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China economy boost the Navy, 6th 052C DDG finished next 055

This is the most advance weapon, untouchable to PLA, so it's not easy to have the right to produce.
But we approach the Indian for Brahmos ... it's changeable to strengthen our defensive ability.

We assigned Bal-E systems for mass production missiles KH-35EV 260 km
1. one Bal-E system : 64 missiles.
2. KH-35EV used in Gepard frigates ( 8 missiles ) and Molniya ( 16 missiles ) corvettes too.
Vietnam need to buy more foreign missiles, in JN shipyard China Shipbuilding Industry was building 6th 052D DDGs for PLA, PLA ships no much time to wait for ur foreign missile.

6th 052D DDG building


And China anti-ship missiles sink foreign ship much earlier than u thought during Iraq-Iran War, MiddleEast War and Foreign Navy test.









China HQ anti-aircraft missile, CJ & YJ anti-ship missile, DF IRBM & ICBM is the Chinese business card.
cnleio, you learn others to use the voice of threatening other neighbors ?
you never understand that Vietnamese too familiar with pressures from big powers.
so it's naive to use some so-so warships to threaten Vietnam.

China is still not in position to rally with our former enemies ...
What's your rival to B-52 ? We shot down few dozen of B52 by outdated SAMs.
Where's your aircraft carrier ? we faced dozen US aircraft carriers, without antiship missiles.
Keep produce more aircrafts, remember we destroyed 10,000 US aircraft under electronic warfare while USA dominate our airspace and sea? by Mig17, Mig-21, AA gun, carbine, rifles, outdated Sam

Vietnamese is bravery, but never become kamikaze pilots.
There's Mig 17 with nearly 10 stars, Mig 21 with 14 stars showing the quantity of shotdown US advanced fighters by that Mig. Many pilots share 1 Mig, so they would save the Mig by all price.

subsonic Mig-17 shotdown supersonic F4

... according to the North Vietnamese and the Russian's the actual number of US airccaft shot down over Vietnam, was 4,181. In most cases backed up weckage. This does not count helicopters! Also its worth note that both the Russians and Vietnamese state the excellance of Vietnamese People's Army Air Force; and that Migs downed aircraft then SAMs. For example the VPAAF claims that Mig-21's downed 320 US aircraft; including 110 F-4 for the admitted loss of 54 Mig-21s. At least 13 airmen became aces flying Fishbeds. Thats a 6 to 1 kill ratio in favor Mig-21 overall, and a 2 to 1 ratio against the best America fighter at that time.
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cnleio, you learn others to use the voice of threatening other neighbors ?
you never understand that Vietnamese too familiar with pressures from big powers.
so it's naive to use some so-so warships to threaten Vietnam.

China is still not in position to rally with our former enemies ...
What's your rival to B-52 ? We shot down few dozen of B52 by outdated SAMs.
Where's your aircraft carrier ? we faced dozen US aircraft carriers, without antiship missiles.
Keep produce more aircrafts, remember we destroyed 10,000 US aircraft under electronic warfare while USA dominate our airspace and sea? by Mig17, Mig-21, AA gun, carbine, rifles, outdated Sam

Vietnamese is bravery, but never become kamikaze pilots.
There's Mig 17 with nearly 10 stars, Mig 21 with 14 stars showing the quantity of shotdown US advanced fighters by that Mig. Many pilots share 1 Mig, so they would save the Mig by all price.

subsonic Mig-17 shotdown supersonic F4
If without CCP & Chinese helps... If without China weapons ( Rifles, RGPs, J-6 fighters, type59 tanks)... If without China logistics supply ... if without China opened skys & waters to Russian... North Vietnam & VCP might use sticks to fight with U.S.A, without Chinese u fought what kinds of Vietnam War ?!

Just remember How Ho Chi Minh worked with his Chinese comrades (PLA general 陈赓) ~!



Even China Deng and Vietnam Ho, Did current Vietname Government & VCP tell Vietnamese the truth ???

During whole Vietnam War which weapons "made in Vietnam", all supply from China side even Russian go through China lands ?
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Give me evidence. Or you just trolling ?
If I tell you PRC contribution to China during WW2 was Zero ? It's KMT achievement.

Yes yes, Vietnamese using Chinese, Russian weapons under advised by Russian to defeat China during Sino-Viet border conflict. So Vietnamese contribution to that victory is Zero too. It's China, Russia victory against Chinese.
You should provide evidence for all these nonsense posts you've made so far. The onus on you Mr. Nam.

cnleio, you repeat a real fact that we never forget and always appreciate.
But, see the difference, everything from China side changed when China change their voice, like the way you talking to me.
Threaten, "teach a lesson".
This design seem to be outdated to PLAN
Rumor says China will built next level(close to 10000 ton) big destroyer.
However, it's still far far far fall behind the U.S. DDG1000.

Easy, friend.

The two governments are already reconciled. I guess some compromise has been reached.

But I noticed that the U.S. is getting close to Vietnam. This might not be a good thing for Vietnam also.

Vietnam's situation is awkward. Staying to close to the U.S, you will lose the Party. The good practice may be
strike a balance between China and U.S, and it's hard.

cnleio, you repeat a real fact that we never forget and always appreciate.
But, see the difference, everything from China side changed when China change their voice, like the way you talking to me.
Threaten, "teach a lesson".
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cnleio, you repeat a real fact that we never forget and always appreciate.
But, see the difference, everything from China side changed when China change their voice, like the way you talking to me.
Threaten, "teach a lesson".
Of course we should repeat the truth once and once again, to tell our generations how China & Chinese has the capacity to change one nation's destiny, even now VN still following China action & VCP learning CCP policy.

If without the Chinese ... (Design new rifle or Produce new MBT?)
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If we didn't get victory. Nowaday, North Vietnam occupied by China, South Vietnam occupied by Khmer Rouge.

North Vietnam was occupied by French. China helped Ho Chi Minh liberated the north, and made a deal in the Paris meeting.
I'm not arguing with you. Please respect the history. A simple google will show a lot of materials regarding that history.
come on my friend, that was not an invasion.
pls come back with some naval invasion forces like we had seen in history such as the US invasion of Normandy. we will lay a red carpet for you.
981 just a show,take it easy Vietnam comrade
I hope I can buy this online.
It's a gift to CSSC members, not for sale.

Maybe oneday i think China can export 052C/D to Foreign Navy, 0.8 billion $ per 052C and 1billion $ per 052D DDG.
Who will buy these ships?
It depend on Foreign Economy and Navy Requirement, 1billion $ air-defence DDG not as cheap as a FFG.
Right now CSSC should focus on building many 052D & 055 DDGs for PLAN ( 30x 052D/055 == 40billion $ for China ), after finish PLAN requirement China can export 052C/D DDG to World Weapons Market.
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