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China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

You know, last time I visited Hong Kong by way of Cathay Pacific, I was stunned at the cost of commodities. To be honest, cost of living in Hong Kong is similar to that in Tokyo. Sometimes, even a bit more expensive ! But the food prices were reasonable tho. And one thing that i love is that Hong Kongers cook large quantity. So its like you get what you paid for. :smitten:

Not like in Japan where they feed such small portions. :hitwall:
Yours are just like the Shanghainin's style-little quantity of food to serve also.
see,thats what I'm talking about..being a dumb doesn't help.if you guys have problem with foreign media,Bar them.we barred Pakistani Channels long ago..

if they're truly creating troubles,its your right.but later b!tch!ng about it doesn't halp much and portrays you in poor light.

and about Foreign media in Kashmir and Chicken's Neck..LOL..I live very near of Chicken's Neck.and Foreign Media is free to report from anywhere in India.but I think they've to take some permission for some equipments like satphones and all...over 300 foreign media was in India in early 21st century.I think its over or near thousand by now.

we dictate our own terms which have to be suitable to us Chinese
if you want them take them ALL as if we dont know shit about india
just show the world your progress of becoming the next superpower cant you?
ciao goodbye
. .
嗯 欧洲确实有情可原,但是 夹喷 红孔 还有 烤瑞鸭 蝇个烂 这几个杂碎对的有些过头了,真心的。看他们报道,无论好坏,总能听见一群带着有色眼镜的偏见记者跟纂稿人。很多时候都恨不得立刻跟他们吵一架,但是想想自己高中以后英语就废了,还是暂且饶他们一条狗命了。

The problem is, that our Chinese friends here suspect that this demonstration is just US strategem to destabilize China. So they fear that those foreign journalists will blow up the story and make China in disadvantage. Well, after reading some of their post, I suspect that some foreign power is behind this demonstration too. But as long as they don't use fire arms, and kill some demonstrators, I don't think that these people will cause unexpected trouble. They can even show that they don't use lethal weapons. So if some demonstrator got shot, they have a proof that it is not Hongkong police doing.

it is just a very old formula being used repeatedly by usa and the west to overthrow a government

By comparison the HK Police are very kind to the protesters who have blocked the main roads
the brutality of the western police against protesters or even innocent people are known all over the world
just to mention the recent case of Ferguson where a black guy was hot dead, and about the same time 2 black victims were gunned down by the police in st louis and new york and just a couple of days ago another black guy was shot in the leg just because he didnt wear seat belt

No, you can't. :tdown:

this is something the techie needs to adjust

事实上我觉得你经常混迹这种论坛 你要比我清楚的多 西方对中国的妖魔化到了什么地步。洋人要乱我华夏,香港必定是根据地。改革开放到现在,我们从被洗脑到现在越来越清醒。而反观西方,甚至不用看西方,看台湾经常发言那娘们儿就知道,他们对共产党仇视到了如何癫狂的地步。指望被西方传媒掌控的香港能在几十年时间里完全承认自己的隶属北京的身份,不是很现实。
洋人 港台人 日韩人 全世界人都爱拿共产党说东道西,可事实是真的只有共产党才能救中国。没有一党独裁的霸气跟执行力,哪里来的开放,哪里来的腾飞。要知道我们三十年脱贫的人口比全世界加起来还多。
不一定了,没有GCD中国还是中国。But the actual result is GCD becomes a group of interest group
Would u prefer the US huge portion size which is targeted at your typical fat azz Americans ? :devil:

Yes, I prefer large quantities. You know why? Because I can always bring the left overs home. Ha ha ;)

Absolutely, that's exactly what I thought as well.

But that was inevitable really. Anyway, we are fighters, we can get back our competitive edge in some other way. :D

For example, HK Universities are filled with many of the best and brightest students from the Mainland, many of whom stay to work here.

That has always been at the root of our competitive power, attracting talented individuals from other parts of China.

People in the Mainland PRC need to appreciate the valuable contribution Hong Kong gives, namely education. And I agree with you, that the universities in Hong Kong are World Class.

Some of the schools that I know from Hong Kong that receive reciprocity in Japanese Universities include:

1) The University of Hong Kong
2) City University of Hong Kong
3) Hong Kong Polytechnic University
4) Hong Kong Baptist University
5) Lingnan University
6) Caritas Francis Hsu College

I've some friends who are alumni of University of Hong Kong's Master's Program in City / Urban Planning. Apparently it is world renowned for urban planning, urban administration.
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. . .
let they go on !! after all ,,,,the ones who suffer in the end are not us!
. .

