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China never intends to challenge US: PLA general

I disapprove of the General's remarks. Statements like that is like inviting other countries to attack China and lowers China's ability to deter US from defending Taiwan if China has no choice but to conduct a military campaign against Taiwan should Taiwan in a 1 in a million probability declare independence. China should more clearly state its military strengths so that will deter USA. USA only understands military strength so China must be tough in words. In fact the British are more easier to deal with than war-loving USA.
I disapprove of the General's remarks. Statements like that is like inviting other countries to attack China and lowers China's ability to deter US from defending Taiwan

It does nothing of the sort.

USA only understands military strength so China must be tough in words. In fact the British are more easier to deal with than war-loving USA.

I don't know about you but I think the US are complete amateurs compare to the British when it comes to this whole imperialism thing. Being a Chinese Malaysian (I'm guessing), you must have know about Malayan Emergency.
Let's just say I'd much rather be an Iraqi insurgent fighting American occupation than a Chinese Malaysian insurgent fighting British occupation.
The thing is, the interest isn't there. The US definitely doesn't want Taiwan to declare formal independence because, as you said, it's highly likely it would instantly trigger war. The status quo serves just fine for everybody involved compared to the likely alternatives.

I don't think the US wants an escalation either, but I do think that the US wants the Taiwan issue to linger/fester. Just my opinion.
I wasn't being disingenuous. The USA is not in the way of China-Taiwanese rapprochement. The problem is 100% an "intra-Chinese" issue. The ONLY thing the USA is doing is standing by a people who stood against Mao Tse-tung.

You are just so ignorant. If KMT was with any bit of goodness left, would CCP have any chance kicking them to that small island called Taiwan???

Mao indeed made many mistakes in his late life. However, Mao is the one who get China stand up before the world since 1840. Nobody else was able to do that except him.
The thing is, the interest isn't there. The US definitely doesn't want Taiwan to declare formal independence because, as you said, it's highly likely it would instantly trigger war. The status quo serves just fine for everybody involved compared to the likely alternatives.

The current status quo cannot be maintained forever. China has its patience but that patience won't last forever. I see little possibility peaceful reunification and PLA will have to use force to take it back, just what KangXi emperor did in 1683.
Cardsharp, what has the US done that has interfered in a peaceful and voluntary reunification between China and Taiwan? We've sold them arms for their defence against a PRC invasion (which shouldn't matter since one is never coming), and we've obligations to go to their defence in case of invasion. All actions have gone towards preventing a hostile invasion of Taiwan or a coerced reunification. we certainly couldn't force Taiwan to stay defacto independant if they wanted to reunite.

The current separation is the result of civil war between KMT and CCP.

U.S. has played a despicable role to prevent both sides to have a reunification. About peaceful reunification, it is just a term U.S. uses to prevent it from ever happening.

We all know both sides have totally different political systems and I see little possibility that they will change. If that is the case, Taiwan can always refuse to unite with mainland. Mainland will have CCP in control for a long time as well. So we have to wait for them to change their minds??? How long should we wait???

So what CCP is doing is to strengthening its army force to a level that nobody will do anything to interfere when China initiate the reclamation process. It does not mean China has to wait to grow into the same level as U.S. We just need grow into a level that nobody will dare to challenge us without worrying about his axxss being seriously kicked.
Taiwan will peacefully reunite when the GDP/capita of China reaches 70k RMB, meaning that Shanghai (with population comparable to Taiwan) would be something like 180k RMB, compared to 120k rmb for Taiwan right now. Taiwan's gdp/capita hasn't grown much for the past 10 years anyways, and has fallen behind south korea.

By that time, the attraction of mainland China would become too great for Taiwan to resist. Taiwan's parents would want, even more than now, for their children to go to the place with best schools and best jobs - the mainland, growing fast, in contrast with Taiwan, slowing down.

In fact, even 1 region in China overtaking Taiwan would remove 1 major blockade for reunification: the excuse that reunification would cause mass immigration.
If that is the case, I think Taiwan just need surrender already for now. PLA is already strong enough to take over.

The reason PLA is waiting is that it feels that it is still not strong enough to counter U.S.'s possible interference. However, it will grow into that level soon.

First, I hold dual Taiwan-US citizenship.
During the US civil war, Great Britain did not interfere in aiding the South even when their textile mills where very dependent on Southern cotton and they held Southern bonds. The US should really stay the hell out of this one (like the US needs more wars) and let the two settle their civil war on their own.
The Taiwanese don't want to be associated with a communist country with low income, exploding watermelons, contaminated milk and poisoned toys.

It is not about what they want. The middle kingdom is not about what individual wants but what Chinese as a civilization want.
Oh? What are our defence obligations towards Taiwan being used as a political chip for?
Cold War's been over for about 2 decades now and Macarthur has been gone from the US military for almost half a century . I should be more specific, what has the US government done now or in the last decade that has prevented any peaceful and non-coerced plan towards reunification?

Taiwan plays the dumb duck and just refuses to have a peaceful reunification.

Whoever is the leader in taiwan, he/she will say such reunification is only possible after mainland has democracy. Well, the democracy tw talks about is capitalism democracy like what U.S. has, e.g. multiple parties. We all know China has CCP in control and it is one party system. So taiwan's position basically is to overturn CCP and that is a must.

So we won't care about tw's BS for long. Sooner or later, reclamation of tw will be in process and soon it will be over afterwards.
Good point! Why doesn't CS and B address my point that it is China's responsibility to negotiate an agreement with the Taiwanese that they can voluntarily embrace?

As the US too depends on voluntary outcome to all conflicts? Any idea how hypocritical you sound??
It does nothing of the sort.

I don't know about you but I think the US are complete amateurs compare to the British when it comes to this whole imperialism thing. Being a Chinese Malaysian (I'm guessing), you must have know about Malayan Emergency.

The US killed over 100x the number of iraqis as the british did Chinese in malaysia. it is not comparable.
what about the American Civil War?

IF American is sincere in wanting the the Confederacy to become part of United States , voluntarily.

Civil War :no:
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