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China Just Tested A Mach 10 Missile That Could Dodge US Defenses

Here's a nice summary of US ballistic missile defense systems:


GMD and SM-3 are both exoatmospheric midcourse defense systems. Both are eliminated as a suitable counter since the HGV glides within the atmosphere.

PAC-3 and SM-2 Block IV are both optimized against SRBMs. Both eliminated against a Mach 10 HGV.

Lastly, we have THAAD, a hit-to-kill system with no explosive warhead.

Any proof THAAD (or any of the systems mentioned above) can intercept a HGV in the first place?
This glide wehicle is released from the edge of atmosphere. US has the interceptor which can intercept the missile in midcourse and and at a high altitude (THAAD). So the title stateing that it can dodge US defense is completely misleading. US interceptors shall intercept the mother missile before releases the glide vehicle.
you dont know what is your talking about, do you know what is the meaning of THAAD do you, and i know you are helpless to speak and as for your GMD look at the success rate of your beloved GMD it is a failure , it can't save USA from less than 50 ICBM :p::cry::cheesy::blah:
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ground-Based Midcourse Defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

what do you mean of BS

Such speed make the projectile very danger they even don't need it to be a nuclere head!!!>
kinetic energy my friend kinetic energy even with conventional warhead it is very dangerous :china:
Lasers mounted on aircraft are best used to intercept ballistic missiles at the "boost stage", when the missile is at its most vulnerable. Actual warheads are hardened to withstand reentry heat. Point defence lasers probably won't work as well against reentering warheads.
With the range of hundreds of kilometers lasers is diffused by slight rain, hail, snow, or atmosphric distortion, it is useless for the boost phased of ICBM too, lasers may be best to intercept ICBM warhead or HGV to terminal stages of flight of ICBM warhead or HGV. no hard feeling:angel::china:

This glide wehicle is released from the edge of atmosphere. US has the interceptor which can intercept the missile in midcourse and and at a high altitude (THAAD). So the title stateing that it can dodge US defense is completely misleading. US interceptors shall intercept the mother missile before releases the glide vehicle.

you dont know what is your talking about, do you know what is the meaning of THAAD do you, and i know you are helpless to speak and as for your GMD look at the success rate of your beloved GMD it is a failure , it can't save USA from less than 50 ICBM :p::cry::cheesy::blah:
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ground-Based Midcourse Defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This glide wehicle is released from the edge of atmosphere. US has the interceptor which can intercept the missile in midcourse and and at a high altitude (THAAD). So the title stateing that it can dodge US defense is completely misleading. US interceptors shall intercept the mother missile before releases the glide vehicle.

Itsn't BS it's physics imagine that thing a meteorite hit a city in that speed then you know what I'm talking about.
US BMD is basically to counter ICBM's warheads falling through high arc in space, it has no capability against Chinese HGV which travels totally in atmosphere, US BMD is design to intercepts warheads that travels orbital speed and as for Lasers it s long way to go to achieve successful tactical Laser, what about your ronald reagan star war's x-ray's pumped laser setliete and what about your ABL project they are all flop projects because laser is good for short ranges but at the hundred of kilometers laser is diffused by slight rain, snow or atmospheric distortion, this is why your ABL project is dead
So basically, what you are saying is: Anything that travels through atmosphere cannot be intercepted.

It is hilarious because in order to reach the ground, a ballistic warhead must descends through the atmosphere. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You have no clue about the stages of flights of an ICBM and its discharged warhead. You have no clue about interception mechanics.

We have 'Chinese physics', then 'Iranian physics', now with you, we have 'Pakistani physics'.

Here's a nice summary of US ballistic missile defense systems:

GMD and SM-3 are both exoatmospheric midcourse defense systems. Both are eliminated as a suitable counter since the HGV glides within the atmosphere.

PAC-3 and SM-2 Block IV are both optimized against SRBMs. Both eliminated against a Mach 10 HGV.

Lastly, we have THAAD, a hit-to-kill system with no explosive warhead.

Any proof THAAD (or any of the systems mentioned above) can intercept a HGV in the first place?
It may be a 'nice' summary for the gullible, but hardly impressive for those who have done basic research.

