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China offer Bangladesh latest J-10C with AESA radar as MRCA

nope I’m very surprised here . Because I don’t see these fighters ever landing in Dhaka . This Chinese Technology is to sensitive to be risked spied on by Delhi due to Dhaka subservient approach to them . Chinese’s are not that ridiculous in business sales .
Do not please imagine non-existent things.

If China offer J-10C to BAF then i am totally agree to buy this for replacing F-7 fleet.
F-7s may not be replaced, but more number of sophisticated planes will be added to the BAF arsenal. Even IAF has Mig-21s, which are much older than F-7BG and BGI.
F-7s may not be replaced, but more number of sophisticated planes will be added to the BAF arsenal. Even IAF has Mig-21s, which are much older than F-7BG and BGI.
replace or not, at-list add something new.
i think F-7 PRODUCTION is end so it,s time to think about there replacement option from now.........we can,t replace our equipment just like western countries (full batch replaced with new batch). 40-50 unit J-10C dill is a very good option for long run.......
by the way.........i am hearing this kind of news for very long time. for me BAF is pure joke..........they are buying this.....they are buying that..........now my reaction to baf like "come on men at list buy something" :pleasantry:
replace or not, at-list add something new.
i think F-7 PRODUCTION is end so it,s time to think about there replacement option from now.........we can,t replace our equipment just like western countries (full batch replaced with new batch). 40-50 unit J-10C dill is a very good option for long run.......
by the way.........i am hearing this kind of news for very long time. for me BAF is pure joke..........they are buying this.....they are buying that..........now my reaction to baf like "come on men at list buy something" :pleasantry:

I have to agree..... these guys do not have a clue.... I would fire the entire top layer and start again. They have shown over the years complete lack of imagination or sprit.

If money is the issue BD needs to switch to procuring and manufacturing missiles and developing a seperate military arm similar to Iran as a defensive measure.

At the moment BAF in its current state offers no threat to our enemies and is not fit for purpose.

I am fairly certain BA and BN completely discounts BAF from their strategic calculus.
F-7s may not be replaced, but more number of sophisticated planes will be added to the BAF arsenal. Even IAF has Mig-21s, which are much older than F-7BG and BGI.

F-7MB of Trend-setters squadron (25 squadron maybe) will retire soon, possibly in 21 or 22. BG will fill-up their places.
Bangladesh is buying toothpaste toothbrush them holder building a basin but no teeth.what is point buying awaks more radar when you have no attack jets.the point is clear everybody sell them but none sell good jets and someone’s poket can be heavy by buying useless things
Bangladesh is buying toothpaste toothbrush them holder building a basin but no teeth.what is point buying awaks more radar when you have no attack jets.the point is clear everybody sell them but none sell good jets and someone’s poket can be heavy by buying useless things

Repeating again MRCA, MRSAM tender. Russian Mig-35 offer, possibility of ordering 16 MMRCA, MRSAM this year. Watch patiently till 2030, you get enough time to yell at them.
Repeating again MRCA, MRSAM tender. Russian Mig-35 offer, possibility of ordering 16 MMRCA, MRSAM this year. Watch patiently till 2030, you get enough time to yell at them.

RIGHT - to satisfy more of awami lie. People had seen 10 years already, nothing happened except "announcement" of air field at the end of 10 years.
Repeating again MRCA, MRSAM tender. Russian Mig-35 offer, possibility of ordering 16 MMRCA, MRSAM this year. Watch patiently till 2030, you get enough time to yell at them.
Sure I will yell again when BD airforce will get su 35 but the rest of the world will use 9 th generation fighters

RIGHT - to satisfy more of awami lie. People had seen 10 years already, nothing happened except "announcement" of air field at the end of 10 years.
How can you deny those f7 lol
i am hearing this kind of news for very long time. for me BAF is pure joke..........they are buying this.....they are buying that..........now my reaction to baf like "come on men at list buy something"
The GoB is constructing two more air bases. One in Barisal and the other in Sylhet. So, I think, there will be purchase orders now. So,by the time the construction completes the new planes will arrive.

