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China forms missile brigade for South China Sea

China's got ballistic and cruise missiles from 1979 already, but it seem like your missile can't compare with our Shaddock missile, that's why you dared not play wargames with missile:coffee:

We've prepare even for the worst already, if china attack us again on land, then, they will get the same result like in 1979.
we never have any jointly developements with enemy. We will sink china merchant ships passing throuth Malacca-SCS(east sea) to destroy china's economy if she refuses to return our isls:coffee:

If you are seeking war against China, I'll let the Chinese members answer you. But if you attack the Taiwanese once the Chicoms kick you as*, the Taiwanese will make you bend down one more time and finish you off.
If you are seeking war against China, I'll let the Chinese members answer you. But if you attack the Taiwanese once the Chicoms kick you as*, the Taiwanese will make you bend down one more time and finish you off.

can you control chinese guys ? we are waiting to see who control whom, Taiwanese or Mainlanders.
Let me salute all of my Chinese brothers who have the honor of being banned. You were speaking up for China and being patriotic.

Unfortunately, the Indian members far outnumber us and we're on the receiving end of quick bans.

May I point out that there is a Chinese Defence forum, where you can spend your vacation during your ban? After you recover your energy, you can come back onto PDF and re-engage our Indian nemesis.

You are ignorant.

Chinese nuclear plants have walls measured in feet of concrete. It requires a 2,000-pound bomb to breach the protective barrier of a Chinese nuclear plant. Do you think you can carry a 2,000-pound bomb?

Remember, those super-thick walls were meant to contain the high-pressure radioactive plume in case of a core meltdown. Don't bother mentioning the primitive thin first-generation nuclear plant walls at Fukushima.

Furthermore, we're talking about China. Sensitive Chinese installations are protected by layers of security. You'll be long dead before you reach the gate of a Chinese nuclear power plant.

Anyway, you can't even get across the Chinese border with a bomb. There are detectors and CCTV cameras everywhere.

In conclusion, a suicide bomber can only cause trivial damage to a nuclear power plant that occupies acres of land. Also, Chinese security will shoot anything that does not belong in a restricted area.

YOu have an American flag and live in Boston but look for fights with India?
I have made many predictions about China using its high-technology weapons to put pressure on Hanoi.

When the PLA swings into action, the South China Sea will be the last thing on Hanoi's mind. Hanoi will only be thinking about its own survival.

1. I accurately predicted China would use its ballistic and cruise missiles to remind Hanoi of its weakness.

2. I'm waiting for a citation to support my prediction that China will deploy its 400km MLRS against Hanoi as well.

3. I'm also waiting for an announcement of a WZ-10 attack helicopter brigade to be established near the Vietnamese border.

4. I expect an eventual announcement of KJ-2000 AWACS and KJ-200 AEW&C located near the Vietnamese border.

5. We should see the establishment of a panzer division of Type 99 main battle tanks poised for a thrust into Hanoi.

The things you expect will never come true because the CCP had painful experiences in the border war with Vietnam.

Moreover, threatening attack Vietnam by missiles from china just a joke. Americans have many experiences in this problem They used B52 dropped on Vietnam by 7 million tons of bombs, but they still lost the war...
You try figuring, 7 million tons of bombs equivalent to how many missiles?

YOu have an American flag and live in Boston but look for fights with India?

He is a chinaman, live in the US.
It is so pathetic for Chinese whom just born IN TIME when China just ABOUT growing its military. As a best soldier or so called "Great Warrior" its will not count by modern weapons as a very first count. EXPERIENCE does, brave and hard trained that is number one like U.S Seals, Delta or UK SAS and this is very first count.

As Vietnamese soldier, it is not best equip like the rich countries, but in returned Vietnamese soldiers are very best trained and very tough. That is why, Vietnamese will fight for the last man and regardless what the worst could bring to them included female soldiers. (Their prove that whooping PLA real bad in 1979)
Vietnamese are peasants and unedacated,we can easily send them to the bottom of the sea,with less than 1% of China's military budget,those Vietnamese are just beggars.

can you control chinese guys ? we are waiting to see who control whom, Taiwanese or Mainlanders.