You need to practice your english thou.

You have your change here.

In Taiwan we also being taught that China/Chinese civilization are ugly.

Our teacher laugh and say how stupid old Chinese people mentality for refusing Western superior civilization.

Chinese people of today should have more proud of being Chinese.

And give Chinese people the best of everything!

We will restore Confucianism and kick Christian Democracy and Communism out of China!
My friend, we started playing the game as superpower only a couple of years ago when we finally abandoned the silly Deng Xiaoping keep a low profile policy. Now we are badass. We always win in the end!

Lool you always win at the end? What's that suppose to mean bro? How many battles/things have you won at the end? Lol
The ability of the U. S to be able to influence/finance/instigate protests globally against its rivals, is a show of just how powerful and influential it is. In fact China (and to a lesser extent even Russia ) ar still lplaying a defensive game, not because they want but because they are very weak and vulnerable unlike what many of us think.
In fact even Iran is more /less more successful in thwarting any foreign influence in its country than China /Russia. There are no xijiang like regular terrorists bombings /stabbings etc in Iran, nor are there are any Chechen like terrorists groups roaming the country commiting suicide bombings /fighting the government etc.

As far as China and Russia can't even handle their internal issues /problems (which I must confess our governments /intelligence agencies have a hand in.. 8-)), then how do they even think they can even challenge us(west/U.S)?o_O Lol

As for the protests and U. S/U.K involvement, of course I don't find anything wrong in that. As I said any established powers will always try and undermine any upcoming one, irregardless of the country. So no surprise in that, only the naive /stupid who don't understand geo politis will find it immoral /illegal /hegemoistic. :lol: politics is not a fairy tale and never will be :D

Incredible stupidity to follow that stupid law when it's clear to anyone with a brain that Hong Kong is being used as a launching platform to destabilise mainland China.

Can't CPC leaders and intelligence agencies in China put the pieces of the puzzle together?
Are they working for foreign interests (maybe due to corruption)?

Tell the HK government to crackdown on anything that harms mainland interests. HK and Macau consulates of the US and UK are intelligence gathering organisations against China.

You give these anti-China people an inch, they will take it 100 miles.

As I said before, this kind of protest movement or colour revolution is being funded by USAID and NGO's to cause chaos and thus hurt the economy. By hurting the economy you hurt your main rivals.

Chinese government need to stop playing nice and stop seeking approval of Westerners. It's hurting China.

Lool Even if we did financed the protests , so what? lol this is the law of the jungle, if you can't survive /retaliate then stay silent and hide :sniper::wacko:
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To bad our central government is standing in the same camp as those hk tycoons because of common interest in maintaining order, but under certain aspect this might be conter productive if we want to build trust with common folks there, so many of them can barely make a living despite the fact of having relatively high income compared with mainland, as example those hongkong locals told me that one persons salary could barely cover the rent of a small run down apartment and how they were all enslaved by the rich, in that sense central government is standing with "slavers" .

In HK case, that because everyone want to live in or near the central.

But HK city design is basically flawed.

And the foreign worshiping mentality as well.

I think HK should pass laws and development policies to increase quality of live of their people.

Don't follow Western standard again, but much better!

It seems the inferior mentality still haunted in all our politicians.

Thanks to Christian KMT propaganda.

I actually think that it is very likely that Shanghai will surpass us in this regard.

See the new Shanghai free trade zone, and their incredible growth momentum.

I do not mind, I'm a nationalist. The good of the country is more important than the individual city.

Shanghai is still far to surpass HK in quality level.

But I still blame HK, as well as Taiwan themselves.

We have far earlier start than mainland, that give us advantages.

But we don't use that momentum lately, as our progress and education seems to be stagnant, and our politicians are too busy for democracy idealistic (big thanks to US), while mainland catching up quickly and more focus on development and progress, like on race.

More and more Taiwan companies out compete by mainland competitors. I feel like an idiot!

How can the civilized Taiwanese out compete by barbarian across the strait?
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I remember some of my chat with local people in hongkong, like one of the taxi drivers who told me that the common hongkong people are all slaves of tycoons, and how government being useless.

The same in Taiwan too.

For the shake of export, to give advantage to Taiwan companies over foreign competitors, our salary standard suppressed.

People are starting to running away.

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