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China Gives Clearest Support for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine So Far

China dumped the USSR in 1969 to team up with the USA. There are plenty of quotes from your dear leader in this regard

He ignored all the help from USSR did from 1949 to that point to help China.
The two countries broke off relation as early as 1962 as the USSR supported your idiotic country india in1962 war with china and also demanded to jointly operate chinese navy that both angered china. In 1969, the two countries relation were so bad almost went to war as the border clash occured.

Yes, the USSR supported CCP from the founding, but USSR just used the CCP as a pawn until Mao gained control of the party. Whatever help china got from USSR in its early years before 1950, china payed it back in full in the korean war that did a great favour to USSR.

You idiot, if you dont know chinese history properly and current chinese affairs, dont come here to BS.

China Gives Clearest Support for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine So Far​

ON 9/14/22 AT 6:12 AM EDT


Li Zhanshu, left, chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, meets with Vyacheslav Volodin, chair of the State Duma, in Moscow on September 8.STATE DUMA

A senior Chinese official has offered Beijing's strongest support yet for the Kremlin's war in Ukraine, footage released by Russia's State Duma shows.

Li Zhanshu, who is the No. 3 in China's leadership, visited Moscow last week and pledged his country's "understanding and full support" during a meeting on September 9 with senior Russian figures. They included Vyacheslav Volodin, chair of the Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament.

Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, told the Russian lawmakers: "On the Ukraine issue, for example, the United States and NATO are expanding directly on Russia's doorstep, threatening Russia's national security and the lives of Russian citizens.

"Given the circumstances, Russia has taken necessary measures. China understands, and we are coordinating on various aspects."

In a video published on the Duma's website, Li said in Chinese: "I believe Russia was cornered. In this case, to protect the core interests of the country, Russia gave a resolute response."

The Duma had previously released Li's interpreted remarks, including a translation of "coordinating on various aspects" as "we are providing our assistance." The parliament's transcript also said the U.S. and NATO had "put Russia in an impossible situation."

In China, state media outlets that reported on Li's trip, which began with a meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok, did not mention his comments about Ukraine. Before the Duma's footage was released, it wasn't possible to verify independently what Li had said about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Official Chinese media hasn't reported on the Duma video, a sign of the sensitivity surrounding its content.

Li's No. 3 status comes from his seat on China's seven-man Politburo Standing Committee, the Chinese Communist Party's top decision-making body, behind President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang.

Recent remarks by Li Zhanshu and others have set the tone for an upcoming meeting between Xi and Putin, their first in-person talks since February and Xi's first foreign trip in more than two years. The two leaders, both 69, are attending a Shanghai Cooperation Organization leaders' gathering in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on September 15 to 16.

Li and Volodin also met for one-on-one talks on September 8, the Duma said, during which the Chinese official expressed similar sentiments.

"Our cooperation is based on the most important interests of our two nations and brings certainty and stability to a chaotic world," he was quoted as saying, before calling for "new formats of cooperation" in light of Western sanctions against Moscow.

I too support Russia's war with Ukraine.

Or atleast I couldn't care about the Russian conflict in Ukraine.
The two countries broke off relation as early as 1962 as the USSR supported your idiotic country india in1962 war with china and also demanded to jointly operate chinese navy that both angered china. In 1969, the two countries relation were so bad almost went to war as the border clash occured.

Yes, the USSR supported CCP from the founding, but USSR just used the CCP as a pawn until Mao gained control of the party. Whatever help china got from USSR in its early years before 1950, china payed it back in full in the korean war that did a great favour to USSR.

You idiot, if you dont know chinese history properly and current chinese affairs, dont come here to BS.

