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China is not going to be happy on this one

Jet - English is not a property of enland anymore, its a global language accepted by everyone for interaction. it doesn't belong to them its equally yours and mine.
I agree its hard for many Chinese people to understand and talk in english majourly because of confinement nature of china. Its a place which dont let much of outside world come in.
I appreciate the fact that you are trying brother. And i bet soon you will get better too.:enjoy:

As for Kashmir issue: its a very complax issue. i think india will never let it go and most of pakistan have started to accept it too.And since situation in kashmir is getting better for kashmiri - is helping india. Kashmiri dotn want anything - they just want - sucess . like chinese do.
As for Tibet: ITs in tibbet's own good - to be part of china , But china need to take things in a more sensitive manner. I will love to see a Tibet successful but keeping its own charm.
Sikkim : is never a part of china. its not even in discussion, i been there.

Chinese and Indian relations are improving.. but i dont expect them to friend, but a diplomatic relation can be good start.

Brother, English is international language, don't forget that French ,Spanish and Chinese are also international language by law.

There are more and more foreigners try to learn Chinese now
In this year's , there are chinese senator suggest cancel our English exam
in China in our National People's Congress.

Because We know that there is no need all Chinese study English, It is just
a tool for cummunication.By the way, our own language is excellent enough.

South Tibet is part of China,
Sikkim is a independent kindom, but you occupy it.
In my opinion, India and Parkistan should each have 50% of Kashimir
but you occupied more than two third of it.

Many evidence show India is imperialism,
Shoulde be accused of by all peaceful people.

Anymore, if you closely with America, China and India will not set up any kind
You must feel fortunate that now CPC control the whole China,
Because if China fully get into the democracy path,
I think India will not have such a comfortable times like taday.

Mongolia is a special area,
If Russia and China have the joint requirement to resit America,
your cooperation with Mongolia will hardly practice any effect
Brother, English is international language, don't forget that French ,Spanish and Chinese are also international language by law.

There are more and more foreigners try to learn Chinese now
In this year's , there are chinese senator suggest cancel our English exam
in China in our National People's Congress.

Because We know that there is no need all Chinese study English, It is just
a tool for cummunication.By the way, our own language is excellent enough.

South Tibet is part of China,
Sikkim is a independent kindom, but you occupy it.
In my opinion, India and Parkistan should each have 50% of Kashimir
but you occupied more than two third of it.

Many evidence show India is imperialism,
Shoulde be accused of by all peaceful people.

Anymore, if you closely with America, China and India will not set up any kind
You must feel fortunate that now CPC control the whole China,
Because if China fully get into the democracy path,
I think India will not have such a comfortable times like taday.

Mongolia is a special area,
If Russia and China have the joint requirement to resit America,
your cooperation with Mongolia will hardly practice any effect

Whatever is your viewpoint , I admire and respect your ability to read, write and converse in your own language !! English is not your first language and its neither mine.
There is an absolute no need to apologise for the lack of proficiency in English. Unfortunately the colonial scars of 'brown sahebs' run deep and wide to the point that they claim the English language as their own !!
Brother, English is international language, don't forget that French ,Spanish and Chinese are also international language by law.

There are more and more foreigners try to learn Chinese now
In this year's , there are chinese senator suggest cancel our English exam
in China in our National People's Congress.

Because We know that there is no need all Chinese study English, It is just
a tool for cummunication.By the way, our own language is excellent enough.

South Tibet is part of China,
Sikkim is a independent kindom, but you occupy it.
In my opinion, India and Parkistan should each have 50% of Kashimir
but you occupied more than two third of it.

Many evidence show India is imperialism,
Shoulde be accused of by all peaceful people.

Anymore, if you closely with America, China and India will not set up any kind
You must feel fortunate that now CPC control the whole China,
Because if China fully get into the democracy path,
I think India will not have such a comfortable times like taday.