U.S. Navy Sees Chinese HGV As Part Of Wider Threat | Missile ThreatMissile Threat
An HGV can execute a pull-up maneuver after entering the atmosphere and approach its target in a relatively flat glide. It will therefore be detected later than a ballistic warhead; there is less time to react to it or to shoot at it again after a miss. Because the HGV can maneuver aerodynamically, it is much harder to hit—the defensive missile must be able to outmaneuver it —and it can be guided with precision onto its target. Gliding extends the missile’s range, so that the relatively vulnerable mid-course phase of its flight can occur farther from the target and its defenses.
The highlighted part is significant in understanding the mechanics of a hypersonic glide vehicle and WHY it was developed in the first place.

Can we make an aircraft that can fly at Mach 10 through that atmostphere ? Absolutely we can. This aircraft does not have to be manned. Instead of jet engines, we can use a very powerful rocket. But the problem is that this would make for a very large aircraft-turned-missile.

We already know that using gravity to reach Mach 10 is technically possible and we have done it for decades -- suborbital vehicles known as ICBMs warheads. The problem here is that the current ballistic path brings the vulnerable mid-course into the opponent's reach.

The solution is not that we can eliminate the mid-course flight path of this hypersonic glide vehicle.


The mid-course flight path STILL EXISTS with an HGV. Except now, it is not as vulnerable or not vulnerable at all because the mid-course phase is further from the enemy.

What we did was:

- Make the vehicle descend from suborbit SOONER, as in over friendly territory or somewhere out of the enemy's reach.

- Redesign the vehicle to include aerodynamic exploitation. In other words, instead of a vehicle design to have a stable fall, we design the vehicle to include aerodynamic lifting surfaces so that it can have a much more horizontal travel in its fall, like a glider, hence the word 'glide' in the initals HGV.

If the American Falcon HGV vehicle is any indicator, the Chinese version will probably be flying -- or gliding -- at similar 'high altitude'.

DARPA Falcon Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV) would be able to fly 9,000 nautical miles (17,000 km) in 2 hours with a payload of 12,000 lb (5,500 kg).[13] It is to fly at a high altitude and achieve speeds of up to Mach 20.
We are talking it is likely to be higher than airliner cruising altitude of 10,000 meters, not tree top level.

If this vehicle can be detected in its Mach 10 glide path, it can be intercepted.

A conventional RV has no control mechanism and descends through the atmosphere on a predictable ballistic trajectory. Ballistic warheads were virtually invulnerable until the 1980s, but since then, ground and naval defense systems based on interceptor missiles have demonstrated the ability to defeat progressively longer-range (and therefore faster) incoming ballistic warheads, although only with great difficulty.
If we can develop interceptors to descending ballistic warheads, we can devise a defense against a Mach 10 glide vehicle. This is not 'Chinese physics', or 'Iranian physics', or 'Pakistani physics', but real physics.

Hitting a ship with either a maneuvering or HGV warhead is not simple. The target has to be detected, identified, precisely located and tracked. Data must be passed from sensors to a command system, and perhaps to the missile, for mid-course correction. The missile’s guidance system must be able to find the target within a zone of uncertainty that depends on how far the target can move in the time between location and intercept. The guidance system must resist jamming and discriminate between types of ships, such as carriers and destroyers. The fuse, if there is one, must not be disrupted.
Post 38...

China Just Tested A Mach 10 Missile That Could Dodge US Defenses | Page 3

...Explained some of the problems associated with targeting and maneuvering at increasing speed.

The DF-21D is not proven to hit a moving target and this is a ballistic warhead with a fixed trajectory. But according to the Chinese members here, a Chinese HGV that have no initial target conditions will be able to hit a moving ship with ease.
It can be easily explained. Traditional ballistic missile hit point or trajectory re entry point can be easily track and estimate. For example, China wants to strike california. Counter measures will be placed like Aegis destroyer at california to try take down the ICBM at outside atmosphere before re entry which is the most vulnerable point.

But HGV is a different ball game. The ballistic missile carry HGV may fired at trajectory or the so called re entry point can be planned few hundreds km from the target and using hypersonice glide travel hundreds of miles to strike the intended target. In this way, you cant estimate where the re entry point is, re entry point is the weakness trajectory for a pure ballistic missile and best moment to defeat it. Now the HGV eliminate this weak pin point determined trajectory entry since HGV can glide hundreds of miles to reach its target in hypersonic speed. How mant ABM destroyer or system need to cover the possible re entry point since now it become unpredicted even you know its intended target is where?