Nothing changes the fact that China dumped the USSR in 1969 to join with the capitalists
If Russia joins the Western bloc China will be in an uncomfortable position versus America
Keyword being "if", because that isnt likely to happen, because of the Ukraine war, so its a dead on arrival idea, dead it, its an impossible scenario, so why consider it seriously here?
Keyword being "if", because that isnt likely to happen, because of the Ukraine war, so its a dead on arrival idea, dead it, its an impossible scenario, so why consider it seriously here?
I agree, it won't ever happen. Looking at the situation right now. US had the chance when Trump was in power. But after US did Ukraine card to Russia, it is a spit that you can't lick back to your mouth.
Nothing changes the fact that China dumped the USSR in 1969 to join with the capitalists
Get the fact straight idiot, the relation broke off was mainly USSR fault, they wanted to control china to make it like a satellite country to USSR, and china said no. There was a border clash in 1969 becos USSR invaded chinese island on the bodering river, china didnt betray USSR. If you idiot want to cling on to your stupid prejudiced view about china before facts, just shut up and get lost from me.
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Get the fact straight idiot, the relation broke off was mainly USSR fault, they want to control china to make it like a satellite country to USSR, and china said no. There was a border clash in 1969 becos USSR invaded chinese island on the bodering river, china didnt betray USSR. If you idiot want to cling on to your stupid prejudiced view about china before facts, just shut up and get lost from me.

<sarcasm mode on>
nothing is China's fault. when is the last time China made a mistake ?
<sarcasm mode off>

Keyword being "if", because that isnt likely to happen, because of the Ukraine war, so its a dead on arrival idea, dead it, its an impossible scenario, so why consider it seriously here?

either some folks do not pay attention to the keyword or they are scared shitless at the sheer thought
<sarcasm mode on>
nothing is China's fault. when is the last time China made a mistake ?
<sarcasm mode off>

either some folks do not pay attention to the keyword or they are scared shitless at the sheer thought
So, china had to be in faults in some cases in its relations even though the facts prove otherwise, just as you idiot indian mass blame on china on the 1962 war where in fact your stupid country invaded chinese lands thinking that china could do nothing and would just accept indian grabing of chinese lands. Dont talk to me nonsense. This time you indians made the same stupid assumption in 2020 galwan clash again, you people never learn anything.
China has neither abandoned Russia as Gambit said, nor supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine as Beijing walker said. China's position has always been neutral, and China has no interest in getting involved in this war.

The normal trade between China and Russia is China's legal right. As long as China does not sell weapons to the warring parties, this trade is in accordance with international law.

China believes that Crimea, Donetsk and other places are the legitimate territory of Ukraine. The war between East Ukraine and West Ukraine is a civil war and an internal affair of Ukraine. China's diplomatic principle is non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

But if the Ukrainian govt intervenes in the Taiwan issue, then China will have enough reason to intervene in the East Ukraine issue. If this happens, the responsibility lies with the Ukrainian govt, which violated the "one China" commitment made in 1992.

When establishing diplomatic relations with China, any country first has declared that it will abide by the "One China principle".
When any government comes to power to visit China, it will restate the "One China principle".
This is actually a contract, they will abide by the "One China principle" in exchange for establishing diplomatic relations with China.
If you recognize the "One China principle", then the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs. The establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan is tantamount to interference in China's internal affairs, not China's interference in your internal affairs.
If you do not recognize the "One China principle", it means that you are tearing up the contract signed when establishing diplomatic relations, so you should break off diplomatic relations with China first. This means that China no longer recognizes you as a country. China will no longer violate any international law in any action.
How many times I need to tell you that China doesn't support the war itself?
China can always send Chinese pilots to fly Russian jets, like how China did in Korea and Viet Nam. Or maybe repaint those Chinese copies of Russian jets and fly them against Ukraine. But hey...Xi must preserve those parade uniforms.

China can always send Chinese pilots to fly Russian jets, like how China did in Korea and Viet Nam. Or maybe repaint those Chinese copies of Russian jets and fly them against Ukraine. But hey...Xi must preserve those parade uniforms.
This joke is not funny.

The nature of the ukraine war is different from the vietnam war and the korean war. China does not support wars of aggression.
If Russia soil under full-scale attack and/or show signs of disintegration, I have no doubt China will send military aid hence volunteer army. But China will not involve in wars outside of Russia.
This joke is not funny.

The nature of the ukraine war is different from the vietnam war and the korean war. China does not support wars of aggression.
But the arguments from the Russia supporters is that the Ukraine invasion came from Russia being the victim of NATO aggression, specifically expansion all the way up to Russia's borders. If Russia is the aggressor, then why is China supporting Russia by buying Russian products and replaying Russian war propaganda? So if the arguments are that it is US/NATO who are the aggressors, then China have the necessary moral justifications to get DIRECTLY involve with Russia. So the joke here is still on you.

This is no longer the People's Liberation Army. Where is the 'liberation' for poor Russia? The initials 'PLA' now stands for Parade Line Army.
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