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China Gives Clearest Support for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine So Far

If Russia returns to the fold... then this will definitely happen... again! End of story!

Oh my GODS whats willz we doos!? We're doomed!!!

We're actually waitin for 'em ChiComs to make a mistake like invadin Taiwan so that we end their so called 5000 year history. Or was it 2000 or 3000!? Either way once they make it it ka "BOOOOOOOM" end of story! :usflag:
You evil anglo yankees are fools digging your own graves now, and russia and china together will bury you fools.
You evil anglo yankees are fools digging your own graves now, and russia and china together will bury you fools.
Oh really now? We can beat the sh*t out of your China and your Russia 10x over.. make that 20x. :usflag:
Oh really now? We can beat the sh*t out of your China and your Russia 10x over.. make that 20x. :usflag:
is that in 2040 when majority of US will be black, brown and woke trans? Good luck with that we will watch you as a funny racial potmix of civil war and strife lol
Oh really now? We can beat the sh*t out of your China and your Russia 10x over.. make that 20x. :usflag:
Try it, dont chicken out in ukraine war begging russia that you are too scared to fight it, and you aircraft carrier dont run away as fast as you can from taiwan strait like chicken when china held military exercise there.
The normal trade between China and Russia is China's legal right. As long as China does not sell weapons to the warring parties, this trade is in accordance with international law.

Why China doesn't sell weapons to the warring party Russia???
I am 59 yrs old. Your parents' age group.

Me childish? Considering the tripe that we see from you guys here everyday, yeah, it is better to take you guys childishly.
Age means nothing when one words and actions are like fools or kid...

Why China doesn't sell weapons to the warring party Russia???
China also don't sell weapon to Ukraine. Ukraine once is a partner of L-15 light attack/advance fighter but after the orange revolution. They are out.
Age means nothing when one words and actions are like fools or kid...

China also don't sell weapon to Ukraine. Ukraine once is a partner of L-15 light attack/advance fighter but after the orange revolution. They are out.
Still doesn't answer my question, why China doesn't sell weapons to Russia.
Still doesn't answer my question, why China doesn't sell weapons to Russia.
How is that not answering the question? China do not want to aggravate the war. Even DJI ban sales of their drone for both countries. Both countries are friend of China. We wish no harm for both side.
How is that not answering the question? China do not want to aggravate the war. Even DJI ban sales of their drone for both countries. Both countries are friend of China. We wish no harm for both side.
China but not providing weapons or even ammunitions to Russia, while the whole west is selling, gifting, leasing,.... weapons and intelligence for Ukraine is just afraid of the west and chicken out.

It is like why Taiwan and Ukraine are not selling weapons to US.

Are you that ignorant ?
As I understood, his parallel means China have nothing worthy to sell to Russia.
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