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China latest fighter engine is here, WS10TVC Thrust Vector Control turbofan engine official unveil

You think China would entertain this strategy if its engines don't match what the Japanese F-15s and Taiwanese J-16s have?

The most launched Chinese fighters that create these constant scrambles are WS-10 powered J-11Bs and J-16s.

Taiwan calls China's repeated nearby military activities "gray zone" warfare, designed to both wear out Taiwan's forces by making them repeatedly scramble, and also to test Taiwan's responses.

Analyst Peter Layton, a former Royal Australian Air Force pilot now with the Griffith Asia Institute, believes the pressure China puts on Japan by air is part of a larger plan.

"I think China wants to keep the JASDF off-balance and reactive, wear out its aircraft and air crew, gain training and keep the pressure up daily on who owns the disputed islands," Layton told CNN.

In a commentary last year written for The Interpreter blog from Australia's Lowy Institute, Layton detailed just how far the Chinese flights stretch the JASDF, and how China has the resources to push Japan to limits it may not be able to reach.

"The JASDF's fleet of some 215 F-15J aircraft bears the brunt of scramble tasking," he wrote.

"Since 2016, the JASDF have often launched four aircraft for each scramble.

"These daily scrambles are gradually wearing the F-15J fleet out. The concern is that China has some six times more fighters then the JASDF, and could further ramp up intrusions whenever it considers appropriate. The in-service life of Japan's F-15J fleet is now almost a decision that lies with China," Layton said.
This goes on month after month after month.

If Chinese engines weren't reliable, the PLAAF would be wearing itself out not the Japanese and Taiwanese.




These engines had been developed and tested for many years, a jet can be worth tens of millions, do you think China will risk losing a good number of those highly costly jets by fitting all types of Chinese planes with home made engines if they are not reliable? using common sense instead of western median teaching please.
who knows what's running in the mind of CCP? maybe it will
and the jet may fly or may crash

if later happens then the Engineer and designer will be executed along with his family and replaced with another engineer,.
who knows what's running in the mind of CCP? maybe it will
and the jet may fly or may crash

if later happens then the Engineer and designer will be executed along with his family and replaced with another engineer,.

So in this bizarre world the Chinese engineer and designer would happily risk the lives of their families for a cheap engine. Wouldn't they make the engine they best they could if that were case?

Anyways, in the real world WS-10-engined J-11Bs and J-16s are employed in a campaign to literally wear out western engined F-15s and F-16s.
A confident and rising nation. That is what China represents. Those that produce traitors are today questioning China's achievements. Those that can't produce a needle are questioning China's capabilities. I can only laugh at these comments.

Well said.

China has developed civilian technology and weapons technology despite being under sanctions for decades.
Y-20 heavy transport aircrafts have flew to over a dozen of countries around the world to transport aids and supplies with Chinese domestic engines, never got a problem


Some people that are infatuated with the Anglos will use cheap Anglo propaganda talking points to trash China’s achievements.
So in this bizarre world the Chinese engineer and designer would happily risk the lives of their families for a cheap engine. Wouldn't they make the engine they best they could if that were case?

Anyways, in the real world WS-10-engined J-11Bs and J-16s are employed in a campaign to literally wear out western engined F-15s and F-16s.
power to you buddy.
aim high . thats I can say. it will be hard and Americans will make it tough for you at every step
but the reward will be worth it
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poor to you buddy.
aim high . thats I can say. it will be hard and Americans will make it tough for you at every step
but the reward will be worth it
cuzz what has happened to you? Unless I am mistaken I remember you as a humble geezer who was very well spoken on this here forum.

This brand of sarcasm is new to me. unless I was sleeping under a bridge.
cuzz what has happened to you? Unless I am mistaken I remember you as a humble geezer who was very well spoken on this here forum.

This brand of sarcasm is new to me. unless I was sleeping under a bridge.
made some correction damn the predictive text.
China exhibits fighter jet engine with 2D thrust vectoring control nozzle
Global Times

Published: Nov 10, 2022 09:09 PM Updated: Nov 10, 2022 10:40 PM

A Taihang engine with a 2D thrust vectoring nozzle is on display at the Airshow China 2022 held in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province from November 8 to 13, 2022. Photo: Cao Siqi/GT's Guangdong Province from November 8 to 13, 2022. Photo: Cao Siqi/GT

A Taihang engine with a 2D thrust vectoring nozzle is on display at the Airshow China 2022 held in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province from November 8 to 13, 2022. Photo: Cao Siqi/GT

China for the first time exhibited a turbofan engine with a 2D thrust vectoring control nozzle at the ongoing Airshow China 2022 held in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province, with experts saying on Thursday that such an engine could provide aircraft, particularly fighter jets, with enhanced maneuverability and stealth capability, and it reflects the rapid development of China's aero engine sector overall.

Five variants of the Taihang series turbofan engines are on display at the air show, and the Global Times learned from the state-owned Aero Engine Corp of China (AECC) that the Taihang engine has kept receiving improvements and upgrades, and its performance, reliability, safety, stealth capability, power extraction, environmental adaptability, endurance and thrust vectoring -- among other factors -- have all received technical boosts. This is expected to comprehensively enhance the aircraft's survivability and combat capabilities, and it has realized the complete independent support of domestically developed engines.

