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China forms missile brigade for South China Sea

France 1954, USA 1975, China 1979 all aggressors ran away with out bombing in their lands.:undecided::undecided:

We are discussing to days in harry up with US to have Uranium enrich technology from him. We will have nukes in future. he he. we can do revenge attack on our enemy.:smokin:

you country is too small to withstand first round of nuclear attack,once it happens you won't have anything left thus you won't have a chance to counter strike,that's why all small countries,even with much money and technological capabilities,won't seek nuclear weapons,cause they know that will bring total destruction to their tiny country.
I dont know who you are specifically talking about, but with the amount of racism and hate speech ive seen from certain Chinese posters its no surprise that they would get banned at any time

How racist of you. Most, if not all, of the Chinese members post retorts to race-baiting from Indian members. Or they were radicalized after years of abuse on PDF.

The Indians started and sustained it. Now, they're using the weight of their numbers to blunt the blowback. What a bunch of cowards. You fight with fire and you can expect return fire. Instead of weathering the counter-attack, they cry to the mods.
you country is too small to withstand first round of nuclear attack,once it happens you won't have anything left thus you won't have a chance to counter strike,that's why all small countries,even with much money and technological capabilities,won't seek nuclear weapons,cause they know that will bring total destruction to their tiny country.

Is that why Israel has nuclear weapons?

The whole point of nuclear weapons is deterrence, also ever heard nuclear weapons delivered through submarines?
Is that why Israel has nuclear weapons?

The whole point of nuclear weapons is deterrence, also ever heard nuclear weapons delivered through submarines?

where did Isrealis test their bomb?the country is very small for that kind of test.
what do you mean,you want to come to China to do the suicidal revenge?
Yes!!! He tired of his life , cuz he lost his job due to terrible economic conditions at home and his girlfriend left him. So he he don't wanna live nomore.........:lol:
you country is too small to withstand first round of nuclear attack,once it happens you won't have anything left thus you won't have a chance to counter strike,that's why all small countries,even with much money and technological capabilities,won't seek nuclear weapons,cause they know that will bring total destruction to their tiny country.

where did Isrealis test their bomb?the country is very small for that kind of test.

He he, North Korean has it soon.
Japan changed his laws to produce nuke.
Vietnam have to do it as soon as possible.:meeting:
U.S.-Vietnam nuclear deal will likely allow enrichment

August 07, 2010 9:06 pm • By FOSTER KLUG - Associated Press(0) Comments
WASHINGTON ---- The Obama administration has told U.S. lawmakers that a nuclear cooperation deal with Vietnam is unlikely to include a coveted promise by the Hanoi government not to enrich uranium, congressional aides say.

The United States had sought a no-enrichment pledge, which the State Department promotes as the "gold standard" for civilian nuclear cooperation accords.

It would have been modeled on a deal last year in which the United Arab Emirates pledged, in return for U.S. nuclear equipment and reactors, not to enrich uranium or extract plutonium from used reactor fuel -- procedures that would provide material that could be used in a nuclear weapon.

The Obama administration has been eager to send a strong nonproliferation message, especially to Iran, which the U.S. and others accuse of covertly seeking nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes, but it has resisted international pressure to stop enriching uranium.

A UAE-style deal with Vietnam could have been used by the U.S. to push other countries for similar commitments not to enrich uranium or reprocess spent fuel. Many countries, however, balk at what they consider an infringement on sovereignty. Countries that have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty have the right to enrich uranium for civilian use on their own soil under safeguards.

Two congressional aides familiar with the discussions said the Obama administration has concluded that it is unlikely to persuade Vietnam to agree to a UAE-style no-enrichment pledge. The aides spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the negotiations. Another congressional aide, briefed by the administration, said the talks with Vietnam are in their final stages.

The Vietnam development was reported first by The Wall Street Journal.

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley would not talk about specifics of the deal with Vietnam. He called the UAE nuclear accord the "gold standard" and noted that the UAE had decided "that it would forgo the right of enrichment that every country in the world has."

"We certainly want to see other countries make that same kind of decision," Crowley said.

Asked if the United States would agree to a deal that would allow Hanoi to keep its right to enrich, Crowley said: "If a country decides to pursue nuclear energy, and a country decides that it chooses to enrich on its own soil, then we would prospectively work with that country" to make sure its program would meet all international safeguards and work with the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Vuong Huu Tan, director of Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, said that "Vietnam does not plan to enrich uranium, which is a very sensitive issue."

The United States and Vietnam signed an agreement in March meant to pave the way for U.S. companies to help build nuclear power plants. The countries are now negotiating a broader deal that would allow U.S. companies to enter Vietnam's nuclear power sector.

Vietnamese officials say they also have signed nuclear energy cooperation agreements with Russia, China, France, South Korea, India and Argentina.

Henry Sokolski, executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center think tank and a former Pentagon official, urged the White House to "step back and ask, 'Does it make sense to be peddling nuclear cooperation as a way to make and influence friends there?"'

"This deal gives double standards a bad name. They need to slow down," he said. "If you're going to do it, then don't lower your standards. What does that buy you? Nothing but trouble."
who are willing to teach this poor Mekonger the difference from civilian use to nuclear weapon.

many countries have their own nuclear projects
but they are civilian use

U.S.-Vietnam nuclear deal will likely allow enrichment

August 07, 2010 9:06 pm • By FOSTER KLUG - Associated Press(0) Comments
WASHINGTON ---- The Obama administration has told U.S. lawmakers that a nuclear cooperation deal with Vietnam is unlikely to include a coveted promise by the Hanoi government not to enrich uranium, congressional aides say.
who are willing to teach this poor Mekonger the difference from civilian use to nuclear weapon.

many countries have their own nuclear projects
but they are civilian use
Just wondering that most of China missiles and artillery are in East China facing nation South China Sea, the best route for USA and NATO to attack China will be from West China, via routes of friendly nations, and Pakistan/Afghanistan can prove critical in defeating China early.
China is already preparing, things will get serious guys.
China is a smart copuntry, knows what to do in its best interests and also cares about its friendz/neighbors.....thats why we love our dear China so much..........:)
Then our nukes will be the first phase of attack. Very smart move.

who are willing to teach this poor Mekonger the difference from civilian use to nuclear weapon.

many countries have their own nuclear projects
but they are civilian use

who are willing to teach this poor Mekonger the difference from civilian use to nuclear weapon.

many countries have their own nuclear projects
but they are civilian use

You can read post of Mr. Sinochallanger above. He is very famous in PDF with other nick Mr. Nuke, he "nuke" in almost his post.
Vietnam have to make hid own nukes soon or later. We can't know when our enemy is getting mad.
Also that would be your last phase of attack :rofl: as if you use nukes , there wont be China to send a second wave of attack :P

China doest need nukes to beat Vietnam,and if Vietnamese want to try nuclear,who do you think will receive a second wave of nuclure storm?
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