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China Gives Clearest Support for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine So Far

PLA is Chinese communist partys armed wing, largest private military existing, so how motivated PLA soldiers actually are is a question mark.

We got some indications though.
Nice fake news from western. Posting some fake news about Chinese UN troops running away doesnt change the fact PLA are better trained and motivated than western soldiers.
China doesn't support Russia to invade Ukraine in the first place and China believes there are other ways to counter Nato aggression,cutting their energy supply could be a good first choice, bu now the war is already a reality, China's priority is not to be involved in the war but to keep Russia's economy afloat, it's always in Russia's option to keep on or end the war, can you at least see this ? You are just so dumb to ask China to fight this war, I really don't know how your mind work.

We don't fight other people's wars, but if a war was brought to our doors, remember Korea and Vietnam?
Then Parade Line Army (PLA) it is.
The US army is fleeing army, fleeing every wars in the end. How old are you by the way? how come you behave so childish?
Not surprising, a vietnamese like a child try to mimic a white person all the time so he will be accepted by the white mainstream in us.
Question mark?communists are well known good fighters due to their ideology, after PRC founded in 1949, China fought several wars, Korean war, China-India border war, Vietnam war, Do you see they deserted and flee. It's the US army fleeing all the time from multiple countries.


To read and enjoy the screams of Muricans and murican doggies screaming MAMA MAMA with pee and turds running down legs of pants as they scrambled South of the Parallel being terrorised by Chinese with single shot bolt action rifles fighting against battleships and planes and artillery and Ma Deuces


**** = t dot me



Western media : China is "against" the Ukraine operation
Reality :🥁🥁🥁Tyler:
Wasn’t it so funny that Ukraine asked them to have Russia stop the war* like a few months ago🤣

Tboy Tboy:
China understand if Russia fails America Will come for them with full force .

All normal world is against war, nothing new. They use that just for propaganda like always

Vincent Won:
US wants to take China down. It is stupid not to support Russia. The only issue is China has too much economic connections to US and Europe. I doubt it can stand the economic sanctions like Russia did

China remembers that time the UN (led by USA) tried to invade China and fucked around on their border

My grandpa too https://feldgrau.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8906

Super interesting, cheers for the link

It's easy to trust the Chinese when you understand that they're first looking out for the Chinese. This is the problem with America and the west in general though, as they generally aren't looking out for their people at all, and instead their actions are entrenched in ideology that should have disappeared after the end of the cold war, or simping for entrenched capital interests.

Samuel Z:
If China suddenly stops supplying the west, the west collapses economically like a downed plane.

China is the manufacturing hub of the world and with over 1.5 billion can develop a tremendous domestic market that surpass that of the west. So, it certainly can take over. However. It's culture and social psychology will not alow it to take that risk.

Lol. The took one word "concert" and trying to create an elephant out of it. It looks so pathetic. Chinese already made their comments and almost directly addressed it. This is how you know that Wesi is losing, as their are trying to create drama from nothing.

Sam Odsa:
People still don't get it. The West doesn't have any natural resources or humane cheap labor. But they are/were very lucky because until now with their fake currencies, they were able to buy it from the global South. The West worst nightmare is the end of their fiat system, because everything will become suddenly very expensive.

Just Me 🇺🇸🇨🇦:
Like the Chinese man said, Putin don't want biological weapons manufactured in Ukraine, belonging to the USA, on his border. Simple. And our Country is going to shit because of all the money they are laundering to Ukraine trying to recover what Putin destroyed. Oh yeah, that bitch Zelensky could bury the Biden Admin [Obama is controlling White House] alive, I'm sure 1/2 the payments going to Ukraine are blackmail payments. America citizens are paying thier fucking bill. Not exactly sure who's going to take Putins military findings seriously and publicly hang the Bidens, Clinton's, Obama's and Zelenskys for Crimes against Humanity. Us US citizens are lucky that someone doesn't blow us the **** up with the criminals running our Country. One of the 1st things "Biden" did was supply the Taliban with our best military equipment. What a clusterfuck of Afghanistan. BRICS (you forgot S.Africa). US will NEVER take China down. China owns the "Biden" Admin.... just for today. Things are about to change drastically in the United States. The Queen is dead, now it's game on here in the US. I won't believe anyone who disagrees w my logic that Xi, Putin and Trump are in this together. Nothing Can Stop What's Coming. Our Admin belongs in Gitmo, those treasonous bastards.
Then US army is fleeing army, fleeing every war in the end. How old are you by the way? how come you behave so childish?
I am 59 yrs old. Your parents' age group.

Me childish? Considering the tripe that we see from you guys here everyday, yeah, it is better to take you guys childishly.

China Gives Clearest Support for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine So Far​

ON 9/14/22 AT 6:12 AM EDT


Li Zhanshu, left, chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, meets with Vyacheslav Volodin, chair of the State Duma, in Moscow on September 8.STATE DUMA

A senior Chinese official has offered Beijing's strongest support yet for the Kremlin's war in Ukraine, footage released by Russia's State Duma shows.