Taiwanese are our blood brothers,blood is thicker than water,if you dare to mess with Taiwan,we will send your whole country to hell.
Vietnamese are peasants and unedacated,we can easily send them to the bottom of the sea,with less than 1% of China's military budget,those Vietnamese are just beggars.

I don't know man about you, if mine I would be shame if I used "beggars" word.

Let me ask you this:

1. Why your great China let Chinese people living all over countries which its was has less war than Viet Nam? (Meant no refugees counted)

Now, do you really know who was a real beggars is? I think beggars is for Chinese for more than likely.
Then our nukes will be the first phase of attack. Very smart move.

Remember this!

People's Republic of China and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nuclear policy
China is one of the five "nuclear weapons states" (NWS) under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which China ratified in 1992. China is the only NWS to give a security assurance to non-nuclear-weapon states:

"China undertakes not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or nuclear-weapon-free zones at any time or under any circumstances."[20]
Chinese public policy has always been one of the "no first use rule" while maintaining a deterrent retaliatory force targeted for countervalue targets.[1]

In 2005, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a white paper stating that the government would not be the first to use nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances. In addition, the paper went on to state that this "no first use" policy would remain unchanged in the future and that China would not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.
Remember this!

People's Republic of China and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nuclear policy
China is one of the five "nuclear weapons states" (NWS) under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which China ratified in 1992. China is the only NWS to give a security assurance to non-nuclear-weapon states:

"China undertakes not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or nuclear-weapon-free zones at any time or under any circumstances."[20]
Chinese public policy has always been one of the "no first use rule" while maintaining a deterrent retaliatory force targeted for countervalue targets.[1]

In 2005, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a white paper stating that the government would not be the first to use nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances. In addition, the paper went on to state that this "no first use" policy would remain unchanged in the future and that China would not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.

They could always change their mind. Wars are inherently unpredictable.

I always caution others when they rely on a piece of paper as part of their military strategy. Neville Chamberlain is a prime example.
They could always change their mind. Wars are inherently unpredictable.

no nukes will be used against non nuclear countries.

Remember this!

People's Republic of China and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nuclear policy
China is one of the five "nuclear weapons states" (NWS) under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which China ratified in 1992. China is the only NWS to give a security assurance to non-nuclear-weapon states:

"China undertakes not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or nuclear-weapon-free zones at any time or under any circumstances."[20]
Chinese public policy has always been one of the "no first use rule" while maintaining a deterrent retaliatory force targeted for countervalue targets.[1]

In 2005, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a white paper stating that the government would not be the first to use nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances. In addition, the paper went on to state that this "no first use" policy would remain unchanged in the future and that China would not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.

he's just trolling you.
no nukes will be used against non nuclear countries.

he's just trolling you.

China has a NFU (no first use) pledge or does it?

I disagree.

China's NFU (no first use) pledge has shifted over the decades. Let me get the citation.

It used to be NFU for everyone. Then it changed to NFU for only non-nuclear weapon states. Then they hinted it's NFU for countries that don't use WMDs (weapons of mass destruction).

The truth is that China's NFU pledge has shifted. This is also true of Russia/Soviet Union. Their NFU pledge changed as time passed. Let me look for that citation too.

I'll go look for some statements by Chinese generals. There was certainly plenty of ambiguity when I read their statements regarding China's nuclear forces.


Here is my citation from a Chinese major general. It doesn't sound like no-first-use policy to me.


"China: We'd nuke U.S. if provoked over Taiwan
Major general says Beijing prepared to use WMDs against American cities
Published: 07/14/2005 at 6:05 PM

A Chinese military official says Beijing will use nuclear weapons against the U.S. if the Americans attack the Asian nation in a fight over Taiwan.

“If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China’s territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” Zhu Chenghu, a major general in the People’s Liberation Army, said at an official briefing, according to the Financial Times.

Today, however, the Chinese government distanced itself from the comments.

“What he talked about were just his personal views,” said Shen Guofang, an assistant minister of foreign affairs.

