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China economy boost the Navy, 6th 052C DDG finished next 055

It was the Soviet and Chinese militaries that shot down all those US aircraft during the Vietnam War.

Vietnam neither had the weapons nor the expertise to use them.

It was Soviet weapons shooting down US aircraft operated by Soviet and Chinese soldiers on Vietnamese land.
That's essentially what the Vietnam war was all about.

Actual Vietnamese contribution to the Vietnam war was ZERO.
any detailed schedule/plan to start wars against Vietnam, Philippines and others to take back the islands that are rightful yours since ancient times?

perhaps now the time is right. Vietnam is poor and weak, so are nearly all other opponents in SE Asia, while you are close of a superpower status. in some years you would probably regret to have missed the opportunity.
I agree with you,I believe that Viet would invade and occupy whole China in 10years....sorry,centuries,it's probably the end of earth ages
It was the Soviet and Chinese militaries that shot down all those US aircraft during the Vietnam War.

Vietnam neither had the weapons nor the expertise to use them.

It was Soviet weapons shooting down US aircraft operated by Soviet and Chinese soldiers on Vietnamese land.
That's essentially what the Vietnam war was all about.

Actual Vietnamese contribution to the Vietnam war was ZERO.

How ridiculous you are !!!
We have so many graves of CN personnel who want to be heros during US airstrikes. We must conclude CN don't know how to AA.

You are so naive, not to know after a shot down, the captured US pilots always meet with Vietnamese pilots for exchange the expertise.

Vietnamese learnt from victories and losses for decades.
That's why Vietnamese easily defeat China-backed Khmer Rouge within 1 week; and defeat China within 3 weeks.
It was Soviet weapons shooting down US aircraft operated by Soviet and Chinese soldiers on Vietnamese land.
That's essentially what the Vietnam war was all about.

Actual Vietnamese contribution to the Vietnam war was ZERO.

Give me evidence. Or you just trolling ?
If I tell you PRC contribution to China during WW2 was Zero ? It's KMT achievement.

Yes yes, Vietnamese using Chinese, Russian weapons under advised by Russian to defeat China during Sino-Viet border conflict. So Vietnamese contribution to that victory is Zero too. It's China, Russia victory against Chinese.
How ridiculous you are !!!
We have so many graves of CN personnel who want to be heros during US airstrikes. We must conclude CN don't know how to AA.

You are so naive, not to know after a shot down, the captured US pilots always meet with Vietnamese pilots for exchange the expertise.

Vietnamese learnt from victories and losses for decades.
That's why Vietnamese easily defeat China-backed Khmer Rouge within 1 week; and defeat China within 3 weeks.

Vietnam suffered more military casualties (and civilian) than China. China held 1600 Viet POWs at the end of the conflict compared to Vietnam with 200 Chinese POWs. The conflict was a stalemate. In terms of damage suffered, Vietnam got the sort end of the stick. The PLA left in good order when the Chinese leadership decided it was time, all the while burning down your homes and tearing up your infrastructure and you couldn't do anything about it. So tell me again about this imaginary "glorious Viet victory."
Vietnam suffered more military casualties (and civilian) than China. China held 1600 Viet POWs at the end of the conflict compared to Vietnam with 200 Chinese POWs. The conflict was a stalemate. In terms of damage suffered, Vietnam got the sort end of the stick. The PLA left in good order when the Chinese leadership decided it was time, all the while burning down your homes and tearing up your infrastructure and you couldn't do anything about it. So tell me again about this imaginary "glorious Viet victory."

If we didn't get victory. Nowaday, North Vietnam occupied by China, South Vietnam occupied by Khmer Rouge.
If we didn't get victory. Nowaday, North Vietnam occupied by China, South Vietnam occupied by Khmer Rouge.

China's intent was never to occupy Vietnam. China was just about to embark on its economic reforms - what purpose would it serve to bring a bunch of barefoot Viets into the fold, thereby driving down the per-capita GDP even further? o_O
We will never test S300 against Yakhont.
Yakhont missiles are only for Russia, Indonesia, Syria, India, Vietnam.

