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China deploys fighter jets to patrol new air defence zone

It flew its spy plane just off china's coast, therefore China has every right to investigate this by sending out its fighter planes.
If the US spy plane was not there then the whole thing would have been avoided to begin with.
Hence China needs a buffer zone ADIZ to stop cases like thi from happening. We have to be sure of the intention of incoming crafts.

110 km isn't just off the coast.its like India sending Fighter jets to deep inside Sri Lanka to investigate what aircraft is flying there..as per ADIZ,discussion issn't that China implemented it.its that they implemented it on disputed zone.
still not answering the question I see... You are a seditious chinese here and you avoidance over multiple times only proves it now.:lol: .

You are a loser that trying to get people to accept that you are an American. You are an India supporter and you would choose India over America on all things. There is nothing wrong with that, but you are not being honest when you refer to yourself as an American when you are an Indian.
Without the crash, the EP-3 will not be force landed in China

The two plane was crashed 70 mile (54 nmi) outside Chinese coast a full 42 nautical mile BEFORE entering Chinese airspace

There were speculation that Chinese airforce were intent to bring down that intel gathering plane, hence the collision, or why do you suppose why CCP government care why the crash happened in the first place, and try to pin it (the fault) to the American?

That's because, without the crash, there will not be an illegal force landing in China, the EP3 was not in Chinese Airspace when the collision occurred, that mean without the crash, there would not be a crisis

Yep, that is true, but should the American spy plane not be scanning off the Chinese coast the whole issue would have been avoided all together. Or at least do it more efficiently and not get caught red handed doing so.

Why did America be forced to have its plane dismantled before China agreed to released it? because it will simply start spying again as goes up and out into the Chinese airspace again.

Why did you think the American government kept the issue as quiet as possible afterwards if it was indeed the China's fault. Thats right, they got caught red handed and were up to no good.
No I don't know your language. Why frustrated? you should not have brought the issue up on the pilot. Your engineers are supposed to make sure your "totally fine" aircrafts are in tip top conditions and safe enough for your pilots to fly in. They are the ones responsible for all those safety checks, conditioning of aircrafts or repairs if need be. They have obviously failed hence the crash rate of your country's Migs.

shouldn't you study before making comment????

HAL assembles Mig-21.we don't make them like China do using another name,i.e. F-7.we don't produce parts.
110 km isn't just off the coast.its like India sending Fighter jets to deep inside Sri Lanka to investigate what aircraft is flying there..as per ADIZ,discussion issn't that China implemented it.its that they implemented it on disputed zone.

110km outside China is not far from China at all. Having aroused China's suspicion of course they can investigate it. especially with it being some 60 plus miles out of Chinese territory but thousands of miles off America's. The suspicions were there from the Chinese and the intentions were there from the Americans. So America cannot come out clean on this issue regardless. That is like Russians and China should be allowed to freely roam and spy on the American coasts from 110km out.

ADIZ was implemented on disputed zone? indeed it did. But what gives Japan the right to have these zones in place in the first place, look how absurd it is:


shouldn't you study before making comment????

HAL assembles Mig-21.we don't make them like China do using another name,i.e. F-7.we don't produce parts.

So they know how to assemble but they don't know how to fault find, maintain, service etc? if that is the case then shouldn't you and your country be of concern about the health and safety of your pilots and civilians? I sure hope they don't have to fly those things anymore.
Yep, that is true, but should the American spy plane not be scanning off the Chinese coast the whole issue would have been avoided all together. Or at least do it more efficiently and not get caught red handed doing so.

Why did America be forced to have its plane dismantled before China agreed to released it? because it will simply start spying again as goes up and out into the Chinese airspace again.

Why did you think the American government kept the issue as quiet as possible afterwards if it was indeed the China's fault. Thats right, they got caught red handed and were up to no good.

If you have to argue logic like that, then I can say should LCDR Wang were never born, there will be no crash.

Problem is what you think you did? You intercept and ultimately collided with a foreign plane in international air spaces. And you expect US to apologise for it?