That is where HGV is liked a silver bullet.

You failed to understand my point. These sort of glide vehicle can decepy only those BMD which intercepts the missiles in terminal phase and not to those who intercept them in midcourse or at high altitute. To decept those missile, you need something like Topol M. Hundreds of miles travel does not matter as the BMD protecting the target not necessarily intercept the glide vehicle. As soon as mother missile carrying glide vehicl shall be traced, BMD stationed anywhere in land or in sea shall took off to intercept Mother missile and kill it before it can release glide vehicle. Please also consider that chinese glide vehicle do not have any power flight.

what do you mean of BS

kinetic energy my friend kinetic energy even with conventional warhead it is very dangerous :china:

With the range of hundreds of kilometers lasers is diffused by slight rain, hail, snow, or atmosphric distortion, it is useless for the boost phased of ICBM too, lasers may be best to intercept ICBM warhead or HGV to terminal stages of flight of ICBM warhead or HGV. no hard feeling:angel::china:

you dont know what is your talking about, do you know what is the meaning of THAAD do you, and i know you are helpless to speak and as for your GMD look at the success rate of your beloved GMD it is a failure , it can't save USA from less than 50 ICBM :p::cry::cheesy::blah:
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ground-Based Midcourse Defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Such speed make the projectile very danger they even don't need it to be a nuclere head!!!>

Above sentense which states "Such speed make the projectile very danger they even don't need it to be a nuclere head" is a BS.
How can missile hitting with Mach 5 Without any bombe can be as dangerous as NW?
So basically, what you are saying is: Anything that travels through atmosphere cannot be intercepted.

It is hilarious because in order to reach the ground, a ballistic warhead must descends through the atmosphere. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You have no clue about the stages of flights of an ICBM and its discharged warhead. You have no clue about interception mechanics.

We have 'Chinese physics', then 'Iranian physics', now with you, we have 'Pakistani physics'.

It may be a 'nice' summary for the gullible, but hardly impressive for those who have done basic research.
So basically, what you are saying is: Anything that travels through atmosphere cannot be intercepted.

It is hilarious because in order to reach the ground, a ballistic warhead must descends through the atmosphere. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You have no clue about the stages of flights of an ICBM and its discharged warhead. You have no clue about interception mechanics.
So basically, what you are saying is: Anything that travels through atmosphere cannot be intercepted.

It is hilarious because in order to reach the ground, a ballistic warhead must descends through the atmosphere. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You have no clue about the stages of flights of an ICBM and its discharged warhead. You have no clue about interception mechanics.

We have 'Chinese physics', then 'Iranian physics', now with you, we have 'Pakistani physics'.

It may be a 'nice' summary for the gullible, but hardly impressive for those who have done basic research.

U.S. Navy Sees Chinese HGV As Part Of Wider Threat | Missile ThreatMissile Threat

The highlighted part is significant in understanding the mechanics of a hypersonic glide vehicle and WHY it was developed in the first place.

Can we make an aircraft that can fly at Mach 10 through that atmostphere ? Absolutely we can. This aircraft does not have to be manned. Instead of jet engines, we can use a very powerful rocket. But the problem is that this would make for a very large aircraft-turned-missile.

We already know that using gravity to reach Mach 10 is technically possible and we have done it for decades -- suborbital vehicles known as ICBMs warheads. The problem here is that the current ballistic path brings the vulnerable mid-course into the opponent's reach.

The solution is not that we can eliminate the mid-course flight path of this hypersonic glide vehicle.

View attachment 161805

The mid-course flight path STILL EXISTS with an HGV. Except now, it is not as vulnerable or not vulnerable at all because the mid-course phase is further from the enemy.

What we did was:

- Make the vehicle descend from suborbit SOONER, as in over friendly territory or somewhere out of the enemy's reach.

- Redesign the vehicle to include aerodynamic exploitation. In other words, instead of a vehicle design to have a stable fall, we design the vehicle to include aerodynamic lifting surfaces so that it can have a much more horizontal travel in its fall, like a glider, hence the word 'glide' in the initals HGV.

If the American Falcon HGV vehicle is any indicator, the Chinese version will probably be flying -- or gliding -- at similar 'high altitude'.

DARPA Falcon Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are talking it is likely to be higher than airliner cruising altitude of 10,000 meters, not tree top level.

