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China denies visa to top general in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Wrong, Tibet and Sikkim agreements, we have complied, but India has not, India has a lot of action in Tibet.

Tibet and Sikkim are more like "established" agreements. China's claim on Aksai Chin is due its interpretation of Tibetan boundaries - it claims Aksai Chin as part of Tibet. But if one had followed Chinese soundbites on Kashmir issue, it is clear that China considered Kashmir as internal matter of India and whatever dispute there was to it, was between India and Pakistan.

However this new meddling is a departure from its traditional stand and is unwelcome. Things will get sorted out just like that stapled visa issue. If China is serious about peace, as it usually claims, then there has to be more military to military contact between our two countries. If not, tensions will rise. IMHo, a very silly reason to deny a visa, just like those Canuks!
Don't be a condescend prick. We finally have more intelligent female voices on the forum and you choose to act sexist.

Sorry but her voice is far from being intelligent.

Tibet is disputed area but for the sake of friendship we have in past not raised that issue that's shows our commitment for peace, harmony and friendship.

But, if china wanna take it us granted or don't wanna friendship we can cancel that blank check.

Free Tibet movement will again raise if china don't stop bullying.

Yup no doubt India has got talent when it comes to meddling in neighbors affair be it TTP, LTTE or Free Tibet movement. What you guys don't realize that the respective countries have broken the back of your sponsored movements/terrorism sooner or later.

Originally Posted by Mogambo
1. First of all if china continue to needle us soon you will see the change in India's stand or indirectly we can free Dalai Lama to raise the issue. So there is no need to even change the official stand.

2. We as a individual living in a democracy can raise this issue in India or over Internet and spread it as wild fire.

3. This PM of ours is old soon you will see new PM with change thinking.

4. Yeah you people don't get to vote but we can surely vote to get the govt. of our choice.

No, there is a limit to everything. One can needle us only till we says enough is enough after that we are very bad for enemy remember 1971 or many movements/ happening in your home you blame us for.

Your usename suits your posting habits.

Don't worry about us. We are very good at diplomacy. Remember we are part of a handful of countries which have good relations with USA and Russia, Israel and Iran/Arabs etc.

Then why do Indians get hyper about Arabs/US helping Pakistan military. Regarding Russia, that country only has ties with India. Good or bad ties is different question hahaha. You guys want to have good relation with Iran something like Afghanistan so you have their land to be used against us. Never happened and Afghanistan is slipping fast isnt it.

Bahi ko visa nahi mila... :tdown:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Nice comment i came across on live fist - Wish Indian leadership thought this way.
Indian leaders and military should be prepared for a most likely chinese aggression in near future. The Chinese desire is to dominate the whole world economically and militarily. The way they behave is much more aggressive and insane than the nazi germany ever was. They are ruthless with their illegal occupation and claim of neighbors territory. If india doesn't give strong reply soon they will claim whole northern india as their territory.
for ur kind info,canada later on accepted the mistake.and allowed the visa.

the fact that is happened to begin with does say a lot though; there is also the Khalistani nationalists issue, but lets not bother with it for now

u.s have to stay in afghanistan,till that time watever u get ,u r free to get.btw that u.s denied the nuclear deal.the same u.s gave u blunt warnings every month.

Not everything we get is free; we are paying huge cost as well. As for nuclear deal, that is being negotiated on with Chinese. Rest of your post not sure what ur talkin about

btw u cant forget thae MR cameron remarks.now its ur job to think.

I dont need to ''think''....that happened a few weeks back. It's not really a big deal, it was a bigger loss for the UK in many ways. The meeting between DG-ISI and Mi6 was cancelled, at a crucial period when many NATO/ISAF troops are suffering casualties and need more effective and credible intel sharing.

By the way, Cameron had tailored his speech to foster to a purely hindustany audience. It figures why he said what he said to them, arent the britishers selling you some trainer aircrafts (which you couldnt even build locally at home)

russia came 4 us in 1971,n israel provided lgb's in kargil war.sorry 4 this dude.

and meanwhile --we were embargoed....which is why you had a strategic advantage; dont be sorry though....past is past, you'll get your 'dues' ;)

check wat we r doing with iran.we use their port. rest is ur job.

yes but U.S. pressure is preventing you from doing anything substantial with Chahbahar; by the way, is it fully operational and being used by the indians at full capacity?

yes rest is our job, we have Gwadar. No big deal. Competition is good.

regarding to arabs -->wat they have done in case of kashmir for u,how much support u get frm them.they never pressurised india.rest u can think.

