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China seeks greater military cooperation with Pakistan

The "psychology" of the Great Wall of China was the keep the rest of the world "out." Today China is a mixture of a "free enterprise zone" which causes it to be the largest investor in US government bonds, stocks, and such, while at the same time trying to build a world power size military, army, navy, air force for China.

1. Recent Chinese expansion of it's new claims that it's territorial waters, to include largely unpopulated small islands which in most cases now belong to Free China, Formosa if you will. China's military is trying to push further off shore it's self protection zone(s) while also trying to find ways and means to "charge for" passage into and thru this alleged, expanded territorial waters. ***The real "militarist" agenda seems to be China trying to "shrink" the distance between mainland China and Nationalist/Free China (Formosa) to enable more mainland China claims to the land and peoples of Free China. ***It should be noted that Free China's total economy is among the 10 largest and strongest national economies is the world today.

2. Recent Chinese air space claims likewise intended to create more commercial air space which China can charge transit rights for, etc. has/have been declared/claimed by China.

I used to know a Dean of the mainland Chinese National Medical School who said in effect: "We are making great strides in the cities, in commerce, science, business...but the people in the provinces, the mass of the total Chinese population are still eating rice out of iron bowls!"

As in the case of India, China, too, has a long way to go to bring living, health, sanitary, and related standards up to a modern day safe and sound living standard. But China, and India, have come a very long way "up." India as a democracy in the long run will surpass China...unless China leaves it's current Communist form of government and moves into a national Republican form of government which fosters basic human rights in a democratic national and local setting.

That is precisely why china is linking up Warm Port of Gwadar in Arabian Sea to Xinjiang Province of China. Xinjiang is Western most Province and one of the least developed Province of China. China is striving hard to develop this Province to the same level as some of the east coast cities. I take my hat off to China's resolve to bring all of rural Chin to 21st century.

Rome was not built in a day my friend. The development in China is proceeding at a break neck Pace.
That is precisely why china is linking up Warm Port of Gwadar in Arabian Sea to Xinjiang Province of China. Xinjiang is Western most Province and one of the least developed Province of China. China is striving hard to develop this Province to the same level as some of the east coast cities. I take my hat off to China's resolve to bring all of rural Chin to 21st century.

Rome was not built in a day my friend. The development in China is proceeding at a break neck Pace.

China hopes to get Iranian oil via the new port of Gwadar. China did not and does not invest heavily in such infrastructure without a self benefit of huge size at the end of the day.
China hopes to get Iranian oil via the new port of Gwadar. China did not and does not invest heavily in such infrastructure without a self benefit of huge size at the end of the day.

Nobody invests without some sort of return in investment.

China financed construction of the new major seaport of Gwadar, together with it's new connecting railroad lines intended to facilitate cargo and passenger movements within, thru, and out of Pakistan into both India, Afghanistan, and Iran.

Not India, agree with the rest.
China hopes to get Iranian oil via the new port of Gwadar. China did not and does not invest heavily in such infrastructure without a self benefit of huge size at the end of the day.

The Payoff is that from shorter Gwadar Route, China can get western Goods to Xinjiang much faster as opposed to going around to Hong Kong or Guangdong and then back track thousands of kilometres to Xinjiang. Take a look at a map and you will see what I mean.
The Payoff is that from shorter Gwadar Route, China can get western Goods to Xinjiang much faster as opposed to going around to Hong Kong or Guangdong and then back track thousands of kilometres to Xinjiang. Take a look at a map and you will see what I mean.

Well said!

Nobody invests without some sort of return in investment.

Not India, agree with the rest.

Ah, but India is now one of the largest democracies and free world economies and is a part of the mega plan that Pakistan has agreed to in this matter.
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