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China is going to provide most sophisticated submarine to Pakistan


May 21, 2006
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Pakistan Navy has got updated with the availability of sophisticated equipments and endurance for the safety of maritime boundary. Talking to Radio Pakistan, defence analyst Brigadier Farooq Hameed Khan (Retd) has said Pakistan Navy has always been a great strength in defending our maritime border.

He said that Pak Navy not only protect the defence of country but it also plays vital role to provide security and defence to commercial and trade ships.

He said that for the last few years, Navy has been advanced by providing it with sophisticated equipments so that our maritime boundary could be safe.

To a question, he said that Hameed Khan said that as though India recently provided its Navy some sophisticated technology but Pakistan Navy also is not behind the Indian Navy.

He further said that it is reported that China is going to provide most sophisticated submarine to Pakistan, adding that through this, our navy would further be strengthened.
Talking in the programme, Head Department of IR, National Defence University, Dr Muhammad Khan said that Pakistan Navy's defence capabilities have been greatly increased during the last few years. He said that Navy played important role in the defence of any country.

UK had ruled the world due to its strong naval force in the 19th and 20th century.

He further said that in the modern era US is playing important role in world politics due to its Navy.

"Nearly 90 percent of world trade took place through sea, so for guarding the sea frontiers are very important responsibility of navy," he added.
Pakistan Navy: 'advancement to boost safety of maritime boundary' | Business Recorder
After waiting so long,we should not get the Yuan class but rather negotiate for the most recently developed submarine.should be atleast more than 4000tons displacement.

Dolphin class of israel has the capacity of Either 16 SLCM or torpedoe's or mix of them with the displacement of only 2000-2200tons.

We need to have a submarine which atleast has the capacity of 15 SLCM and 10-12 Torpedoe's

Other than this for Tomahawk USA has developed a warhead with 200kt warheads.We need to develop atleast a warhead for Babur in the range of 50kt.

A submarine with 15 SLCM each with upto 50kt warhead.Would give us a Good 2nd strike capability
chinese nuclear submarine gave its sailors cancer because of poor radiation sheilding, so pakistanis should buy only diesel-electric subs from chinese

You can not buy nuke sub. can only take it on lease it and only one nation till now has taken nuke sub on lease-India.

On Topic> Which type of sub PN is trying to procure from China?
Israel’s Popeye cruise missiles are believed to have a range of up to 900 miles and carry a 450 pound payload, enough for a 100 to 200 kT variable yield warhead, the equivalent of 200,000,000 – 400,000,000 pounds of TNT.

» Israel’s Wild Card: Nuclear Missile-Equipped Submarine Fleet

Dolphin-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Infact the Qing class developed by China was similar to Older russian golf class submarine.Diesel electric but still able to launch SLBM's aswell as SLCM's

Babur Cruise missile range can be enhanced and i believe such an variatn is already said to be in development.Warhead development is extremely secret incase of Pakistan though i believe Pakistan does has the capability to developed a warhad of atleast 50-70kt for babur
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what kind of Submarine that'll be???actually,we're hearing about procurement of Qing class,but nothing confirmed yet.
Dream on Pakistan! Dream on.
who is going to pay for it ?

please elaborate why do you guys think so arrogantly & how can you be so sure? & why should Pakistan dream about it ? too much times now, india tv & ajj tak is not good for your brains . Pakistan has been in talks of acquiring 6 Qing class submarines
& has been working on a nuclear sub project for years now, Pakistan keeps its defense projects & purchases secret & only discloses them @ the right time, just when no one could have thought of it ,Pakistan surprised the world with its Babur cruise missile test & mastered the cruise missile technology, recently inaugurated jf-17 thunder block II manufacturing facility also we never show our real defense budget which is more then $10 billion 6.5 billion official plus $2 billion secret allocation plus $2.5 billion for strategic force command
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Indian's don't have anything constructive to add to this thread than to mock Chinese manufacturing skills and insulting Pakistan. Pathetic troll mentality.

Posts #4,5,6,9,11, 12, 13, 18. Perfect example of Bund Burn.

sir Do you know why INS Vikramaditya boiler bricks cracked when it is in construction in Russia and delayed commssioning?That same reason we dont trust chinese manufacturing.
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If it is that russian used chinese (non military grade brick) in AC so its show that they are just cashing on india by putting sub standard material .

Russia Completes Indian Carrier Engine Repairs | Defense | RIA Novosti

Bricks is chinese made .With that bricks it cant power to full mode and insulation is cracked.Later Russian made weapons used.

PN is already have advantage when we compare submarine with AIP mesma in their subs.
With more OHP coming from US and their genesis upgrade with potent MR-Sam will be good platform to defend their f22p and missile boats.

And more coming from china advance subs and may be some destroyer .
If it is that russian used chinese (non military grade brick) in AC so its show that they are just cashing on india by putting sub standard material .

May be that deal is not very good for India.But we only considered our national security
So wait, you guys paid the Russians for a product and Russians sub contracted some parts to China? Surely you guys got the short end of the deal there? That is like Pakistan ordering an F16 and finding out that LM had the avionics outsourced to India?

Ins vikramaditya refurbishment is done under the co-operation of Indian Navy.If Indian Navy initially allow that chinese component ,then it not that sensitive.But its usage in real condition show the quality of chinese manufacturing ,even it is bought by hard cash.Comparing boiler bricks with avionics ,the real spine of an aircraft ,is ridiculous.
Now Can you ensure the quality of Chinese equipments that offered to Pakistan in subsididsed rate.?
I have some real doubt about that.
Ins vikramaditya refurbishment is done under the co-operation of Indian Navy.If Indian Navy initially allow that chinese component ,then it not that sensitive.But its usage in real condition show the quality of chinese manufacturing ,even it is bought by hard cash.Comparing boiler bricks with avionics ,the real spine of an aircraft ,is ridiculous.
Now Can you ensure the quality of Chinese equipments that offered to Pakistan in subsididsed rate.?
I have some real doubt about that.

I have full faith in China and it's equipment, so does our government.
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