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China never intends to challenge US: PLA general

USA already has the technology and China is catching up (yet way behind) and People say China will F@ck USA, what a big LOL..
as matter of fact, china exepcts to develop its economy so as to improve chinese people living condition. we are unwilling to fight with anyone,include usa,india.china has vast territory and rich natural resources,it's uncessary for us to occupy other nation,chinese love peace with its neighors.china only develops reasonable military capabilities to defense itself.we chinese are aware of destructive consequence of war according to long-term civil war in the past five thousand years.
as matter of fact, china exepcts to develop its economy so as to improve chinese people living condition. we are unwilling to fight with anyone,include usa,india.china has vast territory and rich natural resources,it's uncessary for us to occupy other nation,chinese love peace with its neighors.china only develops reasonable military capabilities to defense itself.we chinese are aware of destructive consequence of war according to long-term civil war in the past five thousand years.
Exactly but few people understand that Chinese are an extremely cultured race they have given mankind a great many gifts in science and arts and culture yet even at their most powerful they never sent ships and soldiers to colonize far away lands. But I am afraid not all people think this way the Anlo European white race has built its success on colonization and it is a habit they are not gong to give up that easy the American's are but the latest incarnation of the colonial masters of old so CHINA MUST PREPARE.
as matter of fact, china exepcts to develop its economy so as to improve chinese people living condition. we are unwilling to fight with anyone,include usa,india.china has vast territory and rich natural resources,it's uncessary for us to occupy other nation,chinese love peace with its neighors.china only develops reasonable military capabilities to defense itself.we chinese are aware of destructive consequence of war according to long-term civil war in the past five thousand years.

I am sure this is the right attitude .. If china develops it will create opportunity in Asia as well and India too will benefit from it
Cardsharp, what has the US done that has interfered in a peaceful and voluntary reunification between China and Taiwan? We've sold them arms for their defence against a PRC invasion (which shouldn't matter since one is never coming), and we've obligations to go to their defence in case of invasion. All actions have gone towards preventing a hostile invasion of Taiwan or a coerced reunification. we certainly couldn't force Taiwan to stay defacto independant if they wanted to reunite.
First, I hold dual Taiwan-US citizenship.
During the US civil war, Great Britain did not interfere in aiding the South even when their textile mills where very dependent on Southern cotton and they held Southern bonds. The US should really stay the hell out of this one (like the US needs more wars) and let the two settle their civil war on their own.
A top Chinese general said Wednesday that China had no intention of challenging the American military and that it was “very strange” that questions were raised about his country’s military buildup when the same concerns were not voiced about the United States.

Gen. Chen Bingde, the chief of the general staff of the People’s Liberation Army, made his comments in a speech and joint news conference with Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“I am surprised by the sophistication of the U.S. military, including its weapons and doctrines,” General Chen said at the news conference at the Pentagon, where he spoke through a Chinese military interpreter. “I can tell you that China does not have the capability to challenge the United States.”

He said that since the United States “has far more advanced weapons and equipment, why is not the question raised” that those weapons and equipment are “targeted at someone, some country, or some defense leadership?” In conclusion, he said, “I find that very strange for questions to be raised only to China but not to the United States.”

General Chen, who is on a weeklong visit to the United States with seven other Chinese generals, made similar remarks in a speech at National Defense University earlier on Wednesday. The visit, the firstby a Chinese official of General Chen’s rank in seven years, is meant to warm the tense relations between the United States and China. The Pentagon has grown increasingly concerned about the Chinese military buildup in the Pacific, including antiship ballistic missiles that have the potential of hitting an American aircraft carrier. In January, the Chinese conducted a test of their new stealth fighter jet hours before Mr. Gates met with President Hu Jintao.


Apparently this has already been posted: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-defence/109250-china-never-intends-challenge-us-pla-general.html
The Taiwanese don't want to be associated with a communist country with low income, exploding watermelons, contaminated milk and poisoned toys.
Cardsharp, what has the US done that has interfered in a peaceful and voluntary reunification between China and Taiwan? We've sold them arms for their defence against a PRC invasion (which shouldn't matter since one is never coming), and we've obligations to go to their defence in case of invasion. All actions have gone towards preventing a hostile invasion of Taiwan or a coerced reunification. we certainly couldn't force Taiwan to stay defacto independant if they wanted to reunite.

You're using them as leverage and a political chip to play.

During the last phases of the Civil war, you were in the process of ditching Chiang and the KMT, but after China firmly came down in the Soviet camp, Taiwan became 'an unsinkable aircraft carrier'

When US general Douglas MacArthur referred to Taiwan as an unsinkable aircraft carrier, he was trumpeting the offensive nature of the strategies used to contain communism during the Cold War. The US containment policy in Asia intended to wall off communism, thus denying it room to emanate outward from the revolutionary hub of Beijing. Although the name implies stasis, the containment policy hinged on a strategy of force projection. MacArthur--generally gimlet-eyed, sometimes insubordinate and deeply animated by anti-communist sentiment--imagined Taiwan as the greatest of the navy's offensive weapons--the aircraft carrier, from which anti-communist forces could be launched from the unsinkable island flattop just 120 miles off the coast of China.

The good guy act is wearing thin.
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