You want to know why we do what we did in the incident? That because Chinese government is holding the crew captive, regardless of the plane intention (spying or not), they have the right to be there, even if we announce to the Chinese that a spy planes is coming, you can't change the fact that it was international water, you can do absolutely nothing to the plane except watch them. Yet the PLAAF action is actually equivalent to shooting down the EP3 in international water.

Therefore it is the crash and subsequent crash landing is a political crisis, not spying, if spying is the crisis faced in that particular incident, then US should have stopped afterward, infact US send more sortie and continue those spy flight even as of today
[/IMG] oh my god chinese super duper man is growing faster and stronger... He grow 2 kg within one month... all his things getting bigger... while the superman is remained same... I hope USA super man will find a place to hide...
110km outside China is not far from China at all. Having aroused China's suspicion of course they can investigate it. especially with it being some 60 plus miles out of Chinese territory but thousands of miles off America's. The suspicions were there from the Chinese and the intentions were there from the Americans. So America cannot come out clean on this issue regardless. That is like Russians and China should be allowed to freely roam and spy on the American coasts from 110km out.
ADIZ was implemented on disputed zone? indeed it did. But what gives Japan the right to have these zones in place in the first place, look how absurd it is:

you missed the point.you can't force an aircraft flying in International Airspace to force land or escort it.every singe country performs this kind of task.even China do.but nobody intercepts these aircrafts as it is in International Airspace.just like India detected suspected Chinese Sub activity near A&N.but never intercepted it as it is in international water.for ages,USN and SU's Navy and their respected airforce trail each other.how many times they forced them to try to make captive???

So they know how to assemble but they don't know how to fault find, maintain, service etc? if that is the case then shouldn't you and your country be of concern about the health and safety of your pilots and civilians? I sure hope they don't have to fly those things anymore.

they know where is the fault.its shoddy parts acquired from international market as Mig stopped producing them.these aircrafts weren't suppose to fly upto 2019 and should have to retire decade ago or more.only reason its keep flying is our depleted fighter SQDs.


sir,we need you here...

you missed the point.you can't force an aircraft flying in International Airspace to force land or escort it.every singe country performs this kind of task.even China do.but nobody intercepts these aircrafts as it is in International Airspace.just like India detected suspected Chinese Sub activity near A&N.but never intercepted it as it is in international water.for ages,USN and SU's Navy and their respected airforce trail each other.how many times they forced them to try to make captive???

they know where is the fault.its shoddy parts acquired from international market as Mig stopped producing them.these aircrafts weren't suppose to fly upto 2019 and should have to retire decade ago or more.only reason its keep flying is our depleted fighter SQDs.


sir,we need you here...


Lol I am using mobile phone on PDF, will be there once I migrate to a desktop lol
If you have to argue logic like that, then I can say should LCDR Wang were never born, there will be no crash.

If you want to argue the case like that, then sure, if America does not exist then the whole scenario would have been avoided too.

You intercept and ultimately collided with a foreign plane in international air spaces. And you expect US to apologise for it?

Fact is no one knows for sure who collided on who despite the Chinese pilots lost of life.

America was how many miles off the America coast? it was not a civilian craft nor was it a passenger plane used for civil purposes. It was a "Spy plane". If a spy plane was 60 odd miles off the American coast you too would have scrambled jets to deal with it. If the say it resulted in a crash and lost of American lives then they too would place the blame on China.

You want to know why we do what we did in the incident? That because Chinese government is holding the crew captive, regardless of the plane intention (spying or not), they have the right to be there, even if we announce to the Chinese that a spy planes is coming, you can't change the fact that it was international water, you can do absolutely nothing to the plane except watch them. Yet the PLAAF action is actually equivalent to shooting down the EP3 in international water.

The intention was spying or not? Are you kidding me? That was a spy plane alright. You don't fly those planes so close to ones country without informing them if they were not there to spy.

