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China deploys fighter jets to patrol new air defence zone

He's just too embarrassed to be called Indian. I wonder why. :rofl:

Its sad that he feel that way. He should be proud of his own country, India, no matter what condition it is in.

Does Turkish define China as Chini? Isn't Chini a "Hindi" word? Or are you an Indian with the Turkish flag?

Yes, he is Indian. He let it slip here. Its a shame that many Indian pretend to be of other nationality and disown their own country but their posts gave themselves away.

But Taiwan's planes entered today. :D

Actually, even China believe that the islands belong to Taiwan province.
Actually, even China believe that the islands belong to Taiwan province.
I think it's more like it belongs to both China and Taiwan as they are both the same. China would allow Taiwanese planes to enter the ADIZ without any threat.
I suppose the main reason for China to setup the ADIZ is because of Diayou Islands to deter the Japs.
Who cares if Taiwan enters the ADIZ.

This ADIZ is mainly aimed at Japan and the US.

China has plenty of time to gradually start stepping up the pressure.

America has already advised its airlines to comply. Let's wait and see who blinks first. China can take as long as it takes to make sure others comply.

We can also not identify our aircraft in the Japanese ADIZ. Then no one identifies each other.

We can escort Japanese and American aircraft if they threaten the Chinese mainland. No point escorting aircraft that barely enters our ADIZ. They pose no threat to us.

It is only when foreign aircraft come close to the Chinese mainland that we will escort them.

The US and Japan have been coming very close to our coast and spying and we have not escorted them.
With this ADIZ, any aircraft getting close to China's coast will be escorted.
America has already advised its airlines to comply.
Big deal. Those airlines are not state companies. The US government advised out of safety concerns lest some itchy fingers on the China side shot off a few missiles. The airlines are free to comply or not.

Let's wait and see who blinks first. China can take as long as it takes to make sure others comply.
China will blink first.

We can escort Japanese and American aircraft if they threaten the Chinese mainland.
And how do you think/propose China is going to do that, meaning determination of threat existence and degree?

Buddy, have you even done basic research into the issue? Looks like not so I will help you by starting out with the rules given by your government...

Announcement of the Aircraft Identification Rules for the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone of the P.R.C.

See if you can find out why these rules offends the international aviation community, from pilots to lawyers to governments.
Who cares if Taiwan enters the ADIZ.

This ADIZ is mainly aimed at Japan and the US.

China has plenty of time to gradually start stepping up the pressure.

America has already advised its airlines to comply. Let's wait and see who blinks first. China can take as long as it takes to make sure others comply.

We can also not identify our aircraft in the Japanese ADIZ. Then no one identifies each other.

We can escort Japanese and American aircraft if they threaten the Chinese mainland. No point escorting aircraft that barely enters our ADIZ. They pose no threat to us.

It is only when foreign aircraft come close to the Chinese mainland that we will escort them.

The US and Japan have been coming very close to our coast and spying and we have not escorted them.
With this ADIZ, any aircraft getting close to China's coast will be escorted.

Don't you think USA already blinked by telling airlines to comply ...

They could have played intellect game here by telling not to comply - with this ball will be in china's court and if they land the civil aircraft on it territory in violation of rules , world will take it really seriously and US will get all the sympathies at the cost of few people

But if China left the plane without anything then the defense zone becomes meaningless

So this is USA now who blinked first and its a diplomatic signal to JAPS as well to comply as USA is really cant take the matter as very busy in middle east and Afghanistan...
Now even Taiwan violates China's ADIZ
Taiwan and China are the same. They are one. If Taiwan claims it's the same as China's claim. Perhaps you don't know what language the Taiwanese follow.
The Chinese actually welcome Taiwan's claim. Taiwan is home to 99% Han Chinese.
Taiwan and China are the same. They are one. If Taiwan claims it's the same as China's claim. Perhaps you don't know what language the Taiwanese follow.
The Chinese actually welcome Taiwan's claim. Taiwan is home to 99% Han Chinese.

LOL... say THAT to a Taiwanese.Taiwan is a free country and they don't like being called Chinese.Same language doesn't mean both are "one".Look at NK and SK.

We all know the relations between Taiwan and Chinese.

But perhaps YOU don't know.
LOL... say THAT to a Taiwanese.Taiwan is a free country and they don't like being called Chinese.Same language doesn't mean both are "one".Look at NK and SK.

We all know the relations between Taiwan and Chinese.

But perhaps YOU don't know.
I am a Hakka and a Taiwanese.
First decide WHO are YOU and let governments of China and Taiwan issue a JOINT statement.

Taiwanese identity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First. I don't follow Wiki. Why? Because trolls like you are present.
Second, don't teach me about Taiwanese, because I know more about China and Taiwan at the back of my hand than you know about your alphabets. I still have relatives in Taiwan at Kaoshiung.
I suggest you stick to a topic you know more.
First. I don't follow Wiki. Why? Because trolls like you are present.
Second, don't teach me about Taiwanese, because I know more about China and Taiwan at the back of my hand than you know about your alphabets. I still have relatives in Taiwan at Kaoshiung.
I suggest you stick to a topic you know more.

First, Yes I can't teach a buffalo in denial mode. :lol:

Second, YOU don't follow Wiki since it's not controlled by China.Only Chinese sources are TRUE even when they spread false propaganda so YOU are boot-licking China and not following what Taiwanese do ie claiming their individual identity.We all know Taiwan hates Chinese and have Armed forces of their own who can take on PLA if challanged.

Third, come out of Chinese well and see how world sees you like a stupid spoiled child who just acquired a small 9 mm gun challenging someone having a 155 mm gun for half a century.
First, Yes I can't teach a buffalo in denial mode. :lol:

Second, YOU don't follow Wiki since it's not controlled by China.Only Chinese sources are TRUE even when they spread false propaganda so YOU are boot-licking China and not following what Taiwanese do ie claiming their individual identity.

Third, come out of Chinese well and see how world sees you like a stupid spoiled child who just acquired a small 9 mm gun challenging someone having a 155 mm gun.
Guess who's trolling now. 1. I am not in China now. 2. You're shoe shining the white.
3. You're a coconut (Brown on the outside trying to be white on in inside).

You've got a 155 MM gun???? Sure, I have a tank. And my Pe*** is bigger than yours.
Guess who's trolling now. 1. I am not in China now. 2. You're shoe shining the white.
3. You're a coconut (Brown on the outside trying to be white on in inside).

You've got a 155 MM gun???? Sure, I have a tank. And my Pe*** is bigger than yours.

First, your degrading language shows you are losing the argument.

Second, you have Chinese flag so remove it and come back.

Third, you have issues in understanding English for sure since I didn't say "I" have a 155 mm gun.

Fourth, you don't even know 155 mm is often used on Tanks.

Fifth, you just confirmed that the so called "HIGH IQ" of Chinese is a myth since their talent is in doing copy-paste.

Sixth, go away since I am not having much fun with such a person who cant even understand what I am saying in English. Learn proper English and come back after 20 years.

Seventh, NEXT Chinese please :lol:
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