New Chinese Weapons Seen On J-10C Fighter
by Chen Chuanren
- July 20, 2017, 7:55 AM
On this J-10C fighter, PL-10 air-to-air missiles hang from the outboard wing pylons and long-range PL-15s from the inboards. (Image Credit: Chinese Internet)
An operational People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) Chengdu J-10C fighter has been seen carrying pairs of PL-10 and PL-15 air-to-air missiles (AAMs) for the first time. They are the PLAAF’s next-generation short-range and long-range AAMs, respectively. According to Chinese reports, their performance is equivalent or superior to that of their Western counterparts.

Developed by the 607 Institute, the PL-15 (Pi Li or Thunderbolt), is China’s latest beyond-visual-range air-to air missile (BVRAAM). It achieved a first firing in September 2015. Powered by a dual-pulse rocket motor, the PL-15 has a maximum speed of Mach 4 and is reported to achieve a standoff range of 300 km. In comparison, its predecessor PL-12 has a range of 100 km, similar to its Western counterpart, the AIM-120C AMRAAM. According to Chinese reports, the PL-15 will enable the PLAAF to down enemy high-value assets such as tankers and AEW aircraft, beyond the engagement range of their escorts.

After seven years of development, the PL-10 short-range AAM was introduced last year. Chinese media has highlighted that the PL-10 is the first all-aspect missile in the PLAAF, with a 90-degree off-boresight angle and thrust-vectoring capabilities. It is reported to have a range of at least 20 km and with a multi-element imaging infrared seeker, the PL-10 is said to be very resistant to electronic countermeasures.

The PL-10 has been seen on various test aircraft, including the Shenyang J-16 and Chengdu J-20, as the PLAAF prepares to replace the PL-8 on its next-generation fighters. To further exploit the PL-10’s high off-boresight capabilities, the PLAAF could develop a helmet cueing system, which is currently not seen on any Chinese pilots.

The PLAAF has stopped production of the Chengdu J-10B, in favor of the improved J-10C. Like its predecessor, the J-10C features the diffuser supersonic inlet (DSI) but it is equipped with an indigenous active electronically scanned array (AESA) fire-control radar.

The J-10B/C series has also become PLAAF’s latest multi-role fighter, since it can perform ground strike and suppression of enemy anti defense roles with the KD88H missile and YJ91 anti-radiation missile, respectively. Chinese analysts estimate that with the standard configuration of three drop tanks and air-to-air missiles, the J-10B/C could have a combat radius of 1,200 km, covering the Korean peninsula and into Japanese air space from its Yanji base in northeastern China.
Sure I will yell again when BD airforce will get su 35 but the rest of the world will use 9 th generation fighters

How can you deny those f7 lol

When did i deny those?? Those are stop gap. And how can you talk about 9th gen aircraft when the only operational aircrafts are F-22,35 and J-20?? Many countries still buying 4 and 4.5 gen fighters and your eyes only can see BD's progress. It's ok, i know the only things you critics can do is yelling. Don't worry it will stop after 2030. And btw it might sound crazy but after 2030 BAF might have 2 squadron 5th gen fighters also. The Yak-130s are to train our pilots for this job too.
I found the following specifications for J-10C in a post by @Lankan Ranger in another thread. I understand that like JF-17 and unlike F-7BGI, the J-10C aircraft is to perform MRCA role. But, its speed (mach 2.0) is far above JF-17 (mach 1.6). JF-17 has a thrust of about 85 kN against the J-10C's 152 kN. This stronger thrust causes the plane to go up the sky in a short time. Some other specifications say that it has 11 hard points.

People in other thread were talking of buying JF-17. But, I believe BAF will induct this kind of MRCA from China or a western source. Below are the performance parameters of J-10C:

Length: 14.57m
Wingspan: 8.78m
Height: 5.3m
Sweep Angle: 51-52°
Wing Area: 38 square meters
Vertical Tail Area: 8.4 Square Meters
Thrust: 152kN
Takeoff Distance: Within 50m
Maximum Speed: 2.0 Mach
Minimum Speed: 1.2 Mach (1473 km/h)
Maximum ceiling Maximum Ceiling: 18000m
Combat Radius: 1300 km
Maximum Range: 3000 km
Maximum Take-off Weight: 18.27 ton
Maximum Bomb-load Weight: 6000 kg
Thrust-weight ratio: Above 1.1
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It's an offer not procurement. Maybe we need more Vitamin A capsule and anti-troll vaccine for some people.
i know that & for ur kind information last one year we all are bought 1000 times this J10B & Su 30sme. do u want any more clear explanation. if u need then u have to take vitamin capsules.

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