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China Gives Clearest Support for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine So Far

China saw through the western trick very early and tried so hard to dissuade Russia from invading Ukraine, but in the end they didn't listen and walked right into this trap, China was little frustrated, especially when it happened right during the Beijing Olympic Games.
We'll see

China just can't openly support Russia to invade Ukraine, no matter how much China wants to. China can support Russia to go through this war , but can't directly involve herself in this war militarily.
There is no "We'll see" about this.

Here is the US/EU assistance to Ukraine timeline...

China buying Russian goods will do next to nothing to militarily help Russia. Ukraine, with US/EU military assistance, could be right at the Russian border and all those Chinese money will be for naught. China will let Russia fail.
China buying Russian goods will do next to nothing to militarily help Russia. Ukraine, with US/EU military assistance, could be right at the Russian border and all those Chinese money will be for naught. China will let Russia fail.
How many times I need to tell you that China doesn't support the war itself? you just don't get it, do you? Russia as a country is doing fine, you should worry more about your soon to be freezing European allies, they suffer way more than Russians.

Equipment can be replaced as long as there are soldiers to use them. Indians would know all about keyboards, leaving scores of pows for the Chinese and still claiming victory.
Not for Russia at this stage

China saw through the western trick very early and tried so hard to dissuade Russia from invading Ukraine, but in the end they didn't listen and walked right into this trap, China was little frustrated, especially when it happened right during the Beijing Olympic Games.

If Xi had said so publicly China might have more credibility. I know it is not "China's style" of doing things.

Look at the amount of statements made by top US officials between December and start of the war. It is almost like the CIA knew what the Russian leaders were upto
Wishful thinking on your part.

Russian military industrial base has been shaky prior to the war. I doubt they will survive the war unless China helps them. When Iran has to supply drones and North Korea supplies ammo you know you are in trouble.
Russian military industrial base has been shaky prior to the war. I doubt they will survive the war unless China helps them. When Iran has to supply drones and North Korea supplies ammo you know you are in trouble.
First they didn’t actually abandoned that much heavy equipment in their pullout, it’s exaggerated by the Ukrainians to hype what they have actually achieved. Second isn’t this what this tread is about, China’s support of Russia. With what’s happening in Taiwan, China seems more and more willing. Third counter attacks by Russia is happening now that’s managing to kill Ukrainian forces, something that the Ukrainians failed to do to the Russians. Retreat does not mean loss, especially when the enemy forces remain intact. You think people would be wiser to that knowing the history of Mongols.
If China can dump the USSR to join the Western alliance why can't Russia do the same ?
West offered China billions per year, military aid, turned a blind eye to invading Vietnam.

If you turns a blind eye to Ukraine, overpays Russia for gas and sells them military components, you might be able to pry Russia away. Basically do the exact opposite of what you actually did.

And Deng still negotiated with Gorbachev in 1989.

China Gives Clearest Support for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine So Far​

ON 9/14/22 AT 6:12 AM EDT


Li Zhanshu, left, chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, meets with Vyacheslav Volodin, chair of the State Duma, in Moscow on September 8.STATE DUMA

A senior Chinese official has offered Beijing's strongest support yet for the Kremlin's war in Ukraine, footage released by Russia's State Duma shows.

Li Zhanshu, who is the No. 3 in China's leadership, visited Moscow last week and pledged his country's "understanding and full support" during a meeting on September 9 with senior Russian figures. They included Vyacheslav Volodin, chair of the Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament.

Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, told the Russian lawmakers: "On the Ukraine issue, for example, the United States and NATO are expanding directly on Russia's doorstep, threatening Russia's national security and the lives of Russian citizens.

"Given the circumstances, Russia has taken necessary measures. China understands, and we are coordinating on various aspects."

In a video published on the Duma's website, Li said in Chinese: "I believe Russia was cornered. In this case, to protect the core interests of the country, Russia gave a resolute response."

The Duma had previously released Li's interpreted remarks, including a translation of "coordinating on various aspects" as "we are providing our assistance." The parliament's transcript also said the U.S. and NATO had "put Russia in an impossible situation."

In China, state media outlets that reported on Li's trip, which began with a meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok, did not mention his comments about Ukraine. Before the Duma's footage was released, it wasn't possible to verify independently what Li had said about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Official Chinese media hasn't reported on the Duma video, a sign of the sensitivity surrounding its content.

Li's No. 3 status comes from his seat on China's seven-man Politburo Standing Committee, the Chinese Communist Party's top decision-making body, behind President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang.

Recent remarks by Li Zhanshu and others have set the tone for an upcoming meeting between Xi and Putin, their first in-person talks since February and Xi's first foreign trip in more than two years. The two leaders, both 69, are attending a Shanghai Cooperation Organization leaders' gathering in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on September 15 to 16.

Li and Volodin also met for one-on-one talks on September 8, the Duma said, during which the Chinese official expressed similar sentiments.

"Our cooperation is based on the most important interests of our two nations and brings certainty and stability to a chaotic world," he was quoted as saying, before calling for "new formats of cooperation" in light of Western sanctions against Moscow.

The question is, what support are you going to provide? If it's just a handshake and a photo op, that will not save Russian ***.
West offered China billions per year, military aid, turned a blind eye to invading Vietnam.

If you turns a blind eye to Ukraine, overpays Russia for gas and sells them military components, you might be able to pry Russia away. Basically do the exact opposite of what you actually did.

And Deng still negotiated with Gorbachev in 1989.
China dumped USSR not in 1989 but in 1969/1971
China dumped USSR not in 1989 but in 1969/1971
You idiot, china didnt dump ussr in 1960 and 1970, its the chauvinistic demand of ussr want to jointly operate chinese navy and bases that broke the relation between the two. You indians liars always like to twist things around.
You idiot, china didnt dump ussr in 1960 and 1970, its the chauvinistic demand of ussr want to jointly operate chinese navy and bases that broke the relation between the two. You indians liars always like to twist things around.

China dumped the USSR in 1969 to team up with the USA. There are plenty of quotes from your dear leader in this regard

He ignored all the help from USSR did from 1949 to that point to help China.
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