Li Zhanshu, who is the No. 3 in China's leadership, visited Moscow last week and pledged his country's "understanding and full support" during a meeting on September 9 with senior Russian figures. They included Vyacheslav Volodin, chair of the Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament.

Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, told the Russian lawmakers: "On the Ukraine issue, for example, the United States and NATO are expanding directly on Russia's doorstep, threatening Russia's national security and the lives of Russian citizens.

"Given the circumstances, Russia has taken necessary measures. China understands, and we are coordinating on various aspects."

In a video published on the Duma's website, Li said in Chinese: "I believe Russia was cornered. In this case, to protect the core interests of the country, Russia gave a resolute response."

The Duma had previously released Li's interpreted remarks, including a translation of "coordinating on various aspects" as "we are providing our assistance." The parliament's transcript also said the U.S. and NATO had "put Russia in an impossible situation."

In China, state media outlets that reported on Li's trip, which began with a meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok, did not mention his comments about Ukraine. Before the Duma's footage was released, it wasn't possible to verify independently what Li had said about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Official Chinese media hasn't reported on the Duma video, a sign of the sensitivity surrounding its content.

Li's No. 3 status comes from his seat on China's seven-man Politburo Standing Committee, the Chinese Communist Party's top decision-making body, behind President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang.

Recent remarks by Li Zhanshu and others have set the tone for an upcoming meeting between Xi and Putin, their first in-person talks since February and Xi's first foreign trip in more than two years. The two leaders, both 69, are attending a Shanghai Cooperation Organization leaders' gathering in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on September 15 to 16.

Li and Volodin also met for one-on-one talks on September 8, the Duma said, during which the Chinese official expressed similar sentiments.

"Our cooperation is based on the most important interests of our two nations and brings certainty and stability to a chaotic world," he was quoted as saying, before calling for "new formats of cooperation" in light of Western sanctions against Moscow.

We can assume Li gets ok from chinese politburo before he gives such announcement.
Very unfortunate.
That means China makes itself to enemy of Ukraine, US, EU, Nato and the West.
That means China makes itself to enemy of Ukraine, US, EU, Nato and the West.
China always is their enemy, more so in the future, a growing China will be their growing enemy, can't you see it? even your Vietnam, if grows as big as China to the point of threatening their western global domination, you'll become their enemy too.
We can assume Li gets ok from chinese politburo before he gives such announcement.
Very unfortunate.
That means China makes itself to enemy of Ukraine, US, EU, Nato and the West.
Its ukraine and us first provoked and pushed china in a corner by supporting the separtists in taiwan. Its a direct response of chinese congressional chairman Li to ukraines congress's taiwan group provocation. Dont blame the fault on china, blame on the foolish ukraine and evil us that we all know what it did regarding taiwan and china these days.
China always is their enemy, more so in the future, a growing China will be their growing enemy, can't you see it? even your Vietnam, if grows as big as China to the point of threatening their western global domination, you'll become their enemy too.
Vietnam doesnt have to grow as nearly big as china, us will eventually go after vietnam to bring it to chaos, split it in two or three, or at least have a colour revolution to make vietnam puppet or puppets of us. This will happen when us has tamed china to their pleasing. Vietnam is definitely not a friend or ally of the us, but just a pawn to be used against china at this stage.
China always is their enemy, more so in the future, a growing China will be their growing enemy, can't you see it? even your Vietnam, if grows as big as China to the point of threatening their western global domination, you'll become their enemy too.
That would never happen because we are not a threat to the West. We not a threat to the East, either. We in Vietnam are focusing on how to live better tomorrow. We are not indulged in propaganda shits, neither obsessed with multipolar world nor new democracic order. We leave it to Putin, Xi , Mullah and other fanatics.

If you are too concerned of western global domination, then maybe you may visit a doctor.
That would never happen because we are not a threat to the West. We not a threat to the East, either. We in Vietnam are focusing on how to live better tomorrow. We are not indulged in propaganda shits, neither obsessed with multipolar world nor new democracic order. We leave it to Putin, Xi , Mullah and other fanatics.

If you are too concerned of western global domination, then maybe you may visit a doctor.
You may insist 1.4 billion Chinese need to visit a doctor, but we are determined to end centuries old western global domination, whether you like it or not.
That would never happen because we are not a threat to the West. We not a threat to the East, either. We in Vietnam are focusing on how to live better tomorrow. We are not indulged in propaganda shits, neither obsessed with multipolar world nor new democracic order. We leave it to Putin, Xi , Mullah and other fanatics.

If you are too concerned of western global domination, then maybe you may visit a doctor.
I think you are just a pussy cheer leader for weatern imperial global domination. The whites sure love you pseudo white viets.
Wow!! What a complete shock!
Oh my GODS whats willz we doos!? We're doomed!!!

nothing is China's fault. when is the last time China made a mistake ?
We're actually waitin for 'em ChiComs to make a mistake like invadin Taiwan so that we end their so called 5000 year history. Or was it 2000 or 3000!? Either way once they make it it ka "BOOOOOOOM" end of story! :usflag:
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