Mongolia is a special area,
If Russia and China have the joint requirement to resit America,
your cooperation with Mongolia will hardly practice any effect

India is no harm to china, I seriously doubt india can even think of first strike against china, but same a minimal programme where we can defend ourselve is must.

English is still the global langugae, most people still want to learn english over anyother langugae. i can speak in Cantonese but thats because of my family.
I seriously doubt cantonese will veer come handy to me.

Cantonese/ mandarin are great languages , Its always great to learn your native langugae , in my case its Cantonese and Hindi so i speak both. but my personal language is english and i feel comfortable talking in it.

Tibet belongs to china. no Question about it, I think india should keep itself away from other's shyt. And more over for good of Tibet, china will take care of it. But a little flexible laws. Chinese goverment is doign something, but let them keep their culture.

India have its own problem, but lets be civil and not make everybody generic. A change is required and things are getting better. India need to be better friend with its neighbors.

Kashmir is not Indian or Pakistan's property , the thing is between this war of two nation kashmiri are getting grind. Kashmiri deserve a good future just like everybody else.

America is not Indian friend, America can not be anybody's friend. America is most selfish country. its only a strategic partnership. thats all.
Indian future is with Chinese friendship not american. Its hard but possible.

As for war- china cant just invade over india , india will be finished but not before china is finished too. China will loose much more than india. So a war is not in favor of any country.

There are no permanent friend and no permanent enemy in world politics.

p.s there is not Chinese language. its Mandarin or Cantonese. With many different regional dialects.
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coz India has done lots of things with bad conscience to their
that's why they afraid their neighbors strong

to the topic, india and america are ally.
but Monglia is between China and Russia
Then how can india's military base play it's role?

China and Russia are the natural ally to counterbalance America.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is just a anti-America organization

This is exactly what i wanted to point out...but it is always better that it comes from the mouth of a Chinese friend.

india has been bothering its neighbor from the start and now thay blame that they are in thick soup because of their neighbor.

You might not knowing an Urdu statement, i'll translate it for you:
Don't mess with the Crocodile when you live in a Lake!!

So that's the advice to india!

Who the crocodile is can be left to the indian imagination!!
I know My english is poor, coz we have not been occupied by U.k for 100
It is enough for most of chinese to read the english.
otherwise, in my university, there few students from India,
we can hardly know what they want to express
because their pronounciation are nightmare for us
Lolzzz.. you have killed that guy!
Dude, your's is the worst english I have ever come across.
Hey thick headed, don't make a joke out of someones weakness in language just because they dont that language as their second language in daily routine. Now i dont want to start a new debate about why the Chinese dont like english, but just for your comprehension better don't point out someones weakness.

Dont hit below the belt dude, argue and discuss, dont just try to monkey around he you are unable to make up a proper reply!!
Response to SSGPA1

Up till 1947, Hindus in the SE Asia were ruled by minorities and invaders. After 1947 a country India (again a name given fy forigners) was carved out for Hindus in SE Asia and since then Hindus are trying to proove themselves as a strong powerful nation.
This is not the right thread for this discussion, so I am going to leave it alone.

By reading the comments here it prooves that Hindustanis or Indians (all names given by forigners) are so hungry to have a decent place in the geo-political stage. To an extent they have achieved that place, however, problem starts when they forget that Pakistan is an arch rival loaded with nuclear goodies.

First of all India has every right and duty for it’s expansion, and there is no country in the world (not even china and pakistan) that can stop it. If India feel strategically that a base in Mongolia is right step, then it puts China in a spot to counter it, and they have the free will to do so.

Regarding Pakistan, this is not the issue here, unless China opens it’s base in Pakistan to counter India’s military expansions.

Please have a listening or talking post where ever the hell you want to but don't interfere in the matters of your neighbours otherwise you will have to shift all sporting events out of India like the IPL.

And like I have mentioned above, India has every right to protect it souverinty. And likewise as I have mentioned Pakistan and China have free will to open bases around India, but it is not that easy as said and done.
And like I have mentioned above, India has every right to protect it souverinty. And likewise as I have mentioned Pakistan and China have free will to open bases around India, but it is not that easy as said and done.

