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China Gives Clearest Support for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine So Far

But the arguments from the Russia supporters is that the Ukraine invasion came from Russia being the victim of NATO aggression, specifically expansion all the way up to Russia's borders. If Russia is the aggressor, then why is China supporting Russia by buying Russian products and replaying Russian war propaganda? So if the arguments are that it is US/NATO who are the aggressors, then China have the necessary moral justifications to get DIRECTLY involve with Russia. So the joke here is still on you.

This is no longer the People's Liberation Army. Where is the 'liberation' for poor Russia? The initials 'PLA' now stands for Parade Line Army.
Both Turkey and Greece are Nato countries, if a war broke out between them, will US try to mediate or help one against the other?
Both Turkey and Greece are Nato countries, if a war broke out between them, will US try to mediate or help one against the other?
You can use that hypothetical situation, but that still will not solve the CURRENT dilemma for China. The PDF Chinese cohort have been saying all this time that Russia is victim here, just like how Korea and VN were victims of US 'aggression'. Speculations on real and/or imagined situations elsewhere can only go so far. As Russia declines, China has to act. Or not...
You can use that hypothetical situation, but that still will not solve the CURRENT dilemma for China. The PDF Chinese cohort have been saying all this time that Russia is victim here, just like how Korea and VN were victims of US 'aggression'. Speculations on real and/or imagined situations elsewhere can only go so far. As Russia declines, China has to act. Or not...
China is not US, we haven't fired a single bullet to any foreign countries for 4 decades, unlike you guys going around the globe doing killings and destroyings non stop for decades, not every country share's your US perverted mentality.

China has neither abandoned Russia as Gambit said, nor supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine as Beijing walker said. China's position has always been neutral, and China has no interest in getting involved in this war.

The normal trade between China and Russia is China's legal right. As long as China does not sell weapons to the warring parties, this trade is in accordance with international law.

China believes that Crimea, Donetsk and other places are the legitimate territory of Ukraine. The war between East Ukraine and West Ukraine is a civil war and an internal affair of Ukraine. China's diplomatic principle is non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

If the official spokesperson says the above it would be implied as criticism of Russia
You can use that hypothetical situation, but that still will not solve the CURRENT dilemma for China. The PDF Chinese cohort have been saying all this time that Russia is victim here, just like how Korea and VN were victims of US 'aggression'. Speculations on real and/or imagined situations elsewhere can only go so far. As Russia declines, China has to act. Or not...
If the official spokesperson says the above it would be implied as criticism of Russia
China believes that local governments (such as Crimea) cannot vote for independence. An independent vote anywhere must follow the East Timor model, which must meet both conditions. First, with the permission of the central government, and second, with the permission of the UN Security Council.

Therefore, Chinese officials have not recognized the legitimacy of voting in Crimea, Donetsk and other places. China will not recognize these so-called countries.

It is obvious that the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine is an unquestionable aggression. China cannot support the war of aggression. China will strictly abide by international law and will not sell weapons to warring parties. However, China will sell civilian materials to Russia and Ukraine, which is allowed by international law.

If Donetsk and others do not choose independence, and establish a new Ukrainian govt. If Russia chooses to wage war within the national framework of Ukraine and does not split Ukraine, and Russian army support the government of East Ukraine in the name of a volunteer army. Then China will support Russia. Because this will be a civil war, not a war of aggression.

If the Russians can involve the Western Ukrainian government in the Taiwan issue, China can even organize volunteer troops to participate in the war. Because China's diplomatic principle is "non-interference in each other's internal affairs". As long as the Western Ukrainian government touches China's internal affairs, China has reason to intervene in Ukraine's internal affairs.
China is not US, we haven't fired a single bullet to any foreign countries for 4 decades, unlike you guys going around the globe doing killings and destroyings non stop for decades, not every country share's your US perverted mentality.
But in Ukraine, China would be in the right, the side of angels, so to speak. Remember what China and you guys have been saying all this time, that it has been the US/NATO who have been the provocateur, the aggressor, and the oppressor.

Pilots of regional Russian airlines will be instructed to carry out maintenance on their own aircraft, amid sanctions imposed on the country following its invasion of Ukraine.​

Can China at least send some airplane mechanics? You designed/built your own airliner, so surely you are capable of fixing airplanes, right? Russian aviation is now in dire need of wrench turners and meter readers thanks to the brutality of US/EU sanctions. Surely a few busloads of airplane mechanics would endear China into the hearts of Russians everywhere.