you were the one ranting and raving about indian ''good diplomacy''

Not I, sir! I negated almost all of your statements though, therefore my job (as far as you are concerned) is done.

now go do some ''thinking'' of your own....seems that your brain is running on low fuel today

p.s. colouring your font red; increasing font size and other such tactics wont make your point anymore legitimate, or heard. It only makes you look like a bozo and an attention-whore. Keep that in mind.
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Tibet and Sikkim are more like "established" agreements. China's claim on Aksai Chin is due its interpretation of Tibetan boundaries - it claims Aksai Chin as part of Tibet. But if one had followed Chinese soundbites on Kashmir issue, it is clear that China considered Kashmir as internal matter of India and whatever dispute there was to it, was between India and Pakistan.

However this new meddling is a departure from its traditional stand and is unwelcome. Things will get sorted out just like that stapled visa issue. If China is serious about peace, as it usually claims, then there has to be more military to military contact between our two countries. If not, tensions will rise. IMHo, a very silly reason to deny a visa, just like those Canuks!

Tibet and Sikkim agreements, we have complied, but India has not, India has a lot of action in Tibet. We have not said something, do something to Sikkim, however, you have some tricks in Tibet. China and India, the two sides do not trust. Why? Because there is no clear and complete confidence-building measures.
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Nice comment i came across on live fist - Wish Indian leadership thought this way.
Indian leaders and military should be prepared for a most likely chinese aggression in near future. The Chinese desire is to dominate the whole world economically and militarily. The way they behave is much more aggressive and insane than the nazi germany ever was. They are ruthless with their illegal occupation and claim of neighbors territory. If india doesn't give strong reply soon they will claim whole northern india as their territory.

Damn. That definition suits USA and Israel more than any other country.

Red goes to USA and Orange is for Israel. Fits perfectly well.
Come to think of it, rather foolish decision by China! They need to make up their mind on Kashmir. China has every right to decide on Kashmir according to their policy, but they need to remember, Kahsmir come at an expense of India. Good Luck !
Don't try to deflect the discussion by pulling the racism card.

I am not a racist nor do I support racism. Period

Democracy is a great equalizer and not what you opine

Err no you so definitely have NOT, again don't deflect the discussion if you got nothing of substance to back it up. My initial question was very clear

Is this comment made in context to controlling southern Asia? I'm assuming you don't economically or technological innovations etc.

The ‘Art of war’ is about diplomacy and about making allies. It is about how nations should conduct. It is about positioning and its not about controlling
I am not a racist nor do I support racism. Period

Democracy is a great equalizer and not what you opine


Dude why all the democrazy yacking? China has negated this rule of democrazy being the ebst form of governance so did UAE.

So please.
Tibet and Sikkim agreements, we have complied, but India has not, India has a lot of action in Tibet.
What do you mean by lot of action? India is NOT sponsoring any armed rebellion or even any political groups AFAIK.
China and India, the two sides do not trust. Why? Because there is no clear and complete confidence-building measures.
True that. But this kind of provocation does not help in building CBMs.
What do you mean by lot of action? India is NOT sponsoring any armed rebellion or even any political groups AFAIK.

True that. But this kind of provocation does not help in building CBMs.

This will not hide the talking, in fact many times India making trouble for China in Tibet, what we do in Sikkim?

This is a source of confidence-building measures, not harm each other important interests, but India has action and speech.
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What do you mean by lot of action? India is NOT sponsoring any armed rebellion or even any political groups AFAIK.



C'mon guys give it a rest.....enough.

China did a thing and Indian response was immediate and to me sufficient.

Though I firmly believe one week later the Indian General will be on an Air India flight to Beijing and the Chinese army men on their way to NDC in Air China.

For those fanboys of Indian diplomacy the best tool in man mohan arsenal is crying crying and more crying. Cry to USA for millitary hardware sales, cry to China for nuke sales, Cry to arabs for free petrol, cry to whole world about flood aid, cry to srilanka about buying ammunitions from Pak heck even cry to Vietnam for buying guns..does this Indian crying ever stops?? NO..does it make any difference..NO?? Everyone just ignores the bozo called India and resume business as usual..where is the Indian diplomacy?? Diplomacy is the name of achieving goals by exerting pressure. And unless you are an established power you cant do that by much extents. In todays world only two diplomatic languages are well understood. First American and second chinese. The Indian language only works for tele sales albeit with a bad accent.

Man Mohan after his visit to Saudi boasted about "aggrement to buy fuel at market price" wtf??
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