Fair enough. The officers in Chinese defence department will be more than happy to here this. They had been over-cautiously dragging their feet to setup overseas bases for the urgent need of naval logistics. The recent Aden Gulf mission has brought up this issue again.
Fair enough. The officers in Chinese defence department will be more than happy to here this. They had been over-cautiously dragging their feet to setup overseas bases for the urgent need of naval logistics. The recent Aden Gulf mission has brought up this issue again.

10-4 brother, Likewise I will tell the RAW boys to anti-up the propaganda to stop the China's influence.:D
Jet - English is not a property of enland anymore, its a global language accepted by everyone for interaction. it doesn't belong to them its equally yours and mine.
I agree its hard for many Chinese people to understand and talk in english majourly because of confinement nature of china. Its a place which dont let much of outside world come in.

It is not confinement but pride that Chinese take in their heritage and language ... you will not understand that as Indians like to follow forign cuisines, languages and culture!

Language of India is Hindi which is made up of Urdu, Sanskirit and local dialects. If real Hindi is spoken then the new generation gets confused and looks for translation. :)
India is no harm to china, I seriously doubt india can even think of first strike against china, but same a minimal programme where we can defend ourselve is must.

BS la grand!
First of all India has every right and duty for it’s expansion, and there is no country in the world (not even china and pakistan) that can stop it. If India feel strategically that a base in Mongolia is right step, then it puts China in a spot to counter it, and they have the free will to do so.

This is exactly what I refered to in my post earlier. This mind set of inferiority complex due to hundereds of years of forign rule.

You don`t have enough food, water, energy, clothes, housing, medicine for your people but still have the desire to expand.

Get out of the inferiority complex for the sake of your own poor people!
Regarding Pakistan, this is not the issue here, unless China opens it’s base in Pakistan to counter India’s military expansions.

Miss, China have no expansion desire. We don't want to oppress other countries. Our relationship with Parkistan base on the cooperation and respect to each other.

We will not put out the rude proposition to set up any military base in Parkistan Unless Parkistan is under other country's invasion and Their govt
ask for help. Just like the Korea peninsula War.

You don't know what's are peace and respect.
In you Indian's brain, there is just Imperialism .
This is exactly what I refered to in my post earlier. This mind set of inferiority complex due to hundereds of years of forign rule.

You don`t have enough food, water, energy, clothes, housing, medicine for your people but still have the desire to expand.

Get out of the inferiority complex for the sake of your own poor people!
According to your theory.
So because pakistan have no food cloth water energy housing medicine for people, and because people of pakistan are killing each other, they should not have desire to expand? You are just plain stupid to even think that about pakistan, you idiot. you are surely not Pakistani, if you have mentallity like that. deserve to be kicked out of canada too.

Well as for inferiority complax -And sake of poor people, No! just because some idiot choose to be poor and uneducated thrash, we are not goign to stop and we are certainly not inferior as you should travel and see how we live. In our sucess is their sucess if we earn a billion$ they get atleast 1000$. we continue to prosper.
Yes india will make a base in mangolia and China cant do dang! about it. India will make 5th egenration fighter earlier than china and lets see what they do about it. India will go ahead in democracy and freedom of people. while they cant!:devil:
This is exactly what I refered to in my post earlier. This mind set of inferiority complex due to hundereds of years of forign rule.

You don`t have enough food, water, energy, clothes, housing, medicine for your people but still have the desire to expand.

Get out of the inferiority complex for the sake of your own poor people!

Thanks for so caring for us......how can we ever repay you.....

Can we know discuss the topic @ hand rather our poor citizens
Dude, your's is the worst english I have ever come across.

This attitude,which I found on many Indians makes me wonder are they suffering from any type of superiority disease?Yes I think.Thankfully not all the Indians are like you.
His mother language is not English and above all he is not attending English classes here.So don't insult one's ability.I believe that's against the forum rules.

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