If this vehicle can be detected in its Mach 10 glide path, it can be intercepted.

If we can develop interceptors to descending ballistic warheads, we can devise a defense against a Mach 10 glide vehicle. This is not 'Chinese physics', or 'Iranian physics', or 'Pakistani physics', but real physics.

Post 38...

China Just Tested A Mach 10 Missile That Could Dodge US Defenses | Page 3

...Explained some of the problems associated with targeting and maneuvering at increasing speed.

The DF-21D is not proven to hit a moving target and this is a ballistic warhead with a fixed trajectory. But according to the Chinese members here, a Chinese HGV that have no initial target conditions will be able to hit a moving ship with ease.

We have 'Chinese physics', then 'Iranian physics', now with you, we have 'Pakistani physics'.

It may be a 'nice' summary for the gullible, but hardly impressive for those who have done basic research.

U.S. Navy Sees Chinese HGV As Part Of Wider Threat | Missile ThreatMissile Threat

The highlighted part is significant in understanding the mechanics of a hypersonic glide vehicle and WHY it was developed in the first place.

Can we make an aircraft that can fly at Mach 10 through that atmostphere ? Absolutely we can. This aircraft does not have to be manned. Instead of jet engines, we can use a very powerful rocket. But the problem is that this would make for a very large aircraft-turned-missile.

We already know that using gravity to reach Mach 10 is technically possible and we have done it for decades -- suborbital vehicles known as ICBMs warheads. The problem here is that the current ballistic path brings the vulnerable mid-course into the opponent's reach.

The solution is not that we can eliminate the mid-course flight path of this hypersonic glide vehicle.

View attachment 161805

The mid-course flight path STILL EXISTS with an HGV. Except now, it is not as vulnerable or not vulnerable at all because the mid-course phase is further from the enemy.

What we did was:

- Make the vehicle descend from suborbit SOONER, as in over friendly territory or somewhere out of the enemy's reach.

- Redesign the vehicle to include aerodynamic exploitation. In other words, instead of a vehicle design to have a stable fall, we design the vehicle to include aerodynamic lifting surfaces so that it can have a much more horizontal travel in its fall, like a glider, hence the word 'glide' in the initals HGV.

If the American Falcon HGV vehicle is any indicator, the Chinese version will probably be flying -- or gliding -- at similar 'high altitude'.

DARPA Falcon Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are talking it is likely to be higher than airliner cruising altitude of 10,000 meters, not tree top level.

If this vehicle can be detected in its Mach 10 glide path, it can be intercepted.

If we can develop interceptors to descending ballistic warheads, we can devise a defense against a Mach 10 glide vehicle. This is not 'Chinese physics', or 'Iranian physics', or 'Pakistani physics', but real physics.

Post 38...

China Just Tested A Mach 10 Missile That Could Dodge US Defenses | Page 3

...Explained some of the problems associated with targeting and maneuvering at increasing speed.

The DF-21D is not proven to hit a moving target and this is a ballistic warhead with a fixed trajectory. But according to the Chinese members here, a Chinese HGV that have no initial target conditions will be able to hit a moving ship with ease.

U.S. Navy Sees Chinese HGV As Part Of Wider Threat | Missile ThreatMissile Threat

The highlighted part is significant in understanding the mechanics of a hypersonic glide vehicle and WHY it was developed in the first place.

Can we make an aircraft that can fly at Mach 10 through that atmostphere ? Absolutely we can. This aircraft does not have to be manned. Instead of jet engines, we can use a very powerful rocket. But the problem is that this would make for a very large aircraft-turned-missile.

We already know that using gravity to reach Mach 10 is technically possible and we have done it for decades -- suborbital vehicles known as ICBMs warheads. The problem here is that the current ballistic path brings the vulnerable mid-course into the opponent's reach.

The solution is not that we can eliminate the mid-course flight path of this hypersonic glide vehicle.

View attachment 161805

The mid-course flight path STILL EXISTS with an HGV. Except now, it is not as vulnerable or not vulnerable at all because the mid-course phase is further from the enemy.

What we did was:

- Make the vehicle descend from suborbit SOONER, as in over friendly territory or somewhere out of the enemy's reach.