Actually, we have no ships could bring S300, so there's no chance, no need to test it now.
Anyway, we know both, while Yakhont/Brahmos is still unknown to China, Israel, USA ... and being the most dangerous antiship missiles.
The P800 Onyx, domestic version come with Mach 4.5 speed. so it's very difficult for S300 to intercept it. Brahmos II come with Mach 7.

Vietnam shared the same coastal defense system Bastion-P using Yakhont missile with Russia.
This is the most advance weapon of Russia in its class.

Vietnam shared the same coastal defense system Bastion-P using Yakhont missile with Russia.
This is the most advance weapon of Russia in its class.
Do u know how many Bastion-P system Vietnam bought from Russia ? How many Yakhont missiles in Vietnamese hands now ?

As far as i knew Vietnam ever bought several Bastion-P launcher vehicles (each carrying 2x missiles), must less than 40x Yakhont missiles. By ur words, it sounds like Vietnam has 400x Yakhont missiles, LOL very interesting ~!



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Outsiders never know exactly how many.
When outsiders know Vietnam got first Bastion-P system ?
Why Vietnam has the most advance weapon from Russia.

So I could say, Vietnam has 72 as Syria, or more ...
Brahmos missiles are similar and would be added more to Vietnam inventory of supersonic antiship/ground cruise missiles.
Platform : air or ship or coastal. unknown.

Do u know how many Bastion-P system Vietnam bought from Russia ? How many Yakhont missiles in Vietnamese hands now ?

As far as i knew Vietnam ever bought several Bastion-P launcher vehicles (each carrying 2x missiles), must less than 40x Yakhont missiles. By ur words, it sounds like Vietnam has 400x Yakhont missiles, LOL very interesting ~!
S300PMU1 in Haiphong

Outsiders never know exactly how many.
When outsiders know Vietnam got first Bastion-P system ?
Why Vietnam has the most advance weapon from Russia.

So I could say, Vietnam has 72 as Syria, or more ...
Brahmos missiles are similar and would be added more to Vietnam inventory of supersonic antiship/ground cruise missiles.
Platform : air or ship or coastal. unknown.

S300PMU1 in Haiphong
View attachment 48164

LOL, we talk Bastion-P & Yakhont numbers, u show me S300PMU1 ?!

There is U.N official weapons trade record how many Yakhont misisles Russia export to Vietnam, in 2011 Vietnam bought 2x Battalions of Bastion-P coastal defense missile system, each Battalion has 4x Bastion-P launcher vehicles (each vehicle carrying 2x Yakhont missiles), total numbers <40 Yakhont misisles. Only stupid believe Vietnamese has hundred of Yakhont missiles.

K-300P Bastion-P

Of course we also knew how many S300 Vietnam bought from Russia. How many Vietnam Su-30mkv and Su-30mk2 do u know ?



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cnleio, where you get the info that Vietnam has hundreds ?
actually, Vietnam received Bastion-P since 2009,
2 Syrian battalions with 72 missiles.
Any source told you that VCG and USCG cooperated since 2006 ?
USCG put a ton of money to build training facilities in Vietnam and bring our men to USA for more training long time ago.
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cnleio, where you get the info that Vietnam has hundreds ?
Any source told you that VCG and USCG cooperated since 2006 ?
USCG put a ton of money to build training facilities in Vietnam and bring our men to USA for more training long time ago.
Ur Bastion-P system, just count them.

I just want to say, the limited numbers of advanced weapons can not change the War, limited threat to the modern Navy. If Vietnam built Bastion-P and produced hundred missiles, it's the trouble to PLA ships.

Ur Bastion-P system, just count them.

I just want to say, the limited numbers of advanced weapons can not change the War, limited threat to the modern Navy. If Vietnam built Bastion-P and produced hundred missiles, it will be a trouble to PLA.


This is the most advance weapon, untouchable to PLA, so it's not easy to have the right to produce.
But we approach the Indian for Brahmos ... it's changeable to strengthen our defensive ability.

We assigned Bal-E systems for mass production missiles KH-35EV 260 km
1. one Bal-E system : 64 missiles.
2. KH-35EV used in Gepard frigates ( 8 missiles ) and Molniya ( 16 missiles ) corvettes too.
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