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China narrows technology gap with US


Jul 28, 2009
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United Kingdom

It's a little old article but very intresting to read ... Its a clear sing of China domination in comming years or atleast balance of power in the world ...

Uttara Choudhury / DNASunday, January 17, 2010 2:10 IST

NEW YORK: America remains the world’s science and technology leader by minting a record number of patents and having “prolific inventors” in Silicon Valley and university and company labs, but China is gaining ground, the National Science Board said Friday in its congressionally mandated biennial report on science and engineering.

“The report is not just about where we stand, it’s about where we are headed,” National Science Foundation director Arden Bement said at the White House while rolling out the report.

The 2010 report declared 2007 was the year China caught up to the US in the number of researchers and doctoral degrees it handed out in natural sciences and engineering. The US awarded 22,500 doctorates in natural sciences and engineering in 2007, but more than half of them were awarded to foreign nationals from countries like India, China and Russia.

Past experience suggests that most new Ph.D.s will stay in the US. Despite the long wait to get a Green card, sluggish US economy and hype about reverse brain drain, the report shows that 60 per cent of temporary visa holders who earned doctorates in science in engineering in 1997 were still working in the US — and had no intention of leaving.

“While the US is the largest R&D performing nation — representing one-third of total world investment — Asia has narrowed the gap due to the sustained annual increases by China,” said Jose-Marie Griffiths, a member of the National Science Board.

The US accounted for nearly a third of $1.1 trillion spent on research and development globally in 2007. Spending on R&D in the US was $398 billion in 2008 — up from $373 billion in 2007. For the 10 years ending in 2007, spending on research and development grew between 5 per cent and 6 per cent annually in Japan and the European Union.

Spending in India, South Korea and Taiwan grew an average 9 per cent to 10 per cent a year over the same period. In China, it averaged more than 20 per cent, noted the “Science and Engineering Indicators 2010” report.

“China is now the third-largest R&D performer in the world behind the US and Japan and is moving ahead of Germany, France and the United Kingdom,” Griffiths said.

Inventors in the US, the European Union and Japan account for nearly 90 per cent of the world’s high-value patents. US patenting by Chinese and Indian inventors remains modest. Researchers in China accounted for only about 1 per cent of US patents granted in 2008. Inventive activity in China “appears elusive, at least as indicated by patents filed in a major Western market,” the report noted.

The report noted that the US has a comparatively higher-than-average share of patents in aerospace and pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical equipment and medical electronics.

Source : China narrows technology gap with US - dnaindia.com
Mate! I think they ( Chinese ) leave behind russians in many fields. Like Economy, Some areas in missile technology etc .. Can you please provide us more details incase if I am miss something ....
Never underestimate the Might of Russians they are the only civilization that has prevailed any time major wars happened those who dared to go against russia have fallen face first to ground


Russia is quietly selling GAS/OIL to europe and saving up trillions in banks
Mate! I think they ( Chinese ) leave behind russians in many fields. Like Economy, Some areas in missile technology etc .. Can you please provide us more details incase if I am miss something ....

The estimation GDP of China is 5.2 trillion dollars in 2009, maybe surpass Japan to become the world second the largest economy in 2009 or 2010. India's GDP is 1.3 trillion as the 10th in the rank. I didn't see Russia since its GDP out of the top 10 rank.
Russia leads in some heavy industry areas, since the advantages made in USSR era. But China is catching up fast.

By the way, no offensive, I think Indian Rupee is underestimated rather than Chinese Yuan, Since I think the gap between Chinese GDP and Indian GDP is not such huge in reality.
stax;631779]The estimation GDP of China is 5.2 trillion dollars in 2009,

Can you prove that STUD!!!!

Russia leads in some heavy industry areas, since the advantages made in USSR era. But China is catching up fast.

Yes, It does!!!! But China has proven to benchmark all the product sold to you.. Can you prove likewise..

By the way, no offensive, I think Indian Rupee is underestimated rather than Chinese Yuan, Since I think the gap between Chinese GDP and Indian GDP is not such huge in reality.

Really, who makes the decision of the value of the Yuan, is the Yuan really decided by the free market economy (I hope you know what that means, since you know lot about this)?
I don't think it will happen in our lifetime. Who will buy chinese technology? They are good in copying and flooding market with cheap quality products.
I don't think it will happen in our lifetime. Who will buy chinese technology? They are good in copying and flooding market with cheap quality products.

its not that their products are "cheap". Its their ability to dictate the cost. they can produce a range of quality w r t price. they are serving every market they get a foot in......economical products for poor and expensive and quality products for west.....simple
I don't think it will happen in our lifetime. Who will buy chinese technology? They are good in copying and flooding market with cheap quality products.

I'm sorry. But it's maybe the fact that we only export garbage to india in your lifetime.:pop:

so,i really wish that your gov do something to improve your poor capacity of national consumption.then,it's beneficial to both countries' people.:D
I'm sorry. But it's maybe the fact that we only export garbage to india in your lifetime.:pop:

so,i really wish that your gov do something to improve your poor capacity of national consumption.then,it's beneficial to both countries' people.:D

Brother, may be he is right for Indians case, since Indians life span are

around 60 years of age. :smitten::pakistan::china:
I'm sorry. But it's maybe the fact that we only export garbage to india in your lifetime.:pop:

so,i really wish that your gov do something to improve your poor capacity of national consumption.then,it's beneficial to both countries' people.:D

No one buys if company name is Chinese. Leave about technology invented in China.

IPhone is assembled in china. Just try to put some chinese name and sell for 50usd, no one will buy. That is pathetic condition of chinese brand.
No one buys if company name is Chinese.
Oh, i see.

it's mean:no human buys goods if company name is chinese.:rofl:

Then every year , we export many garbage goods to india, who are the user?evil or dogs?

if it's true ,i must say your country's dogs are too clever, maybe cleverer than some indians :rofl:
No one buys if company name is Chinese. Leave about technology invented in China.

IPhone is assembled in china. Just try to put some chinese name and sell for 50usd, no one will buy. That is pathetic condition of chinese brand.

Yeah right, the only export of India which Chinese will never be able

to catch up; India's biggest export=" TALKS" (thanks to their

cheap call-centers}
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