- Redesign the vehicle to include aerodynamic exploitation. In other words, instead of a vehicle design to have a stable fall, we design the vehicle to include aerodynamic lifting surfaces so that it can have a much more horizontal travel in its fall, like a glider, hence the word 'glide' in the initals HGV.

If the American Falcon HGV vehicle is any indicator, the Chinese version will probably be flying -- or gliding -- at similar 'high altitude'.

DARPA Falcon Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are talking it is likely to be higher than airliner cruising altitude of 10,000 meters, not tree top level.

If this vehicle can be detected in its Mach 10 glide path, it can be intercepted.

If we can develop interceptors to descending ballistic warheads, we can devise a defense against a Mach 10 glide vehicle. This is not 'Chinese physics', or 'Iranian physics', or 'Pakistani physics', but real physics.

Post 38...

China Just Tested A Mach 10 Missile That Could Dodge US Defenses | Page 3

...Explained some of the problems associated with targeting and maneuvering at increasing speed.

The DF-21D is not proven to hit a moving target and this is a ballistic warhead with a fixed trajectory. But according to the Chinese members here, a Chinese HGV that have no initial target conditions will be able to hit a moving ship with ease.
with due respect sir, i did not said that, what i am stating that ICBM warhead must follow ballistic trajectory and thus can be predicted by radar and detection system and as for HGV never enter in the space it has a flat trajectory, you can detect HGV but it is extremly hard to intercept because HGV alter it's trajectory, by the way you all american knows the real physics, chinese, iranian and pakistani does'nt know about real physics, and you all know about so called 'American physics',:lol: intelligence is not American heritage, you are not a god that your all project will come to fruitation to sucsess

So basically, what you are saying is: Anything that travels through atmosphere cannot be intercepted.

It is hilarious because in order to reach the ground, a ballistic warhead must descends through the atmosphere. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You have no clue about the stages of flights of an ICBM and its discharged warhead. You have no clue about interception mechanics.

We have 'Chinese physics', then 'Iranian physics', now with you, we have 'Pakistani physics'.

It may be a 'nice' summary for the gullible, but hardly impressive for those who have done basic research.

U.S. Navy Sees Chinese HGV As Part Of Wider Threat | Missile ThreatMissile Threat

The highlighted part is significant in understanding the mechanics of a hypersonic glide vehicle and WHY it was developed in the first place.

Can we make an aircraft that can fly at Mach 10 through that atmostphere ? Absolutely we can. This aircraft does not have to be manned. Instead of jet engines, we can use a very powerful rocket. But the problem is that this would make for a very large aircraft-turned-missile.

We already know that using gravity to reach Mach 10 is technically possible and we have done it for decades -- suborbital vehicles known as ICBMs warheads. The problem here is that the current ballistic path brings the vulnerable mid-course into the opponent's reach.

The solution is not that we can eliminate the mid-course flight path of this hypersonic glide vehicle.

View attachment 161805

The mid-course flight path STILL EXISTS with an HGV. Except now, it is not as vulnerable or not vulnerable at all because the mid-course phase is further from the enemy.

What we did was:

- Make the vehicle descend from suborbit SOONER, as in over friendly territory or somewhere out of the enemy's reach.

- Redesign the vehicle to include aerodynamic exploitation. In other words, instead of a vehicle design to have a stable fall, we design the vehicle to include aerodynamic lifting surfaces so that it can have a much more horizontal travel in its fall, like a glider, hence the word 'glide' in the initals HGV.

If the American Falcon HGV vehicle is any indicator, the Chinese version will probably be flying -- or gliding -- at similar 'high altitude'.

DARPA Falcon Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are talking it is likely to be higher than airliner cruising altitude of 10,000 meters, not tree top level.

If this vehicle can be detected in its Mach 10 glide path, it can be intercepted.

If we can develop interceptors to descending ballistic warheads, we can devise a defense against a Mach 10 glide vehicle. This is not 'Chinese physics', or 'Iranian physics', or 'Pakistani physics', but real physics.

Post 38...

China Just Tested A Mach 10 Missile That Could Dodge US Defenses | Page 3

...Explained some of the problems associated with targeting and maneuvering at increasing speed.

