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China looks to re-balance ties with India & Pakistan

India did not had nukes in 1971 and US even sent their 7th fleet to save their ally Pakistan, but it did not stop India. What you need is a strong will power to face up to their opponents.

If so india should have been contented with its 'strong will power', I don't understand why she chose to acquire nukes.
If so india should have been contented with its 'strong will power', I don't understand why she chose to acquire nukes.

Pride, prestige, admission to exclusive nuclear clubs, seat at UNSC, a lot of reasons which are the above the league of nations like BD.

Its like owning a Ferrari. Its expensive, non practical for daily commute and sometimes outright dangerous to drive in normal roads; but arrive in a Ferrari and the 'doors ' will automatically open for you.
Pride, prestige, admission to exclusive nuclear clubs, seat at UNSC, a lot of reasons which are the above the league of nations like BD.

Its like owning a Ferrari. Its expensive, non practical for daily commute and sometimes outright dangerous to drive in normal roads; but arrive in a Ferrari and the 'doors ' will automatically open for you.

Good good. That is the kind of attitude we are hoping to see from you guys :lol:
hope SCO brings back some peace and stability to this region.
i wish i could see our countries together atleast in my lifetime.
So how does it work with the US? with it being biggest the adversary? I'll tell you- its that trade dollars. What Pakistan suspects and economist and think thanks worldwide know - is that in the next 5 years the bilateral trade between china and India will reach 100 billion. Thats just in 5 years and in decade after that, it will be close to US- china levels if not higher. And that will be seismic shift in the attitude towards India. they cannot afford to keep babysitting Pakistan against India's interest...well thats my read into it.
So how does it work with the US? with it being biggest the adversary? I'll tell you- its that trade dollars. What Pakistan suspects and economist and think thanks worldwide know - is that in the next 5 years the bilateral trade between china and India will reach 100 billion. Thats just in 5 years and in decade after that, it will be close to US- china levels if not higher. And that will be seismic shift in the attitude towards India. they cannot afford to keep babysitting Pakistan against India's interest...well thats my read into it.

If we are to learn anything from China-US or China-Japan relations is that even after dealing in trade worth billions of dollars the animosity b/n the countries remain. So I don't think we can 'buy' good relation from a country like China....but what the trade can do is that it will create an inter-dependency b/n countries (in this case China & India) so that each country will think more than twice before doing anything that will hamper the relation b/n the countries.
Sometimes i look at north america and think,why arent their any disputes (US,Mexico,Canada) there,then i realize that there border is like a freakin 10000km straight line.Hell why didnt british try to do that here.
For this rosy scenario to happen it will take decades at least. There is mutual trust between China and Pakistan and not surprisingly Sino-Pakistani relation has been very close. The same is not the case between China and India. I recently saw an interview with the current Chinese ambassador to India in which he mentioned the lack of the right atmosphere for a better Sino-Indian relation. He also cited the Indian media as one of the major culprits.
Somebody need to show these Bangladeshi warmongers their actual place in International Politics.

@topic: 19th Century belonged to Europe; 20th Century was dominated by USA. 21st Century will belong to China & India.

Both are big nations & understand the war is not going to be a solution to any of the problem. Both nations have same goal; i.e. to maintain the growth. India sees china's development as a good model and try to follow it. Both will be part of a great future.

China should vigorously claim South Tibet, it was literally stolen from China. Since america did not dare do anything when China retook Tibet, America won't dare do anything now if China retakes South Tibet.
I agree Media on both sides (more on Indian side) is responsible for mistrust between 2 countries. But I am sure Leader/Planners of both countries understand importance of good bi-lateral relations & steps will be taken to achieve them.

For this rosy scenario to happen it will take decades at least. There is mutual trust between China and Pakistan and not surprisingly Sino-Pakistani relation has been very close. The same is not the case between China and India. I recently saw an interview with the current Chinese ambassador to India in which he mentioned the lack of the right atmosphere for a better Sino-Indian relation. He also cited the Indian media as one of the major culprits.
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