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China Gives Clearest Support for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine So Far

exactly, at least they could sent protective gear equipment and modern helmets to enhance ratio of 1 protective gear per battalion among RAF.
The Russia-Ukraine War is the best chance for China to gain combat experience in preparation for the invasion of Taiwan, and as time passes, China will lose that opportunity, most likely too late now.

People's Liberation Army or Parade Line Army. Either way, you still get the 'PLA' initials.
that is transactional, how did you help them beside mutual bussines interest, i do not see your military hardware donated to russia like western ones to uaf.
even NK and Iran helped them with that matter.
China was officially neutral on the war as Ukraine was also a friend of china. Now, Ukraine is provoking china on taiwan matter and ukraines puppet master US is after or attacking china from all directions and doesnt keep its promises esp regarding taiwan, things might change now and chinas neutral stance on the war might change as indicated by the chinese congress chairmans statements.
The Russia-Ukraine War is the best chance for China to gain combat experience in preparation for the invasion of Taiwan, and as time passes, China will lose that opportunity, most likely too late now.

People's Liberation Army or Parade Line Army. Either way, you still get the 'PLA' initials.

PLA is Chinese communist partys armed wing, largest private military existing, so how motivated PLA soldiers actually are is a question mark.

We got some indications though.
The Russia-Ukraine War is the best chance for China to gain combat experience in preparation for the invasion of Taiwan, and as time passes, China will lose that opportunity, most likely too late now.

People's Liberation Army or Parade Line Army. Either way, you still get the 'PLA' initials.
And Yankee army is the run away chicken army as shown in the vietnam and afghan wars.
China was officially neutral on the war as Ukraine was also a friend of china. Now, Ukraine is provoking china on taiwan matter and ukraines puppet master US is after or attacking china from all directions and doesnt keep its promises esp regarding taiwan, things might change now and chinas neutral stance on the war might change as indicated by the chinese congress chairmans statements.
Might? I made friend with a journalist many yrs ago and he clued me in on how journalists write their articles. If a journalist reported that the source said 'might', it mean at best/worst 50/50, in other words, no change in the situation. In your case, you are not anyone important anywhere, so your usage of 'might' just mean you are talking out of your @55.
China was officially neutral on the war as Ukraine was also a friend of china. Now, Ukraine is provoking china on taiwan matter and ukraines puppet master US is after or attacking china from all directions and doesnt keep its promises esp regarding taiwan, things might change now and chinas neutral stance on the war might change as indicated by the chinese congress chairmans statements.

that is giberish talk, like china does not has capabilities to act "unofficially" but it is cute and useful to act like that when exposed.
Might? I made friend with a journalist many yrs ago and he clued me in on how journalists write their articles. If a journalist reported that the source said 'might', it mean at best/worst 50/50, in other words, no change in the situation. In your case, you are not anyone important anywhere, so your usage of 'might' just mean you are talking out of your @55.
You are an idiot nobody too to making such stupid comments. No one can tell what the chinese gov will do regarding the war. I can just think what china might do judging from chinese chairmans statements.

that is giberish talk, like china does not has capabilities to act "unofficially" but it is cute and useful to act like that when exposed.
So, you want china to get involved in the war like sending troops to ukraine ? China is no fool. Its your Europeans war, someone elses war, not chinese war in any way.
lOl, China is just happy to help Russia make western sanction become a joke
PLA is Chinese communist partys armed wing, largest private military existing, so how motivated PLA soldiers actually are is a question mark.

We got some indications though.
I will be honest.

When I received orders to deploy to Desert Storm, I did not want to go. My allegiance is to the US, not Kuwait. But orders are what they are so I went home and prepped my mobag. The US military performed exceptionally in Desert Storm, not for Kuwait, but for the US. Our country wanted us to do X, so we did X and then some more. Everything we did in Desert Storm, we did it in the service of our country. The Iraqi Army did horrific things to Kuwaiti civilians and we felt terrible for the Kuwaitis as we treated them, the women and girls were the worst cases, no surprise there, and no doubt some of us took out our anger to the Iraqi Army over that famous 'Highway of Death'.

The PLA is not (yet) a professional military no matter how much shiny new toys they have. How long until that 'yet' is gone? No one knows, certainly not the PDF Chinese cohort here. Whatever failures they had in the service of the UN could be strictly personal, meaning they would have failed their duties in spite of whatever the PLA trained them to do. One maybe two soldiers, I can see it possible, but the entire squad ran away? That is institutional, not merely personal. You were given orders to do X, but then something threatens you if you do X. A professional army would fight to accomplish X.
I will be honest.

When I received orders to deploy to Desert Storm, I did not want to go. My allegiance is to the US, not Kuwait. But orders are what they are so I went home and prepped my mobag. The US military performed exceptionally in Desert Storm, not for Kuwait, but for the US. Our country wanted us to do X, so we did X and then some more. Everything we did in Desert Storm, we did it in the service of our country. The Iraqi Army did horrific things to Kuwaiti civilians and we felt terrible for the Kuwaitis as we treated them, the women and girls were the worst cases, no surprise there, and no doubt some of us took out our anger to the Iraqi Army over that famous 'Highway of Death'.

The PLA is not (yet) a professional military no matter how much shiny new toys they have. How long until that 'yet' is gone? No one knows, certainly not the PDF Chinese cohort here. Whatever failures they had in the service of the UN could be strictly personal, meaning they would have failed their duties in spite of whatever the PLA trained them to do. One maybe two soldiers, I can see it possible, but the entire squad ran away? That is institutional, not merely personal. You were given orders to do X, but then something threatens you if you do X. A professional army would fight to accomplish X.
Like run away from afghans all posts overnight fearing the most advanced and professional yankee army would be beaten badly by the barefoot talibans with AK 47 in the coming days.
PLA is Chinese communist partys armed wing, largest private military existing, so how motivated PLA soldiers actually are is a question mark.

We got some indications though.
Question mark?communists are well known good fighters due to their ideology, after PRC founded in 1949, China fought several wars, Korean war, China-India border war, Vietnam war, Do you see they deserted and flee. It's the US army fleeing all the time from multiple countries.

Yes, they retreated without fighting. Their fighting power is still intact, they will strike back. Only a fool thinks it would be over so easily.

There is another full-fledged thread on Russia-Ukraine War. Just for your information.
Question mark?communists are well known good fighters due to their ideology, after PRC founded in 1949, China fought several wars, Korean war, China-India border war, Vietnam war, Do you see they deserted and flee. It's the US army fleeing all the time from multiple countries.
Supposedly, those communist fighters were 'volunteers' in Korea. Why are there no 'volunteers' this time around? NATO gave you guys too hard of a beating last time?
Supposedly, those communist fighters were 'volunteers' in Korea. Why are there no 'volunteers' this time around? NATO gave you guys too hard of a beating last time?
This is so dumb, Ukraine is also China's friend and why China needs to step in a two friends dispute? Nato beating? You mean you guys fled naked from Afghanistan a short while ago?


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