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China is not going to be happy on this one

Beijing is close (less than 1,000 km) from Southern Mongolia. An Indian military base with Brahmos missiles and Indian fighter planes can outflank the Chinese in case of hostilities!
India is preparing IMHO, for the great war that will happen one day between these two great civilizations !!
malay there is not much use in arming anyone to which india cannot maintain a supply route. remember russia-vietnam-china.

india doesnt really have to arm anyone. remember only someone else will be ready to bleed for you if they feel you yourself are aggressive enough to take on that person who they are bleeding against if need be(even initiating an action).

as long as there is a clear and demonstrated assertion by india to move north if china moves east, that is more than enough to complete the encirclement that US has on china. we dont need to create a new rope.just tie the last knot on the earlier existing strong one that is created by a bigger bully than china. Resources must be used wisely not wasted. If India itself is hesitant to move north, then no one will be ready to bleed for India.

china for long has tried to bleed india via pakistan(who is more than happy to do it for free anyways). Unless it is demonstrated clearly that the loss for china for doing such action is greater than the benefits then they will continue to play that game. This is common sense and nothing to do with grand strategy.

For this an Indian army must be ready to march north without necessarily being attacked first but even if China goes east. Bottomline The question is does Indian establishment have the gall to do that and more importantly is preparing for that?

Rest everything else is pointless imho.

One step starts all mate. Arm the neighbours-simple as that. Sell your prized possessions at less than std rates to countries like Vietnam, etc and watch China rethink its strategy around this place. You earn some friends on the process as well.
Did some said that that you need Mongolia to counter us??
Well that's quite far fetched but here i have serious doubts if Mongolia can even do something to China...

A sword cant sew a cloth, only a needle can. Just cause a country is small and weak doesnt mean it cant cause some serious pain in the ***. Just remember how Cuba could bring Cold war enemies to the brink of nuclear war.
A sword cant sew a cloth, only a needle can. Just cause a country is small and weak doesnt mean it cant cause some serious pain in the ***. Just remember how Cuba could bring Cold war enemies to the brink of nuclear war.

Ya right....as Kashmir is a serious pain in *** for you people.
and as a bonus it is also bringing two nations on the brink of a nuclear war!
^^ What are you saying? Who's talking about Kashmir? Why do you people have to just "say", even though it is light years away from making sense? Is Kashmir a country? Has "aligned" with Kashmir? Please read the topic loud ten times, and start again.
^^ What are you saying? Who's talking about Kashmir? Why do you people have to just "say", even though it is light years away from making sense? Is Kashmir a country? Has "aligned" with Kashmir? Please read the topic loud ten times, and start again.

You are lamer then i thought.
Did someone mentioned Kashmir as a country?

But the point was being sarcastic, which ofcourse pinched you and as a result you came out with the above referred BS!
Beijing is close (less than 1,000 km) from Southern Mongolia.
How close is New Delhi to Chinese border? China is not lack of short-range missiles. Missile competition is not in favour of India. BTW I don't think China want a war with India, don't understand why some people always have war with China in mind.

A sword cant sew a cloth, only a needle can. Just cause a country is small and weak doesnt mean it cant cause some serious pain in the ***.
Without the support of Russia, Indian army in Mogolia can hardly make a dent. Logistics is simply not viable.

The bottom line is, think Mongolia will team up with India to counter China in war time is just a wishful thinking. If Indian leadership count on this (though I don't believe so), they are rather naive and miscalculated miserably.
Ya right....as Kashmir is a serious pain in *** for you people.
and as a bonus it is also bringing two nations on the brink of a nuclear war!

hmmmm.......thinking of it...I have a conpiracy theory....Does IronMan of India had some plan so that they have not solved this problem...yes is pain for us to some extent...but look at Pakistan its totally obsessed with it...so much so....that now the monster they created for India is kill-ing their own...well its off topic but can't resist.....

hmmmm.......thinking of it...I have a conpiracy theory....Does IronMan of India had some plan so that they have not solved this problem...yes is pain for us to some extent...but look at Pakistan its totally obsessed with it...so much so....that now the monster they created for India is kill-ing their own...well its off topic but can't resist.....


What is exactly was your point for consideration in the above text??
This BS by peterschiff would soon be deleted but i guess i was able to piss off quite a few like him!
What is exactly was your point for consideration in the above text??

May be as our leaders of that time new that Pakistan is created on the basis of religion..they have left one issue unresolved..and Pakistan since then has been consumed by that issue only...

May be as our leaders of that time new that Pakistan is created on the basis of religion..they have left one issue unresolved..and Pakistan since then has been consumed by that issue only...


Really dude, i am unable to understand what you want me to ponder upon???

Since when did Kashmir have started consuming us..???

Let's come back to the topic and it would be helpful if you people come up with something that really proves that having military collaboration with the Mongolians would bring laurels to the indian military machine or for that matter to the indian far fetched dream of a sub-asian pulceman!!
The point is, we are not equipping mongolia to fight against China. We are trying to establish a military base in mongolia, if a war erupts between China and India in future, we could use that front as well to divert Chinese forces.

Will the smart mongolians allow this to happen and will they prefer indian millitery arms over chinese ones who actually are their bigest trade partner. Greater the capital spent in the country greater will be your influence over that reagion say for example like US puts alot of money in Israel and Pakistan at the same time use these countries to promote its global dominance simillarly Russia has many things going on in Iran and Cuba .India also is carrying out developmental projects in Afghanistan .
China on the other hand also has great interests in Pakistan therefore it was the only country which helped Pakistan during its time of tough Embargos(1992-2002).
It has built gawader port which is the only deep seaport in subcontinent. It has done huge investements after US in Pakistan that is why we have much stronger ties with China rather than any other country
China can creat the same circle for india by establishing naval and air bases in Bangladesh or Sirilanka .
Will the smart mongolians allow this to happen and will they prefer indian millitery arms over chinese ones who actually are their bigest trade partner. Greater the capital spent in the country greater will be your influence over that reagion say for example like US puts alot of money in Israel and Pakistan at the same time use these countries to promote its global dominance simillarly Russia has many things going on in Iran and Cuba .India also is carrying out developmental projects in Afghanistan .

Then you should that China is India's largest trading partner, and it doesnt mean India should not consider China as a major threat.

Cooperation with Mongolia will be more intellegence based, military cooperation will be limited. And Mongolia is the easiest way to listen into China. You should now how much Mongolians hate Chinese just like Tibetians. China hasnt recognised Mongolia as a sovereign country since 91 years and still considers as part of its territory. China hates Mongolia because of its closeness to North Korea, despite the fact that China is Mongolia largest trade partner. So money is one thing, respect is another thing.

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