If China's action was indeed as you labeled it "shooting down American plane over international waters" America would have responded militarily right? They didn't because they were caught red handed for spying or at least, due to the type of craft EP3 is, the intentions was clearly there. China could care less if they were scanning off the Japanese or Korean coast, but they were operating just outside China's. Many miles from Japan, Korea let alone off America's west coast.

Therefore it is the crash and subsequent crash landing is a political crisis, not spying, if spying is the crisis faced in that particular incident, then US should have stopped afterward, infact US send more sortie and continue those spy flight even as of today

Trust the US would not stop, look at the reaction of the world when the Edward Snowden crisis broke out? Did the US apologise for it? Does it stop the US from further spying? because they did not apologise and the issue dies down over time, does it mean the world thinks it is alright for the US to continue spying and tapping on world leader's phones? Spying is spying, you don't get to walk clean out once caught.
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US, Indian, altiac Japan and Altaic Turkic peoples should unite against Chini people. They think they can expand while they are surrounded with enemy states. Not on my watch. Sooner or later a coalition of the willing will form to free the Tibet people and teach the Chini to take its hand off other peoples property.
you missed the point.you can't force an aircraft flying in International Airspace to force land or escort it.every singe country performs this kind of task.even China do.but nobody intercepts these aircrafts as it is in International Airspace.just like India detected suspected Chinese Sub activity near A&N.but never intercepted it as it is in international water.for ages,USN and SU's Navy and their respected airforce trail each other.how many times they forced them to try to make captive???

Why not say it with absolute certainty that is is a Chinese sub? why implement the word "suspected"? Because it may not have been or that the story was a made to feel good story by your press again? Remember what happened a few weeks back when a "supposed" Chinese ship was stopped and carrying weapons to somewhere in the India coast? In the end it wasn't Chinese. That doesn't reflect the Indian press in a good light.

they know where is the fault.its shoddy parts acquired from international market as Mig stopped producing them.these aircrafts weren't suppose to fly upto 2019 and should have to retire decade ago or more.only reason its keep flying is our depleted fighter SQDs.

If they know there are faults and shoddy parts then shouldn't they not let pilots fly on them? what happened to the health and safety regulations in India? are over two hundred deaths caused by flying this plane not enough to send a message to you people? You don't keep flying them if you know they are not safe to fly in, regardless if you lack planes or not.
If you want to argue the case like that, then sure, if America does not exist then the whole scenario would have been avoided too.

Fact is no one knows for sure who collided on who despite the Chinese pilots lost of life.

America was how many miles off the America coast? it was not a civilian craft nor was it a passenger plane used for civil purposes. It was a "Spy plane". If a spy plane was 60 odd miles off the American coast you too would have scrambled jets to deal with it. If the say it resulted in a crash and lost of American lives then they too would place the blame on China.

The intention was spying or not? Are you kidding me? That was a spy plane alright. You don't fly those planes so close to ones country without informing them if they were not there to spy.

If China's action was indeed as you labeled it "shooting down American plane over international waters" America would have responded militarily right? They didn't because they were caught red handed for spying or at least, due to the type of craft EP3 is, the intentions was clearly there. China could care less if they were scanning off the Japanese or Korean coast, but they were operating just outside China's. Many miles from Japan, Korea let alone off America's west coast.

Trust the US would not stop, look at the reaction of the world when the Edward Snowden crisis broke out? Did the US apologise for it? Does it stop the US from further spying? because they did not apologise and the issue dies down over time, does it mean the world thinks it is alright for the US to continue spying and tapping on world leader's phones? Spying is spying, you don't get to walk clean out once caught.

1.) you started to argue with that logic first, not mine, I can go in 24 post with you but I will spare the viewer of it

2.) so, by your logic, if an American plane of whatever origin crashed with a Chinese plane in international water near Chinese coast, then it would be an American fault since it was too far away from US? Lol.