The five Taihang engines are used on different aircraft, according to AECC.

One of the five Taihang engines on display has a 2D thrust vectoring control nozzle, which attracted attention from visitors.

Thrust vectoring control can greatly enhance the maneuverability of an aircraft, usually a fighter jet, by providing thrust directly to a desired direction in addition to using aerodynamics, and this will give the aircraft many tactical advantages in combat, Wei Dongxu, a Chinese military expert, told the Global Times at the Airshow China site.

An aero engine with a thrust vectoring control nozzle is mechanically and structurally more complex than an engine without one, and this means that thrust vectoring control usually causes a certain level of thrust loss. A 2D nozzle could lose even more thrust than a 3D nozzle. China's development of a turbofan engine with a 2D thrust vectoring control nozzle means the engine has sufficient power that it can manage the loss of some thrust, Wei said.

A 2D nozzle usually has better radar and infrared stealth capability than a 3D nozzle, and that makes the 2D nozzle a generally better option, if the engine itself can provide enough power, Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military aviation expert, told the Global Times.

Li Gang, the pilot of the J-20 stealth fighter jet's first flight, said in a media interview in 2021 that he would like to see the J-20 be upgraded with engines with 2D thrust vectoring nozzles.

At Airshow China 2018, a J-10B thrust vector control demonstrator equipped with an engine with 3D thrust vectoring control nozzle delivered a flight performance. An engine with a 3D thrust vectoring control nozzle was also on display this year as one of the five Taihang variants.

AECC also displayed for the first time the AEF1300, a turbofan engine with high thrust, high bypass ratio and low fuel consumption. It is expected to meet the demands of China's large aircraft.

As drones are coming to play some main roles in modern warfare, AECC also put a type of low-cost turbojet engine on display. As future warfare may require high-speed swarm drones and target drones, this engine's production cost is lower than 100,000 yuan ($13,800).

20 years after the US
20 years after the US
Better late then never, also more like 25 years but who’s counting. The only thing to note is they are catching up, slowly but surely. The US has to accelerate new programs if it wants to keep the lead.
If you had said this in the first instance then all this broo haa haa would have been avoided.
You are now saying that the figures required to make a comparison are not available. Let me tell you where you "PROBABLY" are. I base these figures from the Russian RD and AL series. I think you are in the ball park figure of 80 to 100% comparable to the Russian engines. All your resources have been Russian/ former Russian nations. Through local innovation and sinking nearly 20 billion dollars into the project you have achieved the figures. That means 800 to 1000hrs MTBO and 3600 to 4k life. TWR is likely to be comparable though may be slightly better. As an achievement from a new nation to engine manufacturing the effort is superb and I would be chuffed to bits if this is the case.
The reason you are flying them left right and centre is to continue to see the effects of long term useage on the engines as well as quality issues. It simply means you can improve those figures to produce engines which can withstand thevigour of war time useage.
However, compared to Western figures of 6k MTBO and 12 k engine life you are far behind. Whether you need to get to those figures is another debate. However currently you are behind. What your companies will produce is figures when they have surpassed the Russian figures. These would be leaked as info normally trickles out of the Chinese quarters.
If someone says this is hogwash we have no way of proving them wrong unless figures can be produced from reliable sources. The last question of "so why is China using its own engines?" The answer is it is a step towards independence from suppliers. Also till they do there will not be any data on reliability, consistency, and quality assurance.
We are rooting for you but you need to tone down the rhetoric.
So you decide that Chinese engines are not reliable? what is the standard of reliability? F-35 crashed one plane every years in recent years, do you count their engine reliable? if China's engines are not reliable, how stupid China must be to fly all planes with Chinese engines in Zhuhai airshow, crashes could happen anytime and embarrass China live right in front of the whole world, do you really think any country can be this stupid? Chinese airshow didn't have crashes, some other country's did yesterday.
it's not China's engine not reliable, it's your bias and stereotype always at work.
So you decide that Chinese engines are not reliable? what is the standard of reliability? F-35 crashed one plane every years in recent years, do you count their engine reliable? if China's engines are not reliable, how stupid China must be to fly all planes with Chinese engines in Zhuhai airshow, crashes could happen anytime and embarrass China live right in front of the whole world, do you really think any country can be this stupid? Chinese airshow didn't have crashes, some other country's did yesterday.
it's not China's engine not reliable, it's your bias and stereotype always at work.
I am eagerly waiting to see China's engines.
who knows what's running in the mind of CCP? maybe it will
and the jet may fly or may crash

if later happens then the Engineer and designer will be executed along with his family and replaced with another engineer,.
Social media means almost everything can be captured by someone real time. Chinese aircrashes are also reported in China, just check the news.
Designers and engineers will be executed? where the hell did you hear this? you've been brainwashed by western craps too much man.
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Social media means almost everything can be captured by someone real time. Chinese aircrashes are also reported in China, just check the news.
Designers and engineers will be executed? where the hell did you hear this? you've been brainwashed by western craps too much man.
He probably think that China is much worse than North Korea, much more despotic than NK indeed.

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