Speaking at a function organized for foreign journalists, Zhu noted the definition of China’s territory includes warships and aircraft.

“If the Americans are determined to interfere [then] we will be determined to respond,” Zhu said. “We Chinese will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian. Of course, the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds … of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”

The Financial Times notes Zhu is a self-acknowledged “hawk” who has warned previously that China could strike the U.S. with long-range missiles. But his threat to use nuclear weapons in a conflict over Taiwan is the most specific by a senior Chinese official in nearly a decade.

Zhu is not the first Chinese official to mention the use of nuclear weapons first in a conflict over Taiwan.

Chas Freeman, a former U.S. assistant secretary of defense, said in 1999 that a PLA official had told him China could respond in kind to a nuclear strike by the U.S. in the event of a conflict with Taiwan.

“In the end you care more about Los Angeles than you do about Taipei,” Freeman quoted this official as saying.

Though official U.S. policy on Taiwan is that it is part of mainland China – the “one China” policy – President Bush has said the U.S. would defend the island republic if it were attacked by Beijing.

If you would like to sound off on this issue, participate in today’s WND Poll."


Reference for ambiguity in China's NFU pledge:



China is the first to propose and pledge NFU policy when it first gained nuclear capabilities in 1964, stating "not to be the first to use nuclear weapons at any time or under any circumstances". Nonetheless, some scholars and observers have questioned the credibility of China's NFU policy.[8][9] For instance, China had reportedly considered nuclear strikes against the Soviet Union in the event of a conventional Soviet attack. However, China has repeatedly re-affirmed its no-first-use policy in recent years, doing so in 2005, 2008, 2009 and again in 2011. In 2010, the Pentagon concluded that although there is "some ambiguity over the conditions under which China's [no-first-use] policy would or would not apply...there has been no indication that national leaders are willing to attach such nuances and caveats to China's 'no first use' doctrine"[10][11][12][13]"

Reference for Russia dropping Soviet Union's NFU pledge (see footnote):


"In 1993, Russia dropped a pledge given by the former Soviet Union not to use nuclear weapons first.[5] In 2000, a Russian military doctrine stated that Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons "in response to a large-scale conventional aggression".[6]"
I have made many predictions about China using its high-technology weapons to put pressure on Hanoi.

When the PLA swings into action, the South China Sea will be the last thing on Hanoi's mind. Hanoi will only be thinking about its own survival.

1. I accurately predicted China would use its ballistic and cruise missiles to remind Hanoi of its weakness.

2. I'm waiting for a citation to support my prediction that China will deploy its 400km MLRS against Hanoi as well.

3. I'm also waiting for an announcement of a WZ-10 attack helicopter brigade to be established near the Vietnamese border.

4. I expect an eventual announcement of KJ-2000 AWACS and KJ-200 AEW&C located near the Vietnamese border.

5. We should see the establishment of a panzer division of Type 99 main battle tanks poised for a thrust into Hanoi.
what do you think the rest of the world will be playing cards at that time.you forget the king maker usa and its new partner in Asia.
what do you think the rest of the world will be playing cards at that time.you forget the king maker usa and its new partner in Asia.

The king maker is about to slash $105 billion from the Pentagon's budget if sequestration kicks in next year. The king maker is very weak and not looking for a fight against the vigorous young dragon.

In any case, $45 billion will be cut from the Pentagon's annual budget every year for the next ten years. The king maker is broke and everyone knows it.
The king maker is about to slash $105 billion from the Pentagon's budget if sequestration kicks in next year. The king maker is very weak and not looking for a fight against the vigorous young dragon.

In any case, $45 billion will be cut from the Pentagon's annual budget every year for the next ten years. The king maker is broke and everyone knows it.

US won't put thousands of their lives and their whole economy on the line for Vietnam,in 1974 US treaty bound ally S.Vietnam begged nearby US 7th fleet for help when under Chinese naval attack,and US just rejected flatly and sat there nearby to see their ally sinking to the bottom of the sea.
war in Sea China Sea bw China and Vietnam in 1974,We wiped out their navy and took back all our islands in Paracel.




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