The DF-21D is not proven to hit a moving target and this is a ballistic warhead with a fixed trajectory. But according to the Chinese members here, a Chinese HGV that have no initial target conditions will be able to hit a moving ship with ease.
with due respect sir, i did not said that, what i am stating that ICBM warhead must follow ballistic trajectory and thus can be predicted by radar and detection system and as for HGV never enter in the space it has a flat trajectory, you can detect HGV but it is extremly hard to intercept because HGV alter it's trajectory, by the way you all american knows the real physics, chinese, iranian and pakistani does'nt know about real physics, and you all know about so called 'American physics',:lol: intelligence is not American heritage, you are not a god that so your evrey project will come to fruitation to success, chinese , iranian, or pakistani can't invent or innovate within the limit of your real physics and you do anything in your real physics what a bullshit:lol:, how do you know that DF-21D is not enable to hit moving target? lets forget those chinese members, it china secret weapon, nobody knows its capabilites but look use the common sense it is labeled as ANTI SHIP BALLISTIC MISSILES so it can be assumed it can hit moving target thats all i am saying
The terrible thing about HGV is not only that it does the vertical ups-n-downs gliding flight path but it could also maneuver horizontally in the same time. The Intercontinental-HGV could shift a few hundred kms during its flight course from its initially pointed direction. :o:
Above sentense which states "Such speed make the projectile very danger they even don't need it to be a nuclere head" is a BS.
How can missile hitting with Mach 5 Without any bombe can be as dangerous as NW?
My friend trust me just give it enough weight and it would wipe out a whole city just read about meteors and the freiten facts they cause to the scientists.
You failed to understand my point. These sort of glide vehicle can decepy only those BMD which intercepts the missiles in terminal phase and not to those who intercept them in midcourse or at high altitute. To decept those missile, you need something like Topol M. Hundreds of miles travel does not matter as the BMD protecting the target not necessarily intercept the glide vehicle. As soon as mother missile carrying glide vehicl shall be traced, BMD stationed anywhere in land or in sea shall took off to intercept Mother missile and kill it before it can release glide vehicle. Please also consider that chinese glide vehicle do not have any power flight.

Kill it before it landed? Can your aegis warship travelled at Mach 4? To quickly cover empty space expose by Chinese HGV? As I say re entry point can be many possibility. This make re entry point unpredictable.
The terrible thing about HGV is not only that it does the vertical ups-n-downs gliding flight path but it could also maneuver horizontally in the same time. The Intercontinental-HGV could shift a few hundred kms during its flight course from its initially pointed direction. :o:
What is so 'terrible' about it ?

We already know that in order to have Mach 10 speed, an HGV will have to descend from orbit, just like a conventional ballistic ICBM warhead does.

China Just Tested A Mach 10 Missile That Could Dodge US Defenses | Page 5

So the question is WHEN and WHY would any HGV need to make any maneuver after it entered the atmosphere.

We already know that any maneuver will require targeting correction because of perspective changes.

China Just Tested A Mach 10 Missile That Could Dodge US Defenses | Page 3

So the question is to what degree will those maneuvers be.

If the target is a fixed ground structure, then any course deviations can be large enough to make detection problematic. But if the target is mobile, then the HGV attacker may be, as the Americans says: shit out of luck. :o:

...how do you know that DF-21D is not enable to hit moving target? lets forget those chinese members, it china secret weapon, nobody knows its capabilites but look use the common sense it is labeled as ANTI SHIP BALLISTIC MISSILES so it can be assumed it can hit moving target thats all i am saying
I can call a dumb bomb an 'anti ship bomb' if I wanted to.

How do I know that the DF-21D can hit a moving target ? How about asking the Chinese that ? Any open water test that involved a moving target ? Or how about a moving target in increasing sea state on the Douglas scale ? Do you understand what I am asking ?

Pakistan should be happy that YOU are not a member of its military establishment if assumptions is normal to you.
A rat is sniffing something fresh and charging his cheek pouches for bringing back to his stepfathers.
Kill it before it landed? Can your aegis warship travelled at Mach 4? To quickly cover empty space expose by Chinese HGV? As I say re entry point can be many possibility. This make re entry point unpredictable.

Where did I say that kill it before launch and all BS you quoted? You have a serious comprehension problem.
Where did I say that kill it before launch and all BS you quoted? You have a serious comprehension problem.
I never say killed it before launch. But to think you can expect to intercept just before re entry is a impossible task with HGV.
I never say killed it before launch. But to think you can expect to intercept just before re entry is a impossible task with HGV.

How Because it is chinese? Have you an idea about THAAD?
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