3.) again, key point is international airspace, I am not saying the plane is not conducting spying activities, I am saying whatever it does, you do not have to right to ram him in international airspace, seems to me Chinese don't really care, as long as its a military flight near Chinese border, even in international airspace, they have right to do whatever it does to interference the flight.

Lol and claiming you don't know whose fault is it in this incident is like you are claiming you don't know whose fault is it when a Ferrari crashed into a 18 wheel truck and you blame the 18 wheel for not able to move away lol

4.) lol if we caught red handed spying on Chinese soil, should you be execute those airman for spying instead of release it back to US?

The answer is one of the same dude

5.) as I said many time, what snowden told the world is nothing the world had not already know. By the way, how do you know snowden is telling the truth? Just because he said so?

As I said, it is not the spying that cause the tension, you know we were spying, that was a regular "spy" flight, RP-3 is a spy plane, what do you expect when you see them in your doorstep, the fact remain, the flight is on INTERNATIONAL WATER, even if that was a flight of F-14, china cannot not have the right to hinder the flight of a sovereign nations conducting in international airspace, to claim it was spying, regardless if they were, still do not gave the right to Chinese to down it.

The crisis, has and always had been why the 2 plane crashed, hence the crash is the lead clause of the crisis, not spying
Fact is no one knows for sure who collided on who despite the Chinese pilots lost of life.
You are not a very smart guy. That much is clear by now.

It is not who collided upon who but there was a collision between two aircrafts. The question then is about who initiated a maneuver that resulted in a collision between two aircrafts.

The EP-3 was a four engines prop job and that mean it is not an agile aircraft. Such an aircraft takes time and area to change heading or maneuver. Lt. Cdr. Wang Wei was in a J-8 which is a much more maneuverable and agile aircraft. It is a fighter aircraft and therefore have a higher and quicker response rate to pilot command than EP-3. Expert airmanship expects flyers to maintain sufficient separation between each other to allow room for maneuvers without endangering each other. This is not an airshow.

So when the news came out that there was a collision between a lumbering EP-3 and a much more agile J-8, expert flyers everywhere immediately suspected Wang Wei as the cause of the collision. No one forced both aircrafts to fly so close to each other to increase the odds of a collision and vision on the J-8 is quite near 360 deg. that it is virtually unthinkable to the international aviation community that a much heavier EP-3 could rapidly maneuver in such a way that it forced the lighter J-8 into such a close distance.
Why not say it with absolute certainty that is is a Chinese sub? why implement the word "suspected"? Because it may not have been or that the story was a made to feel good story by your press again? Remember what happened a few weeks back when a "supposed" Chinese ship was stopped and carrying weapons to somewhere in the India coast? In the end it wasn't Chinese. That doesn't reflect the Indian press in a good light.

because we didn't catch them red handed.thats why.don't act like a child.and its not only India,but USA toodetected it.now you might want to plant a joint western-asian conspiracy to malign china sort of logic,right??

If they know there are faults and shoddy parts then shouldn't they not let pilots fly on them? what happened to the health and safety regulations in India? are over two hundred deaths caused by flying this plane not enough to send a message to you people? You don't keep flying them if you know they are not safe to fly in, regardless if you lack planes or not.

you're not very bright,do you??how can one predict when an engine going to malfunction??200 deaths aren't attributed to that.there are human errors during training,engine snag,bird hit,some other fault,crash etc.those deaths attributed over 52 long years now.the crash rate is nominal comparable to F-104 and F-16..read this...

Now let’s take a look at the MiG-21’s chief rivals. Between 1960 and 1987, the German air force flew nearly a thousand F-104s and lost 292. In a similar time frame, the Canadian air force lost over 100 of their 200 Starfighters. The highly experienced pilots of the British air force didn’t fare any better, crashing over a hundred of their 300 Lightnings over a period of 25 years.

In a report prepared for the US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, C.J. Knapp and R. Johnson revealed that during a 19-year period from 1975-93 there were 190 Class A – or major – mishaps involving 204 F-16s and 217 aircrew.

Compared to this, India’s MiG-21 has a much better record.
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