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China & New Iranian Destroyer

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China & New Iranian Destroyer

So, the Iranian navy just launched its first domestically made destroyer, the Jamaran class. It is a heavily modified British Vosper Mk 5 (Alvand) class Frigate.

How is this related to China Defense? Well, the Jamaran class is armed with 2 pairs Noor (C802) SSM's.
TEHRAN - Iran's navy launched its first domestically made destroyer in the Persian Gulf on Feb. 19 in a ceremony attend by the supreme leader and the commander-in-chief Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the media reported.

The vessel has a displacement of around 14,000 tons and is equipped with modern radars and electronic warfare capabilities, the report said.

Jamaran, a multi-mission destroyer, can carry 120-140 personnel on board and is armed with a variety of anti-ship and surface-to-air missiles with a top speed of up to 30 knots and has a helipad," the report added. "The vessel has also been equipped with torpedoes and modern naval cannons."

State television also showed footage of the vessel and the ceremony at which it was launched by Khamenei flanked by the top Iranian military commanders.

Much of Iran's naval equipment dates from before the 1979 Islamic revolution and is U.S. made. Since the revolution, Tehran has purchased a number of Russian-made submarines.

In the past year Iranian navy has carried out a number of missions in the Gulf of Aden and offshore Somalia where it was commissioned to escort Iranian merchant ships and oil tankers.

China Defense Blog: A “14000” ton Iranian destroyer
How good would this destroyer be compared to others from other countries
China & New Iranian Destroyer

So, the Iranian navy just launched its first domestically made destroyer, the Jamaran class. It is a heavily modified British Vosper Mk 5 (Alvand) class Frigate.

How is this related to China Defense? Well, the Jamaran class is armed with 2 pairs Noor (C802) SSM's.
TEHRAN - Iran's navy launched its first domestically made destroyer in the Persian Gulf on Feb. 19 in a ceremony attend by the supreme leader and the commander-in-chief Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the media reported.

The vessel has a displacement of around 14,000 tons and is equipped with modern radars and electronic warfare capabilities, the report said.

Jamaran, a multi-mission destroyer, can carry 120-140 personnel on board and is armed with a variety of anti-ship and surface-to-air missiles with a top speed of up to 30 knots and has a helipad," the report added. "The vessel has also been equipped with torpedoes and modern naval cannons."

State television also showed footage of the vessel and the ceremony at which it was launched by Khamenei flanked by the top Iranian military commanders.

Much of Iran's naval equipment dates from before the 1979 Islamic revolution and is U.S. made. Since the revolution, Tehran has purchased a number of Russian-made submarines.

In the past year Iranian navy has carried out a number of missions in the Gulf of Aden and offshore Somalia where it was commissioned to escort Iranian merchant ships and oil tankers.

China Defense Blog: A “14000” ton Iranian destroyer
You are seriously China-centric aren't you? Every news related to China, and you are present there. LOL. Good to see that there is such close friendship all around south Asia.
How good would this destroyer be compared to others from other countries

which countries are you comparing it to? but of the new ones from us, china, EU etc. this Iranian destroyer cannot compete at all
are you sure this is 14000 tons and not 1400? do the iranians have the capability to manufacture a 14000 ton vessel?
well 14,000 Tons will be a size of Mini Carrier.It should be 1400 tons.
Wikipedia is referring to this destroyer as a multi purpose / guided missile frigate, & its Displacement is mentioned to be 1,420 tonnes. :undecided:
Well when Iran will have 20 Frigates that are called Destroyers may be we can then say ok Iranian Navy is healthy right now they are working hard but still long way to go
This article doesn't even specify it's range which is one of the determinant factors whether its a destroyer or a frigate :undecided:
This article doesn't even specify it's range which is one of the determinant factors whether its a destroyer or a frigate :undecided:

A previous thread discussed this, it appears to be a translation problem the Farsi word for warship was translated as destroyer by the reporter rather than frigate or corvette.

Domestic production is all well and good but they would have done better to get some help from Turkey those Milgem look nice on paper.
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