Face it, buddy, when the time came and the risk of a fight is real, China backed down. The world is watching China's responses here and in the South China Sea.
But in Ukraine, China would be in the right, the side of angels, so to speak. Remember what China and you guys have been saying all this time, that it has been the US/NATO who have been the provocateur, the aggressor, and the oppressor.

Pilots of regional Russian airlines will be instructed to carry out maintenance on their own aircraft, amid sanctions imposed on the country following its invasion of Ukraine.​

Can China at least send some airplane mechanics? You designed/built your own airliner, so surely you are capable of fixing airplanes, right? Russian aviation is now in dire need of wrench turners and meter readers thanks to the brutality of US/EU sanctions. Surely a few busloads of airplane mechanics would endear China into the hearts of Russians everywhere.

Face it, buddy, when the time came and the risk of a fight is real, China backed down. The world is watching China's responses here and in the South China Sea.

I have asked the question regarding what the Chinese provided to Russia in its war besides a handshake. No response.
But in Ukraine, China would be in the right, the side of angels, so to speak. Remember what China and you guys have been saying all this time, that it has been the US/NATO who have been the provocateur, the aggressor, and the oppressor.

Pilots of regional Russian airlines will be instructed to carry out maintenance on their own aircraft, amid sanctions imposed on the country following its invasion of Ukraine.​

Can China at least send some airplane mechanics? You designed/built your own airliner, so surely you are capable of fixing airplanes, right? Russian aviation is now in dire need of wrench turners and meter readers thanks to the brutality of US/EU sanctions. Surely a few busloads of airplane mechanics would endear China into the hearts of Russians everywhere.

Face it, buddy, when the time came and the risk of a fight is real, China backed down. The world is watching China's responses here and in the South China Sea.
China doesn't support Russia to invade Ukraine in the first place and China believes there are other ways to counter Nato aggression,cutting their energy supply could be a good first choice, bu now the war is already a reality, China's priority is not to be involved in the war but to keep Russia's economy afloat, it's always in Russia's option to keep on or end the war, can you at least see this ? You are just so dumb to ask China to fight this war, I really don't know how your mind work.

We don't fight other people's wars, but if a war was brought to our doors, remember Korea and Vietnam?
But in Ukraine, China would be in the right, the side of angels, so to speak. Remember what China and you guys have been saying all this time, that it has been the US/NATO who have been the provocateur, the aggressor, and the oppressor.

Pilots of regional Russian airlines will be instructed to carry out maintenance on their own aircraft, amid sanctions imposed on the country following its invasion of Ukraine.​

Can China at least send some airplane mechanics? You designed/built your own airliner, so surely you are capable of fixing airplanes, right? Russian aviation is now in dire need of wrench turners and meter readers thanks to the brutality of US/EU sanctions. Surely a few busloads of airplane mechanics would endear China into the hearts of Russians everywhere.

Face it, buddy, when the time came and the risk of a fight is real, China backed down. The world is watching China's responses here and in the South China Sea.
Why the f are you obssessed with chinese should send arms and troops to ukraine to fight someone else's war that has nothing to do with china.
Americans believe you are either my slave or my enemy, they don't know there is true friendship on equal basis, friends can have different views on certain issues and it's prefectly Ok, Russia is India's best ally and provide 90% of Indian weapons, doesn't this make Russia a China's enemy? Americans just arrogantly take for grantd that everyone thinks like them.
But the arguments from the Russia supporters is that the Ukraine invasion came from Russia being the victim of NATO aggression, specifically expansion all the way up to Russia's borders. If Russia is the aggressor, then why is China supporting Russia by buying Russian products and replaying Russian war propaganda? So if the arguments are that it is US/NATO who are the aggressors, then China have the necessary moral justifications to get DIRECTLY involve with Russia. So the joke here is still on you.

This is no longer the People's Liberation Army. Where is the 'liberation' for poor Russia? The initials 'PLA' now stands for Parade Line Army.
This is the tricky part of all US dirty measures to weaken its rivals. US uses its economic(money) and soft(media) power to wage soft wars to other countries. Ukraine, Taiwan, Hongkong, all color revolutions around the world. The reality is, people are only sensitive to the real wars, where tanks, artilleries, bomb planes are involved. But not so sensitive to US soft wars, where bribing traitors, media brainwashing, hatred propaganda, funding rebels are involved. Fact is, soft wars are as destructive and lethal as real wars. And soft wars are very likely to lead to real wars.
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