily using the same route to Xinjiang!
This guy is really losing it fast!!!

He is actually a bigger bigot than the dozens of his compatriots like "risingshiningsuperpower" because he masquerades himself as a sane member interested in intelligent debates. But in the end, his views are all highly biased, devoid of any proofs or logic!

How was naive was I to even think of him as worthy of having intelligent debate with!

You can't make an argument, and you can't win in a war against us, so personal attacks on the internet. Very painful, but at least it is not rocket artillery. :rofl:

Tell me, how many out of the 200 million Indian Muslims will be happy that the Indian public chose their mass murderer to be their President?

India now has the 2nd largest Muslim population in the world, within a decade or so India will be the number 1 largest Muslim country in the world.

Tell me what percentage of the population do they have to make up before Partition v2.0.
Funny, the Chinese spent hard-earned money to build the KKR Highway despite repeated Indian protests -- only enabling the "trouble makers" to travel easily using the same route to Xinjiang!

Hehehe.. This is too uncomfortable a truth for "intellectuals" like him..
His superficial knowledge of India is very much evident in almost all of his posts ( both +ve and -ve posts about India). When one tries to learn about India on this site and takes help of Pakistanis to understand Indian Society, such blunders will keep happening. One will keep compartmentalizing Muslims as a separate entity as his whole knowledge of India will be based on TNT.

And what exactly, according to you, have I got wrong about India?

Of course I learn from Pakistanis, such as the site administrator, how India deals with countries that it has border issues with. Bullets and artillery on civilian villages along your LOC for example.

The only reason India is not doing that to China too, is because they know they will be decimated. But they will try other tricks, as Nehru did with Tibet and the Forward Policy.
And what exactly, according to you, have I got wrong about India?

Of course I learn from Pakistanis, such as the site administrator, how India deals with countries that it has border issues with. Bullets and artillery on civilian villages along your LOC for example.

The only reason India is not doing that to China too, is because they know they will be decimated. But they will try other tricks, as Nehru did with Tibet and the Forward Policy.

For starters Indian Society and Indian Muslims... Is that big enough for you..?

Rest of your post is cr@p as usual. So no response.
You can't make an argument, and you can't win in a war against us, so personal attacks on the internet. Very painful, but at least it is not rocket artillery.
Tell me, how many out of the 200 million Indian Muslims will be happy that the Indian public chose their mass murderer to be their President?
India now has the 2nd largest Muslim population in the world, within a decade or so India will be the number 1 largest Muslim country in the world.
Tell me what percentage of the population do they have to make up before Partition v2.0.

do you know that world's richest muslim entrepreneur is an indian?
Premji world's richest Muslim entrepreneur: WSJ - Economic Times

do you know the indian movies which pakistanis die to watch is ruled by muslims?
Shah Rukh Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aamir Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Salman Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

do you know the current head of intelligence bureau of india is a muslim?
Syed Asif Ibrahim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

do you know how much pakistanis and muslim world love this indian islamic scholar?
Zakir Naik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you don't and this is what happen when someone tries to learn about india from pakistan.
And what exactly, according to you, have I got wrong about India?

Of course I learn from Pakistanis, such as the site administrator, how India deals with countries that it has border issues with. Bullets and artillery on civilian villages along your LOC for example.
I didn't know that China replies bullets with flowers.

The only reason India is not doing that to China too, is because they know they will be decimated. But they will try other tricks, as Nehru did with Tibet and the Forward Policy.
The only reason India is not doing that to China too, is because unlike certain other neighbor, China acts responsibly. But offcourse you know all this, and are just passing time trolling, aren't you?
@Chinese-Dragon you have got many things wrong...modi is prime minister..not president. Doesn't matter much.
What matters is you think that muslims are not patriotic and more muslims mean more trouble. Let me tell you, indian muslims are as patriotic as any other group...our defence technology has been greatly shaped by a muslim..APJ Abdul Kalam. And we dont disregard him due to his religion. We made him our president. how many tibetans or Uighurs are on top posts in china.
And what exactly, according to you, have I got wrong about India?

Of course I learn from Pakistanis, such as the site administrator, how India deals with countries that it has border issues with. Bullets and artillery on civilian villages along your LOC for example.

what r u talking about,,its been long n boring thread with u repeating same thing again n again...
since u have ignored all sane posts,,,so let me add :devil:
how India deals with countries that it has border issues with. Bullets and artillery on civilian villages along your LOC for example.
so,,,it means we r very serious about border issues n our territorial integrity...
as u see,,,we dont take kindly of ppl messing with us,,,if they fire we fire back,,,,,thats the govt. stance,,,,,
afterall we may not be as pragmatic as Chinese.u have successfully avoided armed conflict wid neighbors for so long,,,so it is rational to assume that u will continue to do so....................by not messing wid us.

The only reason India is not doing that to China too, is because they know they will be decimated. But they will try other tricks, as Nehru did with Tibet and the Forward Policy.

if that is so,,why this fuss,,,,then u have